Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

singing karaoke at home with your computer! :D

feeling bored at home this xmas!! :D
fret not! sing karaoke here!!

:D try my heart will go on! its the easiest song! :D
haha! my highest is 7037 for singing difficult!!!

Everyone should try lo! its so fun and addictive!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

mac christmas advertisements

I can do anything

Tree Trimming

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

lala lala lala elmo's world! :D

hello boys and girls!

I am back.
after going through the disappearance act for quite long, i am finally back!

was busy with:
  • household chores ):
  • spring cleaning ): which adds on to the household chores
  • Shopping! :D
  • Sims 2 :D
  • Reading (:
  • Photo taking with dear (: [PHOTOS UP ON DEAR'S BLOG]
  • making appointments and queueing up ):
oh ya!! :D
Good news everybody! :D
i am starting my driving lessons this Saturday! :D
YEAH MAN! :D thrilled!
i wonder if i will get to drive on the first lessons.

oh, but having my lessons on this Saturday was at the expense of my NP's Sentosa Gathering!
aHHH.. sorry people! ):
next time ya! :D

Last friday, my brother and i went on a crazy cycling trip from our house to East Coast Park and back home!
it was a OMG trip!
my butt REALLY HURTS! ):
in total we cycled around 20km!
I think i am so cool man! HAHA!
oh, and my brother brought me to the ECP's nice duck rice.
really not bad la. (for a person who dreads eating duck rice, i finished it without complaining leh!)

oh oh, and my beloved brother brought me a birthday present!
haha! its supposed to somethings magical and "in" nowadays.
i shall post it up when i have gotten it. (:
Thanks a million my brother!

and i really don't what i want for my birthday present la!
i will try my best to think and crack my brains then i tell you all kkz.
Anyway, like what kesleen said, the best present is an angbao! :D
WAHAHA! i agree!
contribute to my iPhone fund la. :P

erm, i have decided to stick to my brown K800i for now!
i am still loving it this ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ much!
though the alarm clock pisses me off! ):
i doesn't ring whenever i am charging it!

okies, i am done with blogging!
I just received a letter!
i suspect its from enfant bay chun hui! :P
haha. i shall go open it liao.
bye people! (:
will update again soon! :D

P.S. 1year and 11months of loves ♥♥♥

Thursday, December 11, 2008

beautiful rainbows

a beautiful song with beautiful rainbows.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

♥ my birthday celebration at our secret place ♥

Here are a few of the photos that i have selected that i really really liked! :D

i tried to take a picture of us in the lift.
but i ended up taking a picture of the sunset behind us.

reddy one.

bleahs. :P

hand in hand

♥ heart to heart ♥
♥ swarovski loves ♥


smile :D

the zoomed in capisums

♥ the secret place ♥

here we had our "lantern-lit" dinner. (:

the lantern.

the dinner.

the banana smoothie.

the dessert.

the finished.

the happy me!

the forced smile him!

the sleepy dear dear!


the sleepy us!

happy happy post exam day. :D
ich liebe dich!

to view the other photos taken on the day please visit my facebook album!
everyone should just get a facebook account! :P

there are many many things yet to be done.
many places yet to be visited.
many words yet to be said.
many loves yet to be expressed.
much more understandings and imperfections to be seeked.
may there be lots of time for us.
for the many many missions yet to be accomplished.
as we wait patiently.
for that moment,
that moment in time where it leads to a lifetime.
hopefully more than a lifetime...

Ello world!

Ello world!
I am back after such a long time.

