Tuesday, March 25, 2008

big feast photo (:

mommy invited dear to my house to chi da chan! (:
mommy cooking western!
lamb chops, chicken chops, broccoli, carrots, and the self improvised pumpkin soup.
sorry but there no pictures of my mom's cooking!
its secret recipe cannot be divulge. (:
hehe (:
but it doesn't look very fantastic also la. :P
but the taste is delicious!

all these pictures below is of quite low quality .
taken with a 1.3 mega pixel webcam only.

warming up...

first shot.

happy family.
woodstock, me, snoopy and dear. (:

woodstock 抢镜头!

mirror image!
done with my Macbook Pro (:
cool eh?

what is dear doing with my comb?

who cares?
conitnue cam-whoring. hehe (:

oh... comb hair for me ah? (:

and he bully me!
hit my head so hard! ):

hehe. guilty liao hah :P
forgive you la. (:

what is with that face huh?!
one eye big, on eye small!

no face!
he refused to camwhore with me ):

but i force him to!

then i refused to camwhore too!
snoopy cam whore himself. hehe.

see hide again.
naughty dear dear!
this is the thermal effect.
i did not tweak the colours at all! (:

i shall post an ugly alienated photo of dear dear. (:
hehe. one BIG NOSTRIL! :P

don't care naughty dear dear.
i camwhore with snoopy.

i love snoopy!!

tired liao le la.

*happy happy day dear dear (:*