Tuesday, December 26, 2006

joan is shy!

+...gRumPy d0nK akA pebBle...+ [snow white&the 7 dwarfs] says:
yup.. joan is shy

yes, everybody, joan is SHY!!!
p.s. in EVERY CASE!

4A gathering!

21st dec, 4A class gathering.
attendance wasn't very good tho.
but still fun!
get to see many people whom i have not seen them for more than a year.

supposed to be a BBQ.
turned out to be pizza and KFC.
but it was nicer that BBQ.
cos i am a bit sick of BBQ food. (especially sausages.)

stayed over at daniel's house.
quite weird.
cos only minhui and i.
sorry that i neglected her in the first half.
but after that, we chatted till around 6am.

woke up at 740am.
left daniel's house.
went back to TK.
saw sec 1 registration.
i miss those times.
TK rOx!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

NP chalet

(koped from dawn's blog) sorry joan is lazy!
back from chalet on tues..n omg!! it rox!!! haha.. let start from e first day....

first day:sunday
went to meet joan at tamp.. as i was walking down e stairs from e mrt station.... i FELL!!! yes!!! in front of so many ppl.. i din bother to look back.. but i presume e ppl on e escalator can see tat i've fell.. n e ppl in front of me looked back.. haiz.. its super embarrassing.. ankle got e kinda sprain feeling.. wah.. nvm.. went to find joan who was with ming yao, jamie n sichuan.. keke.. later went to meet eng kiat, danial n hayati at e interchange.. den all go tgt.. haha.. so long din see hayati she still as cheerful as ever.. so cute ah.. haha.. on e bus.. it rained.. or rather.. poured!! so we alighted at e bus stop n waited for des to come n pick us up.. whee.. he came n we reached e chalet.. WOW!!! its super BIG!!! n really.. fairy point chalet 2.. i rem.. hee.. very very big.. gosh.. tat rox!! haha.. e proj com ppl were alr there.. gee.. den with all e fruits we bought.. wooh! couldnt go out to e bbq pit tat night coz it was raining.. so use those metallic kinda tray to use as e pit.. but e fire kinda burn e base n we have to put another tray below n very soon we kinda ran out out of tray (or were we not fast enough??) e charcoal dropped onto e table n it burned e table.. gee.. chao ta.... must pay lor.. n it cost $255!!! haiyo.. but bo bian.. had to cook some food n des went to prepare garlic crab sticks!! oh no.. it tastes very garlic-ish... haha..

second day:monday
its alr over 12am.. we (me, joan, MY, EK, SS, SC, danial n raja) walked all e way to changi village.. saw babok.. haha.. help buy ice cream n food n they bought beer.. den take cab back to e chalet.. den we played mind games.. as in tk instructors.. haha.. so funny!! esp joan.. haha.. MY gave her such a big clue le den she still dunno.. mayb coz she's too guillible.. to believe n rem wad HK said last time.. haha.. den played til 4 plus.. went out.. saw e rest watching Saw 3.. eeww... so i stood there n watch with my jacket covering my face.. den just when i turned ard e disgusting part occur.. e guy saw e old man's head.. as in.. slide e saw across lah.. *phew* haha.. den discuss for e retreat before gg to sleep ard 5.. with joan on e same bed!! haha..
suppose to wake up at 7.. or rather tat's e time they wanted to.. in e end.. joan n i woke up at 830 n e rest r still sleeping!! n tat EK who suggested to wake up at 7 did not!!! haha.. den joan, danial, ss n i walked to changi to buy breakfast for e rest.. gee.. came back.. not all awake!! went to wake them up.. had breakfast den i was taught how to play bridge.. tis poker card game.. haha.. its fun.. no more da lao er.. den wait from 12pm for e sec3s to come.. wait wait wait.. still waiting.. n finally ard 1.30 all of them came.. thanx ah.. n i think im very xiao qi when it come to np... coz its a retreat.. n its suppose to be something relaxing as well.. but when i see some of them leaning against e wall i'll think tat they shouldnt.. tho its ok.. afterall its a retreat.. den.. well.. yar.. xiao qi lor.. in e end i think they started they bbq ard 6 plus?? den we were upstairs waiting for des... wait til hungry le.. so i went down to get food for e few of us upstairs.. they were still trying to start fire.. den danial came n help.. fire starting.. hmmm.. it rain.. faster use umbrella.. asked e rest to go in.. den left with me, danial n afiq.. haha.. so cool lei.. bbq-ing in e rain.. fire started.. rain stopped.. bbq food.. haven finish a single bbq, it rained again!!! wah.. in e end carried everything back.. des went to buy a mobile bbq pit.. den they bbq indoors.. haha.. so tat's it.. den at night left with e sec3s n me, joan n des.. e 3 of us sat down n talk.. lol.. talk lor.. in e end still talk.. aft des sleep we still talk.. haha.. but i couldnt take it den we went to sleep.. tis time.. each one had a bed.. haha..

third day:tuesday
it rained e next day morning.. n all of us overslept.. as least e 3 of us.. i woke up ard 830.. den went out.. saw e sec3s.. den later went back in.. dunno should wake joan n des up not.. but thought let them sleep awhile more.. n i went back to sleep awhile more.. in e end woke up.. 930!!! n we're suppose to check out at 10!! haha.. faster get up to pack things.. den joan n i went scrubing e bbq pit thingy til des had sent all e sec3s out.. ok.. den our turn to get out.. des sent joan n i to textile centre.. went there to meet niff n joel.. surprising ba.. niff lei.. he asked us out.. very very surprised.. haha.. went to bugis to eat.. den played bridge there til joan wants to go home..

yea.. so this is e end of everything.. i miss chalet..

Saturday, December 16, 2006

song of a relationship between a mom and a child

我想更懂你。。 (i want to know you more)

this is currently my favorite song. the lyrics prove to be very true indeed.

very often our parents would like to know more about us, because they care. but, we do not understand their good intentions. taking it as though they are being nosey.
yes, its difficult to be a parent. but it is not easy being a child either!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Too many things to blog about.
but too lazy to blog.