The reason for not blogging for such a long time was simple.
Officially ended my exams on the 1st of December. :)

2nd of december, finish planning my timetable for next semester!
all because i needed to book my german lectures.
oh my god la! next semester's timetable is gonna be quite bad. ):
hopefully my wednesdays will be free! :D
looking forward to my four day work week! :D gee!
did some last minute packing, making sure that everything was in order and nothing was left out.
went to the library in the later afternoon, and borrowed four books.
really nice ones, i just finished one. :D
Peony in Love.

left for malaysia on the 3rd of december! :D
Penang from 3rd to 6th.
and KL from 6th to 8th.
was a shopping trip ba.
but the rewards aren't abundant.
didn't buy a lot of clothes la.
the sales was apparently not very much.
It was a peak season with the long holiday of Haji, and yet, there weren't much tourists around.
Business was poor.
Had pretty much of an "adventure" in KL.
Shifting hotel rooms, nd shifting hotel entirely!
i will blog more about that later ba.
haha! ): it wasn't a great memory to be engraved in my supposingly happy shopping trip.

yeah, i shall start blogging soon.
before more events starts to take place and i wont have time to blog.

meeting dawn and sheena for dinner tomorrow night.
having a family gathering on the 21st. :D
finally after so so long....
I miss my dearest niece, nephew and erm.. my xiao biao jie!!
maybe i shall make a trip down to marcus's (my nephew) house one of these days!

just a random picture i found.
mabelle and i.
taken when i was baby sitting her this june. :D
Seven sister gathering on the 27th!:D
and probably a NP gathering of my squad in time to come. :D
happy happy happy! :D
those who are free, please date me :D

oh, but of course, i still have the task of spring cleaning my room. ):
i hate spring cleaning!!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

damn those t e r r o r i s t!

stupid freaking t e r r o r i s t s!
can they just stop trying to take over the world.
just stop all their violence and killings la!

Stupid shit!
creating so much havoc and chaos.
i really don't know what the hell is going through their mind.

instigating fear in hope that people will listen to you?

sometimes, i just hope that the world will just end!
End off all these shit and everything can start all over again from scratch.
From how everyone is innocent and all.
no more killings,
no more bombings,
no more deaths,
no more living in fear.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hokkien Ratatouille!

darn funny!
i miss speaking hokkien! haha! :D

just kill me.

spare me the misery.
kill me now.
SSA2204 is freaking me out!

bless that whoever that cheated me into taking this module.
I will strongly discourage people like me to take this module.
unless if you can S/U then that is totally a different story.

and i am so gonna S/U it.
confirm will pull down my CAP lo. ):
though i don't even know what I will get for my other subjects.

CM1101 was fine.
I could do most of the questions.
Most. But there are people around who could do all of the questions.
ALL as in they attempted all questions even though they only had to do 4 out of the 5 questions.
and these people freaking had time to finish all 5 questions and check through their paper.
When i barely even have the time to breathe in the midst of all the intensive thinking and writing that has to be done for the 4 questions that i attempted!
There are just too many smart people around.
Maybe after moderation, those that get A* will be those that attempted all questions and get FULL MARKS for all 5 questions.
and those that get A and A- will be those that get full marks for attempting 4 questions.
and for people like me who attempted four questions didn't get full marks..... ):

alrights. ): stop the complaints!
I need to go study. ):
for my most dreaded subject for now.

the next most dreaded will be CM1111.

please can someone bullet train me to 1st dec?
i wanna get it over and done with.
sounds so like my A level time.
Oh, but no, please do not bullet train me there first.
at least let me have time to practise and study for my maths and stats.
This is the only module that i can do well in.

Friday, November 21, 2008

♥ is...

taken from a walk to remember.

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful.

From the bible:
Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense.

in case you are wondering, i am not Christian.
but i do think that weddings in Churches are beautiful and fairytale-ish.

A Ring Is Round And Has No End..
♥♥ ♥♥

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Taylor Swift - Fifteen

From Taylor Swift's new album - Fearless
(Taylor Swift is 18, same age as me.
born on the 1989. Birthday: 13 December.
woah, and here she is writing songs, releasing albums,
having so much fame, being so so successful.
WHAT ABOUT ME?!! I am still studying miserably in NUS. )':
i should be terribly ashamed of myself.)

