my dearest
i finally relinked your blog.
i really really think that its time you stop changing your blogs or locking or deleting or doing whatsoever things to your blog.
do you know that you are doing a truckload of injustice to your loyal blog readers like me! :P
really just stop it.
it is irritating!
on a side note, why are you
why the mur-c huh?
shouldn't you be Ritter Sport!
Stef, you and my favourite $2.95 Schokolade! haha!
you guys must be kena influenced by your dearest,
German rocks my socks yeah!
heh. suddenly feel like posting our photo here...
nostalgic feelings return whenever i see it.
we look so innocent in there..
what has become of us?
what has NUS done to us?
what has xxx, booze, partying, clubbing, pubbing etc etc etc done to us?
but we the saggi buds vow to never ever touch genting!
hehe (: our secret code word!
i wanted to write "i miss you" but i don't feel like :P
cos i see you in school everyday ma!
i sorta miss infant a little... sshhh... don't let her know, if not she will yaya papaya de!
alrights, i think this is a totally utterly randomly post.
must be the effect of late nightssss, cough, drugs, tutorials, lectures, hongkongies, and NUS.
gonna sleep soon! if not you will start laughing at my eyebags and terrible dark eye circles. ):
rahhs... i shall laugh at your ahzema! (sic) HAHA!