Monday, March 31, 2008


the very first thing that i wanna blog about is that BOTH tk's boys and girls campcraft team got into finals!
okie, this post may be posted up is a little too slow.
i know many of you may have known about it already,
but still (:

Here are the top schools which got in Campcraft Finals:

The top Ten Boys Teams (not in order of merit) are:
Catholic High School (Team 2)
Jurong West Secondary School
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec Sch
Maris Stella High School (Team 1)
Marsiling Sec Sch
New Town Sec Sch
North Vista Sec Sch
Tanjong Katong Sec Sch
Victoria Sec (Team 1)
Yusof Ishak Sec Sch (Team 1)

The top Ten Girls Teams (not in order of merit) are:
Cedar Girls' Sec Sch (Team 1)
Crescent Girls' School (Team 1)
Jurong West Sec Sch
Marsiling Sec Sch
Nanyang Girls High Sch (Team 1)
North Vista Sec Sch
Orchid Park Sec Sch
Tanjong Katong Sec Sch
Yusof Ishak Sec Sch
Zhonghua Sec Sch

Congrats to both teams!
heard about their touching and tearing story.
kelvyn cried. jon almost cried also.
hehe (: can't wait to see what happens during the finals itself.

and thanks to jon for lying to me!
my heart stopped beating for a second when i heard that the guys didn't get in!
i was in disbelief and didn't know how to response.
i really really expected them to get in!

i was wondering what were the boys' team reaction.
apparently, kel and jon lied to them too.
HAHA! and a few girls cried for them!
what a heart warming scene.
and i didn't get to witness it!

i think there is always this strong bonding within the campcraft teams.
and within the squad with campcarft teams also.
and sadly, my batch isn't the campcraft team batch.
quiz team and proj comp's batch isn't as bonded.
or rather campcraft team batch always look a lot more bonded.
i am jealous.
why can't i be born in the campcraft team batch?
okie, that's not the point.

hehe. jon taught me this yesterday.
this is one of those pretty cool acronyms that is "coined" throughout the trainings itself.
(We Can Do It!)
coined this myself.
hehe. (:

Saturday, March 29, 2008

my first nuffnang ad!

please scroll down for updates. (:
kesleen did u see this line?

Open Your Heart and Make a Difference.
This is an ad initiated by a group of youth volunteers to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and its social implications.
There is a photography competition - Love +ve Photo Competition going on.
Just take a picture of something which you think represents love and also its connection to HIV/AIDS.
Submit the picture and get ready to win fabulous prizes!
BUT I just realised that the closing date is 19 MARCH!!! :(
i wanted to participate! ):
no worries (:
Just pop by Orchard Cineleisure foyer from 28 March, 5pm onwards till 30 March, 3pm,
and enjoy the top 20 shortlisted entries.
vote for your favourite entry and get to win the Voters' Prize,
which is S$50 heeren voucher and a stylish laptop messenger bag!
for more information, click here!

YEAH!! this is my first nuffnang ad!
yesh, means i get to earn money (:
i would prefer if you all visit my blog from work, from school, from home, from outside, from almost everywhere la.
('cause my earnings is based on the number of unique visits I get.)
hehe. i know my wonderful readers wont give up on me right?

p/s i will be uploading a lot of photos these few days. so for those interested in the photos, visit my blog! (:
*grins evilly*
(there is such a word, evilly. i checked the dictionary.)

Friday, March 28, 2008

the encounter!

i just came back from the toilet.
and guess what,
i bumped into hello kitty (the director!) when i turned the bent in the toilet,
yes, hello kitty!

oh, but she was quite cute!
she went, "oops sorry!"
in-a-little-too-high-pitched tone.
then, smiled a little (:

maybe she isn't that bad afterall.

zhirong saw her smiling and talking happily with one of the permanent staff too.

but still, she can look really fierce at times.
she sound like a two-sided monster human.

in office (:

story no. 1
snacking on crispy noodles with xiao rong now.
the boy on the crispy noodles is cute!

i bought the spicy flavoured one
xiao rong bought the chicken flavoured one.

and the spicy one isn't really spicy initially.
it should be named the salty one lo.
and the chicken one isn't very chicken too.
its just less salty than the salty one.

both xiao rong and i prefer the chicken one.
and that weird xian han like the spicy one.

so i spoke to the spicy crispy noodles,
"oh finally, you found someone who lke you!"
lamey joanie.