you take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
its the morning of your very first day
you say hi to your friends you aint seen in a while
try and stay out of everybodys way
its your freshman year and youre gonna be here
for the next four years in this town
hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
you know i havent seen you around, before

cause when youre fifteen and
somebody tells you they love you
youre gonna believe them
and when youre fifteen
feeling like theres nothing to figure out
well count to ten, take it in, this is life
before you know who youre gonna be

you sit in class next to a redhead named abigail
and soon enough youre best friends
laughing at the other girls who think theyre so cool
well be out of here as soon as we can
and then youre on youre very first date
and hes got a car
and youre feeling like flying
and youre mamas waiting up and youre thinking
hes the one
and youre dancing round your room when the night ends
when the night ends

cause when youre fifteen and
somebody tells you they love you
youre gonna believe them
when youre fifteen and your first kiss
makes your head spin round but
In your life youll do things greater than
dating the boy on the football team
but i didnt know it at fifteen

when all you wanted was to be wanted
wish you could go back
and tell yourself what you know now

back then i swore i was gonna marry him someday
but i realized some bigger dreams of mine
and abigail gave everything she had to a boy
who changed his mind
and we both cried

cause when youre fifteen and
somebody tells you they love you
youre gonna believe them

and when youre fifteen, dont forget to look
before you fall
ive found time can heal most anything
and you just might find who youre supposed to be
I didnt know who i was supposed to be
at fifteen

la la la la lala la la la lala la la la la

your very first day
take a deep breath girl
take a deep breath as you walk through the doors

A very good song. (:
looking back to when i was fifteen.
yeah. totally immature/childish i would say.
was talking about our past with dawn and sheena that day.
Particularly, our past when we were fifteen.
(when we first became closer friends.)
Thus this song sorta reminded me of our conversation that day.
I guess we have all grown up.
we are all mature adults who do not live with regrets.
or at least live with minimum regrets.
Probably 'cause when we were fifteen we made the right choice.
but for some others, they weren't as lucky.

I love the chorus so much:
"cause when youre fifteen and
somebody tells you they love you
youre gonna believe them"

it is so true. for a fifteen year old.
tsk tsk tsk. my brother is 15 this year!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Marie Digby new song! NICE!! Stop me (this time)


the sound quality here sucks. ):

i'm infected it's like a disease
like poison, you touched me, my heartbeat
it's spreading so sweetly
what are you thinking.. when we're this close?
i count on the space that i keep
guards up in towers they're watching, they're waiting
don't hurt me
the walls that protect me, keep me inside
i hate it when we say goodbye
alone for the rest of the night ... without you

tonight, i am waiting for you
to call me when you're not supposed to
i've been trying to send you signs
the doors to me are hard to find
so stop me, stop me, this time...

you kiss me goodnight on the cheek
each time it gets closer to my lips
or am i imagining
the parking lot's empty
so kiss me again

i hate it when we say goodbye
alone for the rest of the night with you

tonight, i am waiting for you
to call me when you're not supposed to
i've been trying to send you signs
the doors to me are hard to find
so stop me, stop me this time..

Andrea Bocelli sings Elmo to sleep

Naughty Elmo put to sleep by Andrea Bocelli singing lullaby.
"Elmo doesn't wanna,
Elmo isn't tired,
Elmo want to stay up!"

Finish watching the whole thing,
its so funny behind!

and you can actually see Elmo's big huge eyes closing! HAHA! pink eyelids elmo has. (:

Friday, November 14, 2008

forever late!

dawn CHua kai lu is late again!
and she still got the cheek to tell me that she is punctual recently.
What the SHIT! punctual!
*my favorite emoticon on msn*

this is not the best part.
the best best part is, i am now waiting for her at the bus stop.
While i am typing this.
Tell me where got people use laptop at the bus stop one/
i think those who walk pass will think that i am some yaya papaya la!
): damn. i am not.
i Just neeed a little little bit of entertainment to fill up my life while i am wasting my 20minutes waiting for this friend of mine!
i think she should treat me lunch!
or at least fruit juice!
like what kes did to stef.
i shall ask fruit juice from her!!
okies she is here!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

those waiting for Starhub to bring in iPhone? don't bother!

The million dollar question, "When will Starhub bring in the iPhone?"
is finally answered.

and the answer is not looking too good for me. ):

"...Singapore's second largest mobile operator will not be able to bring the gadget in this year.

