Tuesday, April 15, 2008

awfully chocolate interview.

once again, kesleen and i went out together.
oops. the other seven sisters will get jealous again!
but this time round, we are out for business! (:

look at the gloomy weather.
seems like a bad omen.
and miss kesleen is forever late!
i am lucky to be waiting beside a CD shop,
playing Andy Lau's songs!
I love his songs! (:

then took bus 10 over to awfully chocolate office.
what a long bus ride.
motion sickness for kesleen.

finally arrived at awfully chocolate.

classy door.
there were no big signboards indicating its presence.
just one pretty sign.
Aston Specialties is also along that stretch of shop houses.
(wanna go try Aston one day!)

went up onto their simple and nice office.
their chairs are those business class seats on commercial flights!
haiya, didn't take a picture of it!

went for the interview individually.
me, then kesleen.
quite scary.
it was fun but scary.
three versus one!
its an interview for the quick witted.
not for the weak hearted.
tell me how are you supposed to sell a christmas tree to your customers at this time of the year?!
arghhh.. i crapped. badly. ):

finally we got out of the place,
without the slightest idea whether or not we will get a job there.

oh ya, and the GM was from TJ too.
the GM and another girl that interviewed me was from NPCC.
haha. suddenly feel that everyone is so linked.
the world is so small and there are bound to be similarities among humans.

Kesleen and i decided to head down to the city area.
took bus 14 all the way to Suntec.
camwhored a little on the bus to prevent her from getting motion sickness!

i only have two of the photos.
the others are in her camera.
but she hasn't upload them yet.
now she can finally understand what a camera-owner feels like.
stressed and often reluctant to upload photos due to laziness.

reached Suntec.
walked all the way back to City Hall MRT,
and to Raffles City, for Cafe Cartel.

the amount of food we ordered!

we shared a set of pork ribs.

905 on the menu! (:
gee. i think i can be a cafe cartel waitress instead!
if i get a job at cafe cartel, my friends will get to have 20% discount!
sounds good eh?

they are having a promotion now.
pork ribs comes with soup of the day-corn soup. (eeks!)

and a cup of ice peach tea.
and cafe cartel's soup of the day is forever corn soup!
and i hate corn soup! (*pui*)

cafe cartel home-made bread!

i helped to serve kesleen lo.
help her cut the bread! what a nice waitress (:

while she sat down and camwhored!
how nice of her!

initially we only wanted to have a drink,
sit down and chit chat.
but we ended up ordering do much food after looking at the menu.

this is a must try oreo milkshake!
yum yum! (:

you can really taste the oreo bits in the drink.
yet, it does not seems too disgustingly big,
making it just the right size to be swallowed. (:

yeah! (: we chatted over the food and drinks until almost 6pm.
very very bloated!
we foot the bill, getting another 10% discount by flashing kesleen's student pass.
haha. and the waiter asked a weird question.
something like:
"was that your primary school student pass? they didn't change it for you ah?"
HAHA! i bet he didn't believed that it was kesleen in the picture!
yes, it doesn't look like her at all!
i shall post her primary school photo here one day. :P

parted with kesleen at City Hall MRT station,
and i went off venturing alone,
in search of NUS Guild House in Suntec.