  1. TK's 50th anniversary dinner and happy feet after the dinner
  2. Mabelle's birthday party!! (mabelle is CUTE!)
  3. New Ikea at Tampines
  4. New phone!! =)) (went to great lengths jus to get de BROWN phone!)
  5. KL shopping spree. shopping is madness!!
  6. and haiz..low BP.

many things have taken place in my life. in case, people starts thinking that my life is boring. i lead an HAPPY and INTERESTING life. its simply because i am unwilling to blog. it all voice down to plain laziness. =))

okie, for the upcoming events in my life in case i become even lazier to list them down.

  1. Magic of Love (15 dec)
  2. Kesleen's birthday! (16dec)
  3. HD treat! argh..摆家乐 why did you win? (16dec)
  4. Chalet! (17 to 19 dec)
  5. NCOs retreat (18dec)
  6. Gathering with xiu, gel, ding and ying! (20dec)
  7. 4A class BBQ (21dec)
  8. 8 sisters X'mas cum birthday celebration for Kesleen..sorry its so belated! (22dec)
  9. X'mas! no plans yet..sianz.. (25dec)
  10. Sheena's birthday (27dec)
  11. Echo's BBQ! (27dec)

there are still things that i have missed out. as timing still cant be confirmed.

life is complicated and unpredictable.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Song That Doesn't End

This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because..This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because..This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because..This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because..This is the song that doesn't end.
Yes it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue singing it forever just because..

and it repeats and repeats.. nice song for irritating people..

has anyone heard of this??
or all of you also have deprived childhood?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

my birthday celebration with 8ight sisters

(koped directly from 8ight sisters blog..)

hello!! had a wonderful day yest! MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATiON from the 8ight sisters(which they claimed that its not in the first place!)

okie, actually i was quite lazy to blog, but, hmmz... since the things that they did were so touching..(eh, sounds like *touch chin* hor?) it is right that i blogged!! (((=
and also because of that kesleen la! ash her to blog and she pretended not to hear me, staring at that small little xmas tree!

firstly, i am sorry for being late! hmmz..supposed to be meeting them at 530pm, but i reached at around 550pm!! sorry sorry.. then jiawei, lristen, liyong, stef and kesleen was already there.. did u see the previous announcement that was posted? it says meet at 530pm rite? and u know what!?? wow i am the only idiot that is supposed to meet them at 530pm! the rest met earlier at 430pm lo! make me feel like an idiot to have posted that announcement!! wahhaha!

AND THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! i asked liyong, "you all celebrating my birthday ah?" and she claimed that they were not!! so okie lo...WADEVA!

but, the six of them, including phebe, kept on whispering sweet nothings to one another throughout the dinner at swensens! and kristen ar, even more pro! she lip reads!!! i tried to lipread also, but they were covering their mouth too much! cant even see their lips to lip read lo! i was pretty scared at first, cos i thought that they are going to sabo me! however, i am glad that my group of 8ight sisters are very 慈祥 people! (quoted from kesleen!) they dun prank people de and it shall remain this way! ((=

they tried many ways to attract Phebe's attention as she has not written the card, and then, they even used my phone to msg her!! wah!! they make phebe say that she wana go to the toilet, and stef is supposed to go with her, and i spoilt their whole plan by volunteering to go toilet with phebe!!hehe..sorry la!! how i know right? and all of them burst out laughing when i said i wana go toilet too! i sensed that something is very very wrong wah, i was really scared can? i am scared that they might do something bad to me!! liyong's words "eh, put ur camera over the other side la, later dirty.." wei, really sounds like they are going to dirty me right? haha.sorry that i am overly paranoid, cant be helped la..i am just trying to stay alert okie..

and phebe finally got to write my birthday wishes when kesleen pretended that her leg hurts cos of her shoes, and then, phebe says she learnt first aid befre and volunteered to see to kesleen's "injury".. she walked all the way from one end of the table to the other end just to hep kesleen paste a piece of plaster which she can do it herself.. and the irony is that chan liyong who is a certified first aider was sitting right beside kesllen can?!! wah!! all ur acting skills so lousy lo..haha..

okie, but i was distracted by the rest, lost in some conversation somewhere, and hence i didn't bother about it!

suddenly, they took out this big big plastic bag, with a few presents inside.
so i asked "how come so many?all for me?" stupid question! (-_-!!)

and seriously!! all three presents were for me!!!

then liyong started, "eh, sing song, sing song.."
then i went,"huh..sing wat song??" (ah..stupid question again!)
then the clever kasleen went.." gong hei lei ah, gong hei lei.."

haha..damn funny!!

and my english birthday song was forgotten as i was too excited asking wad the present was!! heee..
so my english birthday song came only after some other consumers at swensens sang a birthday song..and my birthday song ended up in a disaster!

okie, picture speaks a thousand words..(quoted from phebe)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


brown wedges with simple straps...

Monday, November 27, 2006


went shopping in malaysia!
bought a pair of wedges! hehe!! nice nice!
brown and simple one.. will try and post the pictures soon..my memory card reader is not working well!

proj com gathering!

okie... real lazy to blog about it..haha..cos dawn blog liao le!

go read her blog for more details!

will post the photos up somewhere..

although their were only 7 people, it was fun still! hehe.. really enjoyable!

thanks people!

and thanks zhenglin! i have not open the present yet! =)))

and one successful shot!


saw gelina on sat!! haven seen her for such a long long time already!!
and i think she misses me lots and lots and lots!! she gave me a big big hug when she saw me!! haha!! i know you miss me!

okie, for the sake of u! i will try and drop by more often at ur workplace.

after much persuasion, we finally took a photo together!


i was in vivo..
suddenly, this little girl walking towards me, came up to me and went
and she walked past me. as is nothing happened.

haha..a little weird la.. i dun even know her..
maybe she doesn't like me! hmph!
how can little girls not like me lo! i am such a nice jie jie! =P

mei qing!

she is mei qing.
my cute darling daughter.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

my daughter

i believe that i was her who brought me luck!
a day after "adopting" her, i am changed back to my original class!