But the telco is continuing 'dialogue with Apple', he said adding, 'At this particular point in time we cannot be specific when we will have it in our stores... they (Apple) have their priorities signing on distributors.'"

-continue reading here

damn that Starhub.
Shouldn't have signed up student plan with them,
if not for their unlimited sms, i wouldn't have bothered getting a line that has such poor reception in the East.
So now, Starhub has said that iPhone is not coming this Christmas,
there goes my birthday and Christmas present.
yucks la!
and this further confirmed the email that Singtel sent me earlier is true!

haiz. How? what's my next step?
i am formulating plan B already!
actually plan C is out too!
(: hee.
see how it goes la.
damn Starhub!
spoil my wonderful day la.

my happy lucky day!

nah, a kiss to the world!

I am so HAPPY today!! :D
i finally "found" my lucky card back!
"found" because i never knew that the card went missing in the first place!
haha! :D
Really happy to have gotten it back.
save me from all those sleepless nighhts, worrying about whether or not it will be thrown away!

the second thing that makes me so happy today is my results!
haha! 41/55 for one of my core modules.
finally man. at least its of a decent grade.
comparatively, this result may not be very good,
but i feel good about it,
so those who got a lot a lot better results, please just shut up and let me rejoice in my peanuts land!

Third, which is related to the second thing, was my lab report!
the one that we had to do individually!
and i got an A+ for it!
first time i got A+ for a lab report lo!
:D Happy is feeling happy happy happy!!

nothing will dampen my mood today!
meeting sheena and dawn tonight for dinner!
it was supposed to be a monthly thing, but what happened to last month's one ah?
haha. never mind, let's just enjoy ourselves this evening!

oh, when i mentioned sleepless nights just now, i really meant sleepless!
i spent about 1 hour flipping and churning around on my bed, in my blanket!
i don't know why. but i just couldn't fall asleep.
I guess was way past my bedtime.
oh, did i mention that i went to bed at 2plus last night,
and i wasn't asleep even at 3 plus.
now, i understand why is there a different verb for going to bed and for sleeping in German.
I think, it is most applicable to people like me!
going to bed time ≠ to falling asleep sleeping time.

on this separate side note,
i hate friends who are selfish.
this is pertaining to my best friend's friends. (or groupmates, according to my definition.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i hate smokers!

Watch this video! :D
girls hate smokers.
okay, no.
good girls hate smokers.
me = good girl = hate smoker! :D
kesleen = good girl = hate smoker!

anyway i love the video!
extremely cute!
but whats with that slang..
too slang-ish for my liking..
(they are supposed to be hongkongies,
and hongkongies are known for their slang,
then why is John Yip's English like that?)

and most importantly, derive your own moral of the story from this video! (:

Monday, November 10, 2008


it is scary.
how i have been losing things and finding them back again unexpectedly.

its scary.
how i have been meeting weird people/strangers in my everyday life.

in conclusion, scary things have been happening to me recently.

not really the word,
but bizarre is.

i wonder if its a matter of luck or what.
and i didn't even know that i lost this certain thing!
oh man. feeling rather guilty about it. ):

my latest creation,

suddenly feel that my photoshop skills deproved a lot. ):

anyway, my tuition kiddos' mom called this morning.
two of her kid performed quite one for their exams.
one of the two performed particularly well!
but there is the other one still borderline case.
(i am taking three kiddos. they are siblings.)
so apparently their mom recommended me to her friend,
who, according to her, is extremely rich!
but this friend of her stays in Serangoo.
those private housings aka landed property in Serangoo.
haiz, but Serangoo is so so out of place!
(though its all on purple line, but still. ):)
yeah, so i told her that i don't think i can take it. Too far.
then she say, but she is really rich!
"get $500 from her every month la.
every session can just cab down and cab back!"
woah! cool huh.
but sadly and stupidly, i rejected.
haha. seriously no time i think.
what a Good Opportunity!
can't believe that i actually rejected it!
i really feel like taking it up!

If i took it, I think i earn at least $700 per month.
and within 4 months, i will earn enough money to go for my language immersion trip to Germany!
argghh.. why did i give it up!?