and xiao rong just said something very auntie-ish!
i was just asking her why she covered the opening of her crispy noodles with her cases.
and her answer was,
she is so auntie can.
(for the sake of xiao ha, i shall translate.
it means if not later wind will come out. )
direct translation :P
heheh (:

story no. 2
around 2pm just now,
xiao ha and i went up to the toilet.
yes, went up to the eleventh storey toilet.

and xiao ha bullied me. ):

she was telling me one of the scariest part of Rule #1.
narrating and narrating.

i was expecting something already.
something really scary.
i mean the whole story is cheesy.
i can imagine it in my head.

then, it came to the climax.
and she sorta BOO-ED at me!

oh my god!
obviously i was scared right?
and we sort of hugged each other la.
okie, she hugged me.
cos i was really scared.
like shocked!
and i screamed a little.
in my trembling, can-tell-that-i-am-scared (quoted from xiao ha) voice.

bad xiao ha.
bully me! :'(

story no. 3
it was noisy during lunch.
and xiao rong did two funny things.
i think if G was there, things would be even more interesting! (:
i think only fariha and xiao rong knows what i am talking about.

and i am feeling very full now.
i think i shall have light dinner with seven sisters.
liyong and jiawei wants to eat NYDC!
expensive ):
no money liao la.
i need to save up.
joan is a money and materialistic minded creature. :P

The Sms (:

received a text at 11.58pm on 26 March,
from someone far far away. (:
miss chua kai-lu dawn.
kai-lu with a hypen.

"Joan..i juz wanna say tat im
really glad u r my good
friend n im really fortunate to have u as my very very
best friend..its a sudden
emo-ness.. anw nights :)"

this sms all the way from China, Suzhou,
it made my night (:
happy happy happy!
and i am glad she is coming back soon! (:
my life is so bored without her lame-ness.
and i suddenly remember that i am happy and she is grumpy.
are you lost?
the legendary project comp instructors: snow white and the seven dwarf.

snow white: hongkai aka stupid friend!
Sleepy: Desmond
Sneezy: Lam yam
Grumpy: Dawn chua kai-lu!
Bashful: Guo hui
Doc: Sung Sheng
Dopey: fafa
Happy: ME!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

stupid old friend

i was talking to stupid old friend on the phone yesterday.
yes, that stupid old friend who called someone else stupid.
that stupid old friend who is so unwilling to help me visit my blog.
and that stupid old friend who enlightened me about clubbing.
thanks to that stupid old friend, i am very sure that i do not want to go clubbing.
that stupid old friend also led me into some insights of others' life.
and that stupid old friend has a pretty interesting life too.
that stupid old friend also lied about the macdonald deliver that never came.
that stupid old friend who caused me to sleep so late!
and caused my lack of sleep!
and i think that stupid old friend is also lack of sleep.
that stupid old friend kept on eating and eating while talking.
that stupid old friend kept on coughing and coughing and irritating me.
that stupid old friend refuses to take medicine,
and continued coughing into the phone, casuing my ear to hurt!

yeah. just a stupid old friend. irritating stupid old friend! :P

and i think irritating stupid old friend should not think too much.
sometimes its best to not think about things.
the more you think about things, the more it hurts.
and you may end up worrying about nothing.
so stop thinking so much!
and stop irritating me!
i will remember my macdonald treat!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ma lu day at work ):

i couldn't sleep now.
i am thinking of how i am i going to go to work tomorrow.
had this really ma lu day at work. ):

i was having cramps.
erm. yeah.
and it was painful like shit!
i tried to find the best and most comfy position to rest at my desk,
but things got worse.
like really very bad.

i started sweating profusely.
i could feel the cold beads of perspiration on my head.
my body felt hot.
but my sweat makes me feel cold.

things did not get any better.
so i told zhirong to accompany me to the toilet.
but i couldn't walk,
i was too weak to even walk.
the wole world was dark.
and i could feel that its happening again.

this is not the first time liao.
and i hate that this kinda feeling.
there is nothing that i can do.
except that to try and find a comfy position, which i can't.

i was sitting in one corner of the office.
like very la ta like that.
totally like unglam la.
then i could sense people started asking me questions.
and people suggesting things.
but i could not hear much.
there is a humming sound in my ears.
sorry to all those that i ignored.
i was really feeling very uncomfortable and irritated.
things did not get better even after sitting at that corner.
it became worse.
really damn painful!
i can't stand it.
i almost cried.
but thanks zhirong for giving me that pat on my shoulder, it helped a lot! (:

than, i was moved to another corner of the office where i get to lie down on straight on the floor.
i was lying in between the boxes and he metal containers.
and thanks lai ying for helping me find that place.
finally i found that comfy position that i had been trying to look for.

