Wednesday, December 10, 2008

♥ my birthday celebration at our secret place ♥

Here are a few of the photos that i have selected that i really really liked! :D

i tried to take a picture of us in the lift.
but i ended up taking a picture of the sunset behind us.

reddy one.

bleahs. :P

hand in hand

♥ heart to heart ♥
♥ swarovski loves ♥


smile :D

the zoomed in capisums

♥ the secret place ♥

here we had our "lantern-lit" dinner. (:

the lantern.

the dinner.

the banana smoothie.

the dessert.

the finished.

the happy me!

the forced smile him!

the sleepy dear dear!


the sleepy us!

happy happy post exam day. :D
ich liebe dich!

to view the other photos taken on the day please visit my facebook album!
everyone should just get a facebook account! :P

there are many many things yet to be done.
many places yet to be visited.
many words yet to be said.
many loves yet to be expressed.
much more understandings and imperfections to be seeked.
may there be lots of time for us.
for the many many missions yet to be accomplished.
as we wait patiently.
for that moment,
that moment in time where it leads to a lifetime.
hopefully more than a lifetime...