Sunday, November 09, 2008

seven sisters (:

i really miss those days.
those were the good times.
found these photos saved in my blogger's draft.
dated march.
that was so so long ago.
it has been so long since we last had a full attendance gathering.
okies, i admit the previous one was ME that was absent!
Tur mir leid! ): i'm sorry!
nowadays communication between NTU and NUS people is sparse.
or rather nil!
everyone is so busy.
glad that i still have stefanie and kesleen with me.
(although we are like some muggers always discussing about our assignment and lab reports!
must be due to the influence of that RUSSEL!
but still i love you girls!
To all seven sisters, lets meet up soon!
and its time that we get presents for those whose birthdays passed for 9MONTHS!
its really time.
haha. :P 'cause i have an ulterior motive!
so that i can get my birthday present too! :D

anyway, all the best for your exams! :D JIAYOU!
looking forward to seeing you girls!
enjoy the long overdue photos!
at Azabu Sabo Marina Square!
and Macs dessert!
(oh and look out for some of the wonders that my darling reddish camera performed!)

Saturday, November 08, 2008

i'm yours (:

watch it! you won't regret!

our album artwork! :D

hee (: i cant find any album artwork for this song,
so i have decided to improvise :D

Now playing: Till the end
via FoxyTunes

drawing lewis structure with Microsoft Word

was doing my Cm1101 assignment,
which is due on monday 12 midnight!!!
so, i attempted to draw Lewis Structure with Microsoft Word:mac.
It sucks ok,
don't bother trying.
This was the final product:

it was so ugly unsatisfactory that i have decided to take the extra step to download ChemSketch 11.0.
don't worry, its not illegal. FREEWARE! (if its illegal i won't be as dumb as to post it up here right?)
oh, but damn the ChemSketch, it is not compatible with Mac though.
but obviously my darling MacBookPro can handle this :D

finally. done downloading.
gotta start learning how to use ChemSketch!
i tell you, it is seriously not user friendly la! ):

oh gosh, i still have to think of how on earth am i going to draw the MO diagram?!!
with Microsoft Word:mac?!
i will try.

Monday, November 03, 2008

my restless day + some random rantings

today was a rather bad day in school la.
stoned my whole day through.
everyone is asking me why am i so tired. but the fact is that i slept quite early lo. ):
so i dunno why are those dark things under my eyes there.
my eyes are really tired. i need intense cooling and uplifting remedy on them.

Project comp celebration tomorrow.
SSA test this wed.
CM1101 lab this thurs. need to do formal lab report.
German oral this Friday.

SSA test, i will try my best.
i am quite prepared to SU it, but still i will try my best.
to all those who wanna take SSA2204, this module is indeed interesting,
but when it comes to tests, can die. unless you are really good!
good in the sense that your critical thinking skills are there.
I guess, this module really did some spicing up of my brain cells la.

German oral.
wah, i really feel like giving up sia.
stuck with two unfriendly groupmates that i cant communicate with.
i bet there will be lots of awkward moments throughout the whole oral.
and damn it la.
certain people are always late.
and i wonder why are things done so slowly.
i really wonder why. ):
damn it.
i will perform my best during the individual and the other part, i guess i will have to leave it to fate.

tomorrow's project comp celebration was supposed to be at sakura.
*edited they changed it to seoul garden. rahhs... ): have to cook ourselves!
damn. can they cook for me? pleassseee....
heheh (: i am so so anti-sakura.
I think sakura sucks la! :P
the sashimi is so smelly.
not fresh. ):
there is this hotel in little indian area, near mustafa that serves not bad sashimi at a cheaper price.
$30 plus for buffet.
one of the bestest cheap and good service & food place that i went.
i am so going back there again.
(even though it is situated in an area of singapore that i would try to avoid.)

