Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ello world!

Ello world!
I am back after such a long time.

The reason for not blogging for such a long time was simple.
Officially ended my exams on the 1st of December. :)

2nd of december, finish planning my timetable for next semester!
all because i needed to book my german lectures.
oh my god la! next semester's timetable is gonna be quite bad. ):
hopefully my wednesdays will be free! :D
looking forward to my four day work week! :D gee!
did some last minute packing, making sure that everything was in order and nothing was left out.
went to the library in the later afternoon, and borrowed four books.
really nice ones, i just finished one. :D
Peony in Love.

left for malaysia on the 3rd of december! :D
Penang from 3rd to 6th.
and KL from 6th to 8th.
was a shopping trip ba.
but the rewards aren't abundant.
didn't buy a lot of clothes la.
the sales was apparently not very much.
It was a peak season with the long holiday of Haji, and yet, there weren't much tourists around.
Business was poor.
Had pretty much of an "adventure" in KL.
Shifting hotel rooms, nd shifting hotel entirely!
i will blog more about that later ba.
haha! ): it wasn't a great memory to be engraved in my supposingly happy shopping trip.

yeah, i shall start blogging soon.
before more events starts to take place and i wont have time to blog.

meeting dawn and sheena for dinner tomorrow night.
having a family gathering on the 21st. :D
finally after so so long....
I miss my dearest niece, nephew and erm.. my xiao biao jie!!
maybe i shall make a trip down to marcus's (my nephew) house one of these days!

just a random picture i found.
mabelle and i.
taken when i was baby sitting her this june. :D
Seven sister gathering on the 27th!:D
and probably a NP gathering of my squad in time to come. :D
happy happy happy! :D
those who are free, please date me :D

oh, but of course, i still have the task of spring cleaning my room. ):
i hate spring cleaning!!!!