after lying down,
i could see that my world is turning brighter.
i can hear auntie alice offering her medicated oil.
i don't know what i replied.
but the next thing i know was that she was applying the medicated oil for me.
very pai seh leh.
and lai ying gave me a small little towel to cover myself,
it was really very cold over there.

and suddenly i saw auntie shirley,
she held my clammy hands and asked if i want to go home.
and i confirmed my house number and fell asleep.

can't imagine i actually fell asleep right in that weird little space.
feeling the warmth of the medicated oil on my stomach.
yeah. and the next thing i know was fariha waking me up,
and my mom was here to fetch me.
at least, i regained my energy to walk properly.

erm, and i think i sound like some primary school children falling sick,
or worse still like some nursery kids not feeling well and needs parents to pick them up.
my brother was laughing at me when he heard the story.
okie, i was laughing at myself too.
i am feeling rather pai seh leh.
like i dunno how am i supposed to face my working friends tomorrow.
hehe. not the youngsters, but the older people.
eh, i feel awkward leh.

nevertheless i gotta thank them properly.
like how? i dunno?
i really appreciate all that they have done.
and i am sorry to make mommy so worried.
luckily mom is not working this week.
if not i may have died of pain there. ):
stop laughing if you are,
i really cant stand pain. ):

oh, and on the way back ,
in the taxi, i was feeling very uncomfortable again.
because the taxi driver was driving a little too fast,
and when he turned, i could feel myself being thrown into a very uncomfortable position.
then, turned again, back to the comfy position.
sucks la.
i was feeling so relieved that i finally reach home.

then, at the lobby,
suay suay, i took the lift with this mother,
with three of her small kids.
her kids were lie quarreling very noisily.
and she was reprimanding them also.
i was feeling very very unwell cramped in the lift with them.
like i am about to explode anytime soon.
and my ears are ringing once again.
sucks la!
luckily i stay on the third level,
and i escaped from the lift immediately!

went into my room.
lie on my bed.
and slept!
woke up at around 3pm.

apologise (piano acoustic)

piano acoustic!
its too let to apologise..
its too late...

but i dunno what is that guy doing in the background.
i suppose there needs to be some for of drum beat.
haha. but i couldn't catch it though.

their disc can only be bought off iTunes store i think.

and please vote for them in The John Lennon Song Writing contest.
Voting period is from 19 March to 26 April.
Results will be announced on 1st May.
you can vote for them once per day.
click on the box: POP
and a pop up will appear.
key in your details, then confirm your email,
then vote for Alejandro ManzanoAll The While
click to listen to their song! (:
although the voting process is a little troublesome initially.
but do support them!
its worth it!

boyce avenue!

i am hooked onto this playlist!
(: really damn nice!

especially umbrella, with you and beautiful girl.
the with you is acoustic version!
so much nicer than the Chris Brown one!

notice that tattoo and beautiful girl are actually medley!

hate that i love you is nice too.
but sounds a little weird.
probably cause the song sounds sweeter when it is sang by two person.

umbrella is nice!
like really nice!
it became a touching song when he sings it.
no longer that not-so-nice bitchy song.

they are actually a band consisting of 4 members.

i dunno what happened to the last member not in the picture.

Alejandro Manzano:
Lead Vocals, Guitar, Piano
Fabian Manzano:
Guitar, Background Vocals
Daniel Manzano:
Bass, Background Vocals
Stephen Hatker:

more of their music here.(MySpace)
here. (YouTube)
thank you my BCF for introducing this band to me! (:
my BCF knows my type of song le.

so that my BCF can introduce it to me.

interesting tag board

i visited my cousin's blog,
and saw something very interesting.
its not the posts that she wrote that is interesting.
its all the comments on her tag board that is interesting.

it seems that there is a war going on on the tag board.
a war among her readers and some anonymous readers.
and the best part is the owner of the blog seems indifferent to the tags posted.
she is not replying,
just sitting back and watching.
really entertaining.
very interesting.

and to those kpo people,
its like none of their business also lo.
there are many kpo people in singapore.
typical singaporeans.
especially kpo blog hoppers!
oopsie.. i sound like one too (:

se7en gathering

stayover at jiawei's house on 29February2008!
what a memorable day! (:

everyone was late.
only liyong and i were early.
so we have decided to go in batches. (:
(sounds like some np thingy.)
1st batch: liyong and i.
2nd batch: kris and kes.
3rd batch: infant and stef.