this girl here, she is my daughter, my cute darling!
isn't she damn CUTE!!
for those who say that she is not cute, please lo, where else can you find such a cute girl. and please don't say that you are cuter than her hor.. i am gonna vomit my breakfast, lunch, dinner and even supper out!!

for those who says that she is cute! yeah!! i agree!! but please don't get too jealous kkz! cos she is mine already! hehe! =)))

and please stop asking who her daddy is ok?? she don't have a daddy.. she is adopted kkz!!

baCk to 30/06!

hello!! haven blog for quite sometime cos there is nothing that i could blog about! life has been so sian.. but today, there is something to which i MUST SAY!

hehe.. and the weird thing is, the storyline of me knowing this fact was like a repeat of history when i realised that i change class.
i was falling asleep on my bed, when my friend msged me. was thinking that i don't want to read that msg, but since i still have that little energy in me, i picked up my phone and read the msg expecting it to be just like any other msg.
it was again this little msg that revitalised my energy!
after reading this: "Gal.. In student portal u and the rest are back in 30/06.. Does it mean tt u are confirm back?"
WOAH!! immediately, i jumped out of bed to my computer! i must ascertain that msg!
looking at the student portal, OMG!! its true! i searched for 30/06, and MY NAME WAS THERE!!
wahahah..i became so happy and excited that i could not go back to sleep! hopefully, this is for real! then i can be back with my 8ight cisters!
i am just gonna believe that this is true! hehe.. (this is not deceiving oneself, but its more of thinking positively..) this would be a very nice birthday present that TJ has given me! =)))
Joan is very very HAPPY!!
haiyo, then the touching paragraph that i wrote to my 8ight cisters..wah!! useless liao! but nvm la! its true kkz.. u all must believe! and through that paragraph, someone admitted that she is a crybaby too! =P (not me kkz! i am gonna take back my words about the crybaby.. i am not a crybaby! i am a happy baby!!)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006

Toothpaste Commercial

advert-Wrong Bank

haha..this is funny!!


another one..

creative advert

if there are such creative adverts on singapore tv, i would stop playng with the remote control when it comes to commercial breaks..

but its a bit long tho. one such advert will be enough.

korean video again

its quite impossible for this to happen in real life. but sometimes reality can be that cruel too.

happY bOx!!

saw this nice little box at bugis.

it says HAPPY BOX! so it belongs to HAPPY!!

taken from a nokia 6230i 1.3megapixel phone
the quality is pretty lousy.
i need a new camera!! Sony T50/N1!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


ikea was FUN FUN FUN!!

cant wait for the opening of the new ikea on a very special day 30 noV!!

i was at the old ikea, the one at queensway.
i am trying to make up for my deprived childhood!!

took lots of pictures...

Friday, November 17, 2006

dewey colour system..

this was the results:
You're a Scientific Thinker. You hypothesize possibilities. Then you measure them. You passionately investigate new methods to see what works.

The passionate you is a fast-thinking, logical self-starter. You ask pertinent questions with a no-nonsense style. Then, you tend to blurt out the obvious. You make sure that essential needs are met and you invent better ways.

try it here!

the ironic..

i think i changed my class so so so many times in TJ. in my short 1 year in TJ i have already changed my class a lot of times le!

so many times la! i think i might have broke the record!

first three months 29/06..
and i stupidly went to change my subject combination to physics so i got into 20/06..
but after regretting dropping physics, i decided to take biology too. hoping that i need not drop physics, so i appealed for triple science. which i got in. and after much advice from the teachers and some serious thought, i felt that triple science is too heavy a combination for me.(which is very true..like now..4 H2 a also cant take it..)
so i decided to take my old combination, which is biology. sadly, i cant go back to 29/06 and was posted to 30/06 instead.
it may seems like i really like to change class. but i am very settled in 30/06 already.
after spending such a long time in 30/06, i developed lots of feeling towards the class, the people, the teachers. and due to dropping of economics from H2 to H1 i need to change class again.
i dun like to change class!
but face the music la. really. accept the fact. hehe. look on the brighter side of life!

a sleepless night due to.. )=

i was about to sleep last night when my friend msged me. i din want to read the msg, but i was afraid that it mite be something important, so i read the msg.

this was the msg that made me sleepless! it was the very msg that caused my horrible dark eye bags to appear. it has also caused one of my eye to be swollen.

"eh, you not in 30/06 already, you are in 07/06" it was just this simple and short msg.

it brought lots of reflections and thoughts into my head. i tried swallowing my tears, but to no avail. it was dark at night. tears gushed out uncontrollably. only my brother was in my room at that time. i tried to cry silently, but its difficult, so i pretended to be suffering from a running nose. used quite some tissue to dry my tears and blow my nose.

went back to bed after my emotions stabilised. laid in bed and tried to sleep. kept my eyes shut very tightly, but i cant sleep. i just could not sleep. wanted to wake up to study, but wasn't in the mood. could not concentrate even if i studied. many many things were running, jogging, sprinting through my mind. a lot of things. the wonderful memories i had in 30/06. the fears of facing a completely new class. the difficulties ahead. the misery of missing my friends and teachers from 30/06. the deeply remorseful joan regretted deeply. "why why why? why did i not study harder?" haiz.. but its all too late. no time for regrets le. move on ba! and that's what i am gonna do!

joan jiayou! =)

gonna try and sleep well tonight with this mindset!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

sicK siahz...

haha..funny but sick!!
fun leh!!! anyone knows where to buy it?

my idol!

ballade pour adeline
my favorite piece!

my hair colour..

i anyone of you have seen me on sunday last week or monday this week, you would have realised that my hair is in a shade of yellowish brown! very very obvious brown.. its all because i went swimming to much, but dun worry, its back to black now.

what happened was i dyed my hair on Saturday. the color written on the box was copper brown. after putting the dye on my hair, i went on to play theme hospital. i got so addicated to theme hospital that i could not stop for a while to wash off the dye. so i left the chemical on my head for up to 2 and a half hours! the chemicals went on over reacting in my hair resulting in the yellowish brown-est. pretty nice though! haha.. look like eurasian.. but it was unevenly dyed, the top of my head was very yellow while the bottom was copper brown.

so i lived with this hair colour for two days- half of saturday, the whole of sunday and half of monday. as i really would not stand the patches of yellow-est, i went to buy another color, named natural brown. i re-dyed my hair on monday night, keeping in mind that i should not leave it there for too long. then, when i washed off the dye, it looks black. and the black looks so unnatural! it looks as though i had brown hair, which i went to dye it black! stupid la!! the colour is too dark, and i am washing my hair very often so as to make sure that the colour wears off and my natural hair color (BROWN) will resume! hehe..

clever, witty and sharp!

