Monday, November 03, 2008

my restless day + some random rantings

today was a rather bad day in school la.
stoned my whole day through.
everyone is asking me why am i so tired. but the fact is that i slept quite early lo. ):
so i dunno why are those dark things under my eyes there.
my eyes are really tired. i need intense cooling and uplifting remedy on them.

Project comp celebration tomorrow.
SSA test this wed.
CM1101 lab this thurs. need to do formal lab report.
German oral this Friday.

SSA test, i will try my best.
i am quite prepared to SU it, but still i will try my best.
to all those who wanna take SSA2204, this module is indeed interesting,
but when it comes to tests, can die. unless you are really good!
good in the sense that your critical thinking skills are there.
I guess, this module really did some spicing up of my brain cells la.

German oral.
wah, i really feel like giving up sia.
stuck with two unfriendly groupmates that i cant communicate with.
i bet there will be lots of awkward moments throughout the whole oral.
and damn it la.
certain people are always late.
and i wonder why are things done so slowly.
i really wonder why. ):
damn it.
i will perform my best during the individual and the other part, i guess i will have to leave it to fate.

tomorrow's project comp celebration was supposed to be at sakura.
*edited they changed it to seoul garden. rahhs... ): have to cook ourselves!
damn. can they cook for me? pleassseee....
heheh (: i am so so anti-sakura.
I think sakura sucks la! :P
the sashimi is so smelly.
not fresh. ):
there is this hotel in little indian area, near mustafa that serves not bad sashimi at a cheaper price.
$30 plus for buffet.
one of the bestest cheap and good service & food place that i went.
i am so going back there again.
(even though it is situated in an area of singapore that i would try to avoid.)

speaking of food, i miss the food at tiong bahru market.
i miss those days whenever we had gathering at my grandma's house and we will ta bao food over to her house and enjoy it together.
the desserts is good.
the porridge is superb!
the you tiao is yummy!
lou mee is not bad.
the coffee from the right hand side coffee shop below the block is damn nice.
oh man.
i miss those times,
when all of us will sit together,
talk and enjoy the delicious food.
grandma will buy additional food like char siew with the red sauce that i love!
she will cook some delicious tonic soup.
and we will all sit around the table, that is if we can all squeeze in.
if not we will just talk turns to have dinner. (:
those are the days.
those were the days.
haiz. yeah lo.