speaking of food, i miss the food at tiong bahru market.
i miss those days whenever we had gathering at my grandma's house and we will ta bao food over to her house and enjoy it together.
the desserts is good.
the porridge is superb!
the you tiao is yummy!
lou mee is not bad.
the coffee from the right hand side coffee shop below the block is damn nice.
oh man.
i miss those times,
when all of us will sit together,
talk and enjoy the delicious food.
grandma will buy additional food like char siew with the red sauce that i love!
she will cook some delicious tonic soup.
and we will all sit around the table, that is if we can all squeeze in.
if not we will just talk turns to have dinner. (:
those are the days.
those were the days.
haiz. yeah lo.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

i did not!

dawn chua kai lu!!!
i just read your untrue blog post.
eh, what i don't want to camwhore with you huh?
who didn't help me seat beside her huh.
and and...
if i did i wouldn't be sitting beside you right?!!!

you are like the first and only person i camwhored with throughout the whole of yesterday.
almost every picture has you inside lo!!! :P
you go seee!!! its really EVERY PICTURE!!!! :P
(except for those with my boyfriend and my favorite senior who flew back!!)
so cool huh.
desmond got a melanine origin surprise gift on his BIG DAY!!

eh, and thanks to you dawn chua kai lu.
now everyone knows who my favorite senior is liao la.
it was supposed to be a secret can!
haha. and i realised i have given labels to a lot of my seniors! :D

hehe (:
i am still young!
~ can afford to be childish.
after typing this whole thing,
i feel that its sorta childish.
but, i don't care!
:P its my childish blog! :D

Here are the evidence of me camwhoring with you:
individual somemore! :P
you lost. i won!

see i even take the effort to upload all the photos that i took with you on my blog leh!
i din even upload the photos i took with my boyfriend lo. (:
see see... i emerge victorious! :D

Desmond and Sarah's wedding! :D

The bride was pretty,
the Groom looks so cool in his No. 1!
They make a really sweet couple.
the long awaited day.
Pictures speaks a thousand words...
so enjoy the pictures, they are already uploaded into facebook.
Here is the link!
and for those who still don't have facebook, can you please go get a facebook account!!
haha! its really useful! helps people keep in touch! :D

i think this is a very nice song for a wedding.
happened to chance upon this song.

Till The End - Till The End

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

i passed!

done! :D
i passed my FTT!
on my second attempt.
i give myself a pat on the shoulder.
well done!
i love you joan! :D
Ich liebe dich.

time to mug hard for german vocabtest.
which is tomorrow.
and complete my stupid lab report.
which is due tomorrow too.

sleeping late again tonight.
that's when panda eyes start forming.
hopefully, my investment in l'oreal is not futile.

Monday, October 27, 2008

bloggend auf deutsch.

Ich habe bin heute müde.
Ich stehe auf. (this actually means i wake up!)
Ich gehe schlafen.
Gute Nacht.
Alles Gute für morgen.

I am tired TODAY.
I am going to sleep.
Good Night.
Good luck for tomorrow.

i realised that there were so many mistakes la!
omg! ): lousy me.
must be the sleeping bug.

anyway, GOOD NEWS! I passed my E trial test today!
both trials! :D
yayness! :D
hopefully Frau Glück(lady luck) will be by my side tomorrow!

i hate printing

printing notes is a chore.
especially if you procrastinate and print STACKS of notes all at once!
serve me right.
i had a great time flipping papers.
never had i missed once.
i think i can work as a paper flipper.
anyone wanna employ me?

hmmm...i don't think i can find such a job in Singapore now.
In the 1980s probably.
But not now, Singapore is moving on to high tech, high wage industries,
cos they find that they can no longer compete with our regional countries in terms of low wage.
So what is gonna happen to those poor uneducated pathetic people like me, who can only flip papers?
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
widening of income gap, thanks to our bestest garmen.

woah. sounds so SSA2204.
what has that module done to me.
freaky! ~

bye. back to filing my disgusting STACKS of notes.
and studying for my FTT. ):

Sunday, October 26, 2008


my house feels so empty tonight.
i am lonely. ):

mummy spending the night at her friend's house.
Catching up.

Brother spending his night at his teacher's house.
Watching soccer.

I spend my night alone at home.
Studying for my FTT.
I think i wont be able to make it again.
The more i study, the more i think i am gonna flung it once more.
keeping my fingers crossed and twisted.