Your Mood Ring is Light Purple

woah!! nice!! my favorite color leh!
CLEVER WITTY & SHARP! hehe... yes, i am witty.. its written in my progress report that i am witty!

my blogging style..

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

You blog like no one else is reading...
You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.
Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.
But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!
eh, i am not long winded kkz..

sUnday =)

woah... went for volleyball match in the morning. under 16 match, shuqun VS st hildas. i supported st hildas but my brother supported shuqun. the match was interesting! the scores were very close. (the match was much more interesting than the AJ vs TJ match..) phew, i am glad that st hildas won! hehe..

after the matche, dad brought us to the suntec city motorshow. not bad la. get to see some unique cars. but as compared to the 7th motorshow, the 8th motorshow was a bit lousier. the 8th motorshow is more of for those who are interested in buying cars. there are very helpful sales person to help you. for those who are just roaming around taking pictures of cars, you might get rather pissed off as people will be standing beside the car, posing with those models, blocking your view. its difficult to take any nice and decent pictures of the cars. more pictures available on my brother's blog.
(pictures taken by my bro.
lousy photographer + lousy camera = lousy photos!)
and after the motorshow, was on our way to the singtel christmas roadshow, when we dropped by the sportslink warehouse. saw some really nice nike dri fit tank tops. pretty cheap too. $24.90 but since i was with dad, i did not buy la. haha. if only mom was there, then probably i would buy.
singtel roadshow was crap! not really worth going! anyway its over. its especially for those who wanna buy any singtel plans with phones. cos their no contract phones are still very expensive! not worth it. i can get cheaper ones.
then, we went for dinner. at the kopitiam downstairs. it was so crowded. although it is like 7 o clock already. waited and queued for so long just to get my prata! but it was very delicious! nice nice.. =)
this was one of the few days that i go out with my dad and brother only. haha.

supposed to day...

yesterday, was what i call a supposed to day.
all the things that was planned out yesterday was supposed to be done but not yet done.
firstly, its the lunch plus movie (the prestige) with my echo squadmates. which was eventually cancelled due to the bad turnout rate. and cos some dun like to watch the prestige!! haiz..when i wanted to watch it so so much!

Then, when the echo gathering was cancelled, dawn asked me if i wanted to study with her at the airport. so i am so happy that my afternoon will once again be occupied. and since I am in the study mood, due to my various motivational sources, i was seriously looking forward to studying at the airport with dawn again! really a nice and conducive environment to study in. however, it was cancelled cos dawn had to bring lots of stuff, which were quite heavy and by the time she meet me, it would be quite late already and the travelling time is much longer than the studying time.

and lastly, i was supposed to go out for dinner with yimin. and also, if possible, catch the departed. sadly, the departed is no longer showing except for in vivo city gold class GV.. i so so so wanna watch it! never mind, i am going to buy the disc. due to my laziness to get out of the house, dinner was also cancelled! haiz..

spend the whole long day at home.
morning did some homework.
afternoon played need for speed 2 on PS with my steering wheel controller!! shiok siahz.. then, after i got headache due to the my damn good driving techniques, i played sims 2!(actually i didn't know that i have that PS game.. dun rmbr buying it..gee) but i cant save my game!! my memory card was too full! i really needa buy a memory card le!!
evening and night watched TV throughout. HDB tai tai is a nice show siahz... haha.. its not for tai tai only, suitable for everyone! (=

Friday, November 10, 2006

my german name!!

Your German Name is:

Elli Annike
hehe..how to pronounce that??

foreign language..

i did this quiz on which foreign language should i learn... the results came back quite disappointing!!

You Should Learn Swedish

Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!

i seriously was hoping for german oh something.. probably i should do it again ..haha... but at least its not something common like japanese..i would not learn japanese..haha..

happy memories..

i was browsing through my phone and i saw these pictures..
taken during project comp period! woah.. missed those times!
attributed to snow white and the seven drawfs..

yeah!!! proudly achieved!! champions three times in a row!

saw this in VS canteen during reception! we were really stressed during that time.. bashful did bang his head against it!!

and all these wouldn't have been possible without snow white, the seven drawfs and the wonderful area 11 cadets!! you all made it happen!!

(sorry, i only have this picture..dun ve the rest..)
anyway, the small cute gal that was been cut off is drawn by me!!

Looking forward to our chalet!!
and joan can go!!

to my dearest chimpZ!

hi kanchana! (provided that you are reading this)

i miss kanchana. i did not realise that i miss her that much until that day when dawn, kanchana and i met online! we conferenced and crapped!
dawn and i were suaning kanchana on how she is a rich kid!
damn rich kid leh! a rich nepalese kid who came from singapore! and yes, my dearest kanchana, your english has deproved! that's why dawn could not understand what you were talking about at times. haha. But dun worry joan understands, cos great minds think alike!

and please can u all stop saying that i am mean! i am not mean okie! (kanchana, i forgive you because your english has deproved and now, your definition of mean is NICE! so i am not referring to kanchana, i am referring to the other one in our conversation!!) that other one is very bad lo.. looks who's the meaner one huh.. first badmouth me, then scandal me.. wah..see that other one is so much more evil than me la! that other one(i do not wish to point fingers and mention names..) but its pretty obvious..you know who you are! (i hope that you don't read this...and anyway, you should not be reading this cos you should be studying hor..)

to the other one: study hard hor..dun always go read blogs..i know you are addicated to reading my blog, but you should try harder to refrain this tempation.. (at most i stop blogging so that you wont have anything to read!! hehe..)

ahh!!! kanchana!! i miss you!! can you come back!! you don't really approve us og going to look for you, so can you come back!! without you, i appear less innocent.. so please come back! so that i can continue being the innocent one!