poor infant.
i really pitied her!
cause i hang up the phone on her.
erm. yeah.
i am not very sorry about it. and i am not feeling remorseful yet also.
the conversation went like that:
infant: "see i am lie so chiam, being all alone in BK, waiting for stef."
me: "yeah lo.. so poor thing.."
"yesh, so you all better treat me better later hor!"
"erm.. that is a very difficult thing to do.."
infant *screams* "hey, YOU ARE A VERY DIFFICULT PERSON! BYE BYE!"
(i had to hold the phone about 1foot away from me lo!
and i bet everyone in BK turned their heads to look at her!)
so i put down the phone lo.
she said BYE BYE ma.
so loud somemore.
how can i not put down?

then, came a sms from jiawei's phone,
"please tell joan that she is not supposed to put down the phone.. [insert some text that will threaten me].."

okie. how would i know?
you said BYE BYE!
so i thought its time to hang up ma.
but according to the rest who just saw the message and heard the story,
they said that infant was trying to make me coax her.
erm. haha. sounds logical too.

however coaxing her is another very difficult thing for me to do.
irritating her is the only easy thing to do.
so i think in the end, i will be stepping on all her ten toes,
and she will be the one *kupping* down the phone on me!

hehe (: i think she will be super duper pissed after reading this.
YEAH! *mission accomplished!*

anyway, i did step on her toes the first thing she came in.
i commenting on her nurse-detective look alike dress.

forget what i said already. :P

some pictures:

charlie angel probably?
i think charlie devil is more suitable!

we had PIZZA!
pelican pizza. (:
hawanian pizza is highly recommended!
really cheesey!
(: the other one we ordered was the chicken one.
taste very much like capiscum.

didn't take pictures of the pizza,
cause my camera was still charging. ):
and pizza was sponsored by jiawei's mom!

and jiawei's aunts were there too! her family are really a friendly bunch of people!

after pizza, we slacked around for a while talking and discussing about our future.
and as we are not very clean,
with all of us coming straight from work,
except for the slacker liyong,
we took turns to bathe.

as usual, all of us fought to bathe first!
jiawei was first.
me second.
kristen third.
kesleen fourth.
liyong fifth.
infant sixth.
and stefy last.

since it was such a long queue,
we had decided to split into to two queues,
common toilet and jiawei's toilet.

jiawei's toilet for even numbers,
common toilet for odd numbers.

and the thing is both kesleen and i are in the even number one!
HAHA. and we bathe the slowest?
but luckily after jiawei and i bathed,
(i came out a little while after jiawei.)
we changed back to the initially plans of bathing only in jiawei's toilet!

and thanks to kesleen yeo fu ling
who flooded the toilet!
causing the poor cute big carpets,
in the shape of a pair of gigantic slippers,
to be totally soaked!
oh my god!
my hair+kris's hair+kes's hair+kes in ability to "kick" away the stuck hair
poor jiawei.
i wonder what did her mom say after seeing those slippers in a horrible state.

after all of us bathed,
it was movies time!
watched mean girls and white chicks.
ate chocs and potato chips that the lovely charlie devil bought for us.
(at least i said lovely hor!)

and they ostracise me!!
make me sit on the other small tiny weeny little sofa alone leh!
): just because i "kupped" the phone on infant.
hmph! ):

heheh. joking la!
i ostracised myself.
'cause i didn't want to squeeze in that sofa with the rest of them.
so i gave up my seat such that they will have more space and feel more comfy lo (:
so nice of me huh?

eh, the movies were sorta bimbotic.
not my type of movie la.
but funny though!
and very very vulgar lo!
the most vulgar word that i use is SHIT leh..
that two movies was an ultra mind-corrupting movie!
not for kids.

halfway through white chicks,
people started falling asleep.
people including me.
i think the only few who are still awake is kes, jw, phebe,
and stef for a while.
and they camwhored without me.
and they secretly took pictures of the sleeping people!

and finally we went to sleep when the movies are over.
we are packed like sardines. (:
cute sardines pictures (:

we were arranged according to the timing that we are waking up.
i was lying n the bed when i suddenly hear kesleen SNORING!
so kristen and i woke up.
commented on kes's loud breathing and we went back to sleep again!
HAHA. lame leh.
but i cant suppress the excitement to comment on her loud breathing.
then, slept for one hour plus.
and woke up at 7plus.
went off for girls' campcraft prelims.
and it wads raining damn heavily!
i could feel myself being blown away while standing at the MRT platform la.
and i was freezing!
the cold rain could reach me even though i was standing under shelter.
look at the wet floor!