Kanchana, i can see that you are trying very hard to be funny! nice try!!(but the truth is its not very funny..hehe..)

please come online more often kkz!
do you know that that day i was supposed to go visit the doctor, but when dawn told me that you were online, i gave the doctor a miss and went home straight!

chimpz aka kanchana shaHI!! i owe you your present!!


i miss TK so so much! its my favorite school! all the friends, teachers, memories and everything.. wah.. i wanna go back to TK!!

okie, so here i am setting up this TKJC, it will be located all aaound TK filling up every single space that you can find around TK..

anyone wanna enrol into TKJC please contact me... i will kindly accept all of you!!

P.S. TKJC has no holidays.. but you all can self declare though.. the Principal is a very open minded person! =)


had been feeling sick for the past few days!

did not feel like eating.. the food that goes in are not digested properly.. its stuck somewhere near my lungs?? (sounds wrong scientifically..but that was what it felt like) i dun feel like eating.. no appetite since last sat.. don't feel hungry..

haha...but now!! fully recovered!! hopefully ba! at least i am eating..although i am still sneezing and feeling cold! =(


such a nice video! very touching..

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


do anyone of you beleve in horoscope? i just read mine today and i feel that its quite crappy..haha..

"You may find yourself so busy that you can't keep all the details straight in your head. Get out the glue and markers and make a fun calendar to stick on the fridge. It will make your busy schedule seem a little more fun!"

okie, so i am supposed sit down to time out of my busy schedule to make a nice, beautiful calendar so that i can stick it on my fridge? hmmz.. okie, it is said that laying a strong foundation is important. Probably this might be a form of "foundation".

maybe it is also a good way for my parents to know my whereabouts. =)

~story of Ipod~

Joan is bored and needs motivation to study, so joan has decided to write a story of Princess Ipod..

in all the 14 years of Princess Ipod's education life, princess ipod has never ever done so badly for her results.

In kindergarten, she used to get full marks for her spelling and ting xie. Started doing addition and subtraction when her fellow classmates were still learning how to count in sequence. she completed the whole lady bird series of Peter and Jane before graduating from her kindergarten.

In Primary 1, princess ipod completed all the P1 assessment books. This went on for several years until in P4, after streaming. Chose to remain in EM2 as higher chinese was not her cup of tea. P5 and P6 was a brief and short year for her.. but she will always appear on the top3 of her class. and every year without fail , she gets her edusave scholarship. Mind you, its the top 5% one and not the top 25% bursary one! Graduated from (Mugger Boring School) MBS with a PSLE score of 245.

In her secondary school, (The King secondary school) TKSS, Sec 1 and sec 2, top 7 in level. Got edusave scholarship again. Sec 2 streaming, successfully streamed into a triple class. The one and only triple science class in TK that year. Almost dropped physics in sec 4, but thanks to the scolding from a very strict but good teacher, she dropped the idea of dropping Physics. Known as a perfectionist then, to her, B4 and C5 was considered very bad. So bad that she needed to drop the subject entirely.

After Os level came out with 7 distinctions, 10 points. was rather sad with her results though. expected better results. (ambitious perfectionist ma..-quoted from her fav teacher)

and there came the worst stage of her life,(The Junior College) TJC!! only the academic part, not the memories!

her JCT results were disappointing. Promised that she will work harder. but did she? Promos results came back even worse than before! RETAINED! Failed promos. She was seldom near a fail in the past 13 years of her study life. Probably its due to her inconsistency.

Did I mention that Princess Ipod has this bad habit of ponning school. This habit formed since Pre-school. All the way to her JC life. But at different stages of her life ponning school was for a different reason. In pre-school and primary school, she ponned school to go on holiday. In secondary school, she seldom pon school, unless she wants to slack. She loves going to school in TK! In JC, she pon school so so often. Most of the time cos she don't have sufficient time to study. Her life is messy. No time for this, no time for that. Her biological clock is in a mess. Very extremely energetic in the morning. I mean around 1am. Very tired in the afternoon and later morning. Usually fall asleep during lectures and tutorials. Missing out a huge part in content, had a hard time trying to catch up. Unable to do tutorials as it was problems and questions after problems and questions. Snowballed into a huge heap of shit! At times she don't even know what she don't know! However, successfully appealed to be advanced to year 2..
However, Princess Ipod feels that she is deeply sorry for the state she is in now. She wants to apologise to the queen and King but she is just too stubborn to do so. She understands that she only have herself to blame for those horrendous results. But she is too proud to admit. She sincerely want to thank the King and Queen for their constant support. Time and time, Princess Ipod has disappointed them! Especially this time round.

Sometimes, it is about saving face. The reality is just that. Princess Ipod has no choice but to admit. Its not that hard to figure out the problem. but its hard to admit that that's the problem.
Nevertheless, this problem will be solved as long as Princess Ipod starts to pull up her socks, (but being the fashionable and trendy Princess Ipod, she would never want to wear high socks!)
No matter what, Princess Ipod promised to better manage her time and cut down her other commitments. Especially her external boyfriend in pluto, which queen telomerase doesn't approve of. Princess Ipod may not have the chance to visit you already. But don't worry, Princess Ipod will try and drop by the bedok library's pluto room every now and then, hoping to catch a glimpse of her external darling.
Princess Ipod also promises to study during the November and December holidays to catch up with whatever she is lacking in.
Hopefully, by doing all these, Princess Ipod will be able to regain her good results!

^a little story of Princess Ipod by the bored but happy joan!^
Happy Joan should learn her lesson from her Princess Ipod story.

Monday, November 06, 2006

my new blog skin

gee! new blog skin! its nothing very orginal though.. koped it from somewhere.. but at least i spent some time trying to make it as orginal as possible.. haha.. sense of accomplishment!

as i read my previous blog entries, i felt like i am so spoilt and pampered..
i am typing like a little spoilt brat demanding presents after presents from rich rich parents...
but nonono! joan is not spoilt! joan was just trying to express her anger at that point in time..

now joan is back to the normal happy joan!
probably cos joan has gotten her hairdryer, and will be getting her jacket this afternoon.

had fun shopping at vivo on Saturday and JB on Sunday!
it has been so long since i last shopped!
now, in prepartion for a shopping trip in KL! made my mom set the exact date of departure so that she will not break her promise again!

yeah! joan is contented with her life!
okie, going to study now..or maybe practise for PW? hmmz..

Saturday, November 04, 2006

i understand..

okie..i take back my words for my previous post.
i know they are busy.
but where is my jacket?
my hairdryer?
as u promised..
are u going to break your promises again?
*please..these are just random entries..typing what my brain thinks..*

what are holidays for?

sometimes i am thinking what's so good about having school holidays?
staying at home everyday.
doing things that are so not constructive!
should be studying now, but..no mood leh..
how? where is my motivation?
haven really practise for PW also.
haiz..i dun wana talk about studies liao le!!

where are my holidays plans?
which country am i going?
everything is so unsettled!
i hate those who breaks their promises!
make NO PROMISES if you wana break them..
promises are not meant to be broken!
please keep to your promise!
but i know now its impossible le.
and stop using my poor and bad results as an excuse!
i need to get out of singapore!
i need to go somewhere outside this mainland!
please, JB is not counted!
no more japan.
then where?
nothing, no where to be looking forward to.
sad life.

should have gone to korea with the 3 sisters.
should not have believed that we are actually going japan.
how i looked forward to the trip.
and now what?
really regretted not going korea.

happy prefer going to school.
can see friends everyday.
rather than staying at home.
as you can see from the number of posts happy has posted today..
happy is really bored!

feeling bored..randoms..

haiz..i feeling damn sianz now..waiting for my brother to get ready so that we can go to vivo city.. heard that its big and i might go missing there.. and there is a Republic foodcourt there too!
also heard that most of the shops are not opened yet leh...hmmz.. will it be sianz? at home so sian liao, go out sianz again..
life is sianz!
haiz..VS lost to st hildas today.. sad.. can go read my brother's blog for more details after he starts blogging about it.. cos according to him, i am hogging the computer and he cant blog.. no lo!!

a prediction about me..hmmz...

Number 3
You are a person of hard hearted, selfish most of the times religious, loves to climb up in your life.(orh..okie lo..)
You always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will put up with everything.(hmmz..not really leh)
You have the strong word power,pretty happy face.. so wherever you go always you have got what you wanted!!!
And from birth you always wanted to work hard in order to achieve something.. You will not get anything without hard work! (hmmz..yes..like everyone else do..)
When you reach a man/ woman age, you want other younger ones to listen to you because you want younger people to respect people older than them. (yes! i agree!)
You do set so many examples to others (gee..)
Generally you are not a cool person. (sad siahz..but joan rOx still!!)
It's not easy thing dealing with you.(hmmz..really meh??whatever la..)
A tough player you are!
But once you like someone's attitude then here you go, what can I say? It will be a lasting friendship.(hmmz..quite true...)
You always have respect from others. (haha..thanks ah!)
Your life seems to have lots of worries and problems but sure they won't be long..(hmmz..i think this only applies to me recently..)
You will always have brilliant kids!!! (haha..great! cos i can't stand stupid kids!)
You love the money a bit too much (i love the things that i can buy with money and not money itself!!) so temptation will push you to endless trying and trying..(oh..izit?? i thot at most i will just cut down on my spendings??)
If you are a guy then it's over. Looking after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being generous and kind (except 21st born men).
And number 3s you will be such an example of how to be in the culture & life!!! (haha...(= ) If you are a girl then you have good character and culture & hardworking attitude(yes yes..indeed..thanks for the compliment..brighten up my day!).
You always follow.(okie lo..i m not a leader.. ;p)
You are a freedom lover, creative,(yeah?) ambition focused,used to be ambitious..)
a person who brings beauty , hope & joy to this world!!! (compliment!)
from a fowarded email..
this also applies to those who are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month..

death note rOx!

wow!! nice nice show!! super damn it nice!

its a must watch!!

i am not going to spoil it for those that haven watch yet!

so go watch it!

but hor, i wonder why can someone can fall asleep while watching the huh??

no choice la.. i guess, that person is ultimately 八戒 la..

hmmz..not enough actions?? and too wordy..


but death note 2 will be filled with actions!!

cant wait siahz!

and i am going to buy the death note disc! haha..

advice to those who are going to watch.. please stay on after the credits for interesting thriller of death note 2!!


while sneaking around the library, i saw this interesting sign that shows that my pluto boyfriend is actually rich! and he has a room to himself in the Bedok library! wow.. shall move in there one day..haha..

and this is for tammy! her boyfrind is rich too!! nxt time we can be neighbours!! gee.. (better not let 3 sees it..)

the disgusting librarian...

went to the library with phebe after chem lecture which 4 outtta 8 sisters ponned!! i shall not name who ponned la.. but as u can see from the picture below, we were having FUN during the lecture!

phebe and i wanted to look for books on philosophy and we decided to approach a librarian for help.. looking around us, we saw this "young" lady who looks nice..(regret saying this siahz...) she has yellowish brown hair that looks nice from afar..

when this lady, a***** leong turned her head around, i saw the most hilarious thing in that library! her eyelashes are so so so long la! omg! like what phebe said, 50 times longer than hers.. those lashes are confirm fake! so fake! i mean what brand of mascara can extend your eyelashes like 50 times much longer than normal! so freaking disgustingly long! please note that i said disgustingly hor.. although i used to like long eyelashes.. but after seeing hers, i guess i changed my mind!

probably her eyelashes grow exceptionally fast. and together with the excessive mascara that she used on her eyelashes, it seems too much le.. too too much! the eyelashes looks so hard and rigid as there were clumps of mascara on them. i wonder where did she get those extremely long eyelashes from. and how long does she take to put them on or take them off??

its not only her eyelashes that are hilarious, her make up was hilarious too!! haha.. a very thick line of eyeliner, lined her lower eyelids. and i wonder if this is done on purpose, cos there was a space left without eyeliner directly below her lower eyelid. what is that space doing there? trying to make a fashion statement ah? no way lo!

and what is with that durian seller gloves that she was wearing?? i cant think of any reason why a librarian needs to wear them..told you she is weird!

plus pink lipstick. disgusting pink! yucks! and she smells weird.

it was a very wrong decision to have approached her! she did not help much. she directed us to the computer and "taught" us how to go about using it. when we were using the computer, she added unnecessary comments such as "clever girl... so clever... philosophy is spelt as P-H-I-L-O-S-O-P-H-Y..." it was super duper irritating can? make us sound like we are kindergarten kids.. please la.. cant you see that we are wearing TJ uniform huh? idiot la!!

and please, i think she dun know how to use the catalogue to search la! she kept on bringing us back to the main page. phebe tried to hint to her that we can look for the book ourselves, but she continued sticking around us.. pain in the ass siahz! she volunteered to bring us to the section on philosophy.. and i dunno for what reason did we end up in the section for psychology.(and she made us realise that philosophy is under psychology which we eventually realised that its not.) i guess she will go there every now and then and looking for books suitable for her mental state, she seriously needs them.

i thought that she would leave us alone after bringing us to that section. to my horror, she took out a form and forced us to commend her.

"just say that I was busy with my things yet i took time off to help you.."

puey!! wth! what help? trying to confuse us? no way am i going to fill in that form. did u say that you were busy with your things, and that i am holding you up? i am glad to allow you to get back to your work. you are the one who very kindly volunteered to show us to the wrong section of the library! we are very sorry that we were disturbing you from your work. and we would be glad that you get back to whatever you were doing!

we found an excuse that we were busy and will fill up the form later. but obviously, we did not! hee.. she does not worth our recommendation la!

and she is probably afraid that we would run away,(which we managed to..) that's why she keep roaming around the shelves while we were looking for our books. she pretended to be doing things. yeah right, busy ordering those young librarians around in an hypocritical tone.. please la! can you leave us alone and really go back to the trolley of books where you came from??!!

phebe and i decided to stay away from the psychology section until she disappear. as she was taking up a very big space, and we could not access those shelves to look for our books.

we sat down for a while, and talked(badmouth rather.. )about her.. then, we decided to creep back to the psychology section. literally crept back, hiding behind the shelves to check that she is not there, and sneaking in from the back of the library. i am so glad that she left! phew..

and phebe and i went back to the psychology section happily looking for our books!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

an interesting story

Once upon a time, there was a handsome kangaroo called Mr Brown. He fell in love with a princess called Ipod (pronounced as Iput..) because she had brown hair and big eyes.

Mr Brown tried many ways to win her heart. So with his generous owners' money, he bought a Kinder Brueno for Princess Ipod.

Princess Ipod was very touched. So Mr Brown 趁机 tried to propose with a makeshift ring of a plastic bag with 3 leftover biscuits. Of course Princess Ipod wasn't impressed. So Mr Brown thought of another way. He climbed thousands of mountains, swam billions of seas, then he found the special ring, made from the leave(sic) of a lallang.

But when he reached Palace C1-1, as he was about to propose, Queen telomerase, Princess Ipod's mother violently objected saying, "NO WAY will I allow external boyfriends!"

Of course, duh. Brown and Ipod were damn sad.

Friends and good friends of Ipod rallied around her and gave her encouragement. In the end, one of her friends, Igallop, managed to activate the cells programmed suicide pathway- "apoptosis" and Queen telomerase was removed.

Therefore, brown and Ipod were reunited

contribution from a brillant friend of mine, Igallop.
posted by a brillant friend of Igallop, Ipod.. =)

pizza hut

the five of us (jiawei, liyong, stef, kes and i) together with our imaginary friend - xiaoming..

the four of them went to pizza hut first while i join them later. when they reached pizza hut, a waitress came over and asked, "table for 5?"

i was not with them yet.. feeling puzzled, they turned around to look at one another but there was only four of them there.. i did not catch up that quickly.. so they concluded that the waitress must have seen our imaginary friend - xiao ming..

later, while they were placing their orders, jiawei asked what the difference between the three types of pasta.. then after the waitress explained to her several times, she was like huh?!
so the waitress had to put it in layman terms for her.. one is just normal spaghetti, the other one is meepok! and the last one is 圈圈 de..
haha..the way she put it sounds like describing hair. first spaghetti is the normal hair, then meepok is the flat flat hair, rebonded one.. haha..sounds like kesleen's hair.. and lastly its the 圈圈 one which is like permed hair..
interesting! but if u imagine that u are eating hair?! hmmz...

vEneziA treAt!

thank you dawn for ur venezia ice cream treat! (ermz... she make me write this entry de!)
how did this free treat came about? it was because of my horrible results.. and i told dawn that i was sad.. so she volunteered to give me a treat to venezia! hee.. and the treat came about two weeks later.. hahaz...

vEneziA treAt!

thank you dawn for ur venezia ice cream treat! (ermz... she make me write this entry de!)
how did this free treat came about? it was because of my horrible results.. and i told dawn that i was sad.. so she volunteered to give me a treat to venezia! hee.. and the treat came about two weeks later.. hahaz...

my chinese teacher cant pronounce my chinese name!

this is really irritating.. finally when kesleen is able to pronounce my chinese name perfectly, i realised that actually my chinese teacher has been pronouncing my name wrongly for the past NINE MONTHS!! omg!

please, my chinese name is not .. its lei(3) not lei(2) okie!!!

how can a 很我的老师 pronounce my name wrongly!! to think that she is a PURE CHINESE somemore!! haiyo..

but may i ask if my chinese name is really that difficult to pronounce??

Monday, October 30, 2006

stupid cRow!

wat the hell!! even the crow wana attack me!

i was walking along the lonely road leading to Tampines Swimming Complex.. i walked past this crow standing on the railing of the drain.. i only gave it a glance and then i continued listening to my favorite song- NO PROMISES! and before i know it, i felt something sharp "knocking" on the back of my head, near my brain! Ouch!! damn painful la!! its that stupid crow pecking my head! i can even hear the pecking sound, as the sound waves vibrate through my brain cells! Kacke that crow la!! what the hell did i do?? merely gave it a glance.. i think it has been eyeing on my clever brain la! i felt the glare of the crow as i walked past.. i felt its head turned as i walked pass it.. so i decide to forgive that stupid crow! i understand that sometimes people(or something??!) get jealous of me la.. its understandable.. ya.. so stupid crow, i forgive u la..

i think anyone who is walking along that road, please be careful! my brother got pecked on his head over there also!

Sunday, October 29, 2006



everyone has to agree!


mY bOrinG hOLidAyS... siAnz..

the first weekend of my holiday.. real bored.. have been staying at home the whole of saturday and sunday.. nothing to do at home.. except going online.. revising and doing Chinese.. trying to memorise the OP script.. life is so sianz..

plus the rainy day makes my mood even duller lo.. wanna go swim also cannot.. i am wasting my time away at home.. people any suggestions of things that i can do?

i just completed that reflection of mine that i am supposed to write to my P.. my right hand is aching now.. its supposed to be handwritten cos, a person handwriting can show his/her character.. haha.. so i tried my best to make my handwriting such that it can show my goody good good character.. and i cut out on my vulgarities(like shit.. oh my shit and everything else related to shit..)
i changed all the shit to less vulgar terms like faeces, manure, humus etc..in german it is kacke! or Scheiße! anyone, can u please add on to my list and teach me how to swear in a less vulgar way??
joan is joking only, she is not a rude gal.. (=

i wana swim!

i hate rainy days.. i wana go swimming, but it has been raining for the whole day! i wana go suntanning, but where is the sun?? (liyong, where is ur darling??)


i wana swim!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

my pluto boyfriend! =)

i have an external³ boyfriend.. he is in pluto.. he is the COLDEST boyfriend of all!!(furthest from the sun mahz..)

how did my external³ boyfriend exist in the first place?? all thanks to mrs tag.. she wanted to know what was the reason for me not doing well for my promos this time round.. so she guessed: "got boyfriend issit??"

then, i am like,"no no..its some other reasons..external reasons la.."

so she went," oh..external boyfriend ar?? not from TJ la.."
and this is how it started..
external² is from overseas, while external³ is from other planets..ya..so my very nice se7en other sisters chose the planet pluto for me(but pluto is not a planet already!)

that's why now, i have an external³ boyfriend..from pluto..and we will go dating on Jupiter together..looking at the nine beautiful moons..so romantic rite??

anyway, why must teachers always attribute poor results to having a boyfriend?? some people can still do well in their studies even when they have a boyfriend lo..


the meeting with P was nothing la... she jus wanted to talk to everyone and sort of make us do some reflections..and decide our future...hmmz.. we are even required to WRITE a reflection!! penning down our reflection works... bla bla bla..

dad received a call from my CT.. and he will be going to see the P next tue.. i wonder if i will know whether i m promoted anot by next tue.. i have been playing this waiting game for quite sometime le.. getting quite sick of it.. no point worrying le, i am just gonna enjoy myself for the time being..
and i am going swimming with liyong and jiawei now!! haha... at pak's house..we are going to sneak in..hehe..

Thursday, October 26, 2006


i m now in the TJ hub...
ponned chem lecture.. not that i wana pon la..budden i need to see the P at 0930 ma.. n lecture only ends at 0935.. so that is my VALID REASON for not going for lecture..

i am scared..really sacred..i hope that i will be hearing good news later..despite the fact that i have the chance of hearing more good news than bad, i am still scared leh..

as the seconds and minutes starts ticking away, i am feeling more and more nervous.. yesterday i thought that it will be nothing.. whereas now, i am sitting here, with all the butterflies flapping around vigorously in my stomach..the feeling is not good..

take a deep deep breath and calm down! joan must stay calm! okie.. all the best to myself.. hoopefully i will get what i am expecting and what i want.. i dun want another entry of disappointment..

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I m guilty...

joan is supposed to be a innocent young gal today.. But joan did something really awful today!! She made Stefanie cried!

It was after civics, after stef went to do her make up PE, and while the 5 sisters(only kesleen, kristen, liyong, stef n i were there.. to account for others, example that tammy ah..haiyo..she went scandaling lo...tsk tsk tsk.. n phebe went to the poly clinic.. while jiawei din come to sch today...she sprained her leg la...hehe..went sinseh with her after that..)

we were sitting under LT2, trying very hard to psycho kesleen to be an independent, modern and career minded woman..instead of sticking to her traditional, selfless housewife.. Just lik this...

(wonder who is this siahz...looks so much lik a typical n pro housewife siahz..can talk on the phone and fold clothes at the same time.. hmmz.. n dun u tink its sort of resembles kesleen?? =P)

back to the story, when GP post mortem was about to began, we made our way to the canteen before proceeding to LT1.. in the canteen, i saw yimn, and she pointed to her phone, and was telling me to check my phone.. so i felt for my pocket.. n oh no! my phone is not there! shit.. I couldn't find it leh.. but i was quite calm still as i rmbr tt i still ve it with me when i was under LT2.. so i borrowed liyong's phone and i walked back to LT2 to get my phone. At the same time, i dialled my number to ensure that my phone isn't in my bag.. den after several attempts(about 2), someone finally picked up..

SOMEONE: hello.. are you the finder of this phone?
ME(w/o thinking wats so wrong with the word finder): yes yes..is my phone with you??
SOMEONE: yes, u are the owner of the phone rite?? whr are you now..
ME: oh, i am under LT1 now..may i know whr are you??
SOMEONE: i'm in the canteen..
ME: okie, i'm going over now..

then, i stupidly went over to the canteen..thinking that who is that nice young lady with a real sweet, feminine and innocent voice who found my phone.. was thinking how should i thank her when i meet her..

i hurried past the 4 other sisters who were standing along the corridor leading to the canteen..

KESLEEN: have you found ur phone?
ME: nope, de person with my phone says she is in the canteen..

then i rushed into the canteen, tinking whr should i go and looking for her.. so i dialled my number again.. then the SOMEONE says she is behind me..
and i