hais. and that stupid HQ and serene BOO!
campcraft was canceled in the end.
it was postponed to 22nd March.
then, on 22nd March, after the morning trials,
it rained again,
so the afternoon trials were postponed again!
and the best part is they will be postponing till 29 March.
then right after all the trials on 29 March,
the results of the top 10 finalist will be announced.
and tightly after that.
will be the campcraft finals,
on 5 April.
seriously, what the shit la!
sorry digressed.

okie, (: finally, here are all the pictures.
and i am pretty lazy to caption them.

stef yawning.


liyong sleeping.

kesleen sleepy.

kristen sleeping!
she was really very tired that day.
it must have been tough working with kesleen.

no i think it must have been tough working at Starhub.
both of them asleep.

infant sleeping too!
she worked OT that day,
OT without being paid!
poor girl.

okie. i am sleeping too.

liyong and jiawei browsing through movies to watch.

cam whorers.

kes have no eyes!
stef has not very big eyes.
and liyong has damn big eyes!

okie. normal eyes! (:
pretty ladies(:

two pretty ladies with one siao cha bor kissing the air.

smile. angry. sad.
weird combination.
especially that happy one.

happy! happy! happy!
the one on the right looks like i dunno what leh!
so unglam la!

jiawei (middle one) look like tee ko pek!
must be influenced by her OGL during the pharmX camp!

weird combination again!

this photo is so blur!

smile. bleah. pout.
weird leh.
haha. i think they are damn random.

smile. fat(oops, if not what you call that). fake smile.
why is ly always smiling?

sleep. sleep. wide awake.
it is only when people are asleep then kes's eyes look bigger!

acting cute!

acting shuai.
and the one on the right acting unglam.

jiawei is smiling sheepishly.
hehe (:
must be tee ko pek's infleunce again!

seductive leh!

kesleen caught in action!
she was kissing jiawei!

see again!
liyong playing gooseberry!

threesome living happily ever after.

sleep. awake. stretch.

act innocent?

me in the background.
infant in the center ground.
and stef in the fore ground.

liyong on jiawei's shoulder.
so sweet~
what happened to kesleen?

oh. sleeping like a dead log!

camwhor-ing without that log!

all sleeping.
from the right:
kristen, kesleen, stefanie, infant.

and poor me. sleeping alone.
with our messy belongings in one corner.

oh messy belongings!


jiawei's attempt to take four of them.
1st try:

where is jiawei?

2nd try:

everyone's in... but..

3rd try:

not bad la.
and infant got bored.

4th try:

ahhh! finally!
not bad la! (:

the messy table.
with the chips.
the chocolates.
the drinks.
and many phones.

watching movie.

see liyong yawning!

everyone laughing at the show.
and i am taking picture!

My cam whoring time! (:
with my camwhore partner, kesleen!

why is my hair so messy?

cute hor?
hehe (:

liyong is eaten up!

six of us.

six of us with kristen's peace sign! (:

total unglam-ness!

the crooked fingers.

liyong. me. jiawei.

stef. liyong. jiawei. me.
i like this picture! (:

the colour is bad.
six of us.
kristen is too lazy to move over!

so i took with her alone!
but its blur! ):

six of us again.
and we are not ready.

movies finder.
and we took really long to decide on the movie.
we are very indecisive! hehe.

jiawei and i.
the normal color was ugly!
so i changed it.
though its still not very nice la.

liyong look so blur!
i mean literally!

kristen and kesleen!
the starhub D for dumb people!
oops! hehe (:

colleagues camwhoring!

nice picture!
i like it!
so sweet la!

this is nice too (:

i like this also.
and keslen's hair looks nice here!

threesome again.

threesome plus one extra person.


retarded kesleen with tomato!

introducing carrot and tomato!
they are really very hugable.
but thet have a sad life.
always being abused by their owners.
jiawei and her twin brothers.
tsk tsk tsk.

nice photo.
and infant looks quite fair here!

caught in act!
kristen and kesleen are culprits too!
abusing tomato!
pushing tomato's nose into itself.

nice photo.
very clear (:
nice smiles (:
demure girls (:

messy photo!
haha. not bad la.
nice too.
just that everyone looks out of place.

cosy picture! (:
carrot and tomato is so huggable!

cool huh?

liyong cam whoring with a sleeping charlie devil.

must be taken with flash!

infant wake up!

nice smiles (:

infant looks like she was trying to blow a kiss.
and kes is in the midst of blowing her kiss.
and liyong and kristen looks perfectly normal! (:

and that's the end!
i took really long to post all these up!
almost one month liao!
HAHA! sorry people (:

hope you all had enjoyed his long long post.
and see ya this friday!
let's camwhore again!
but i need to get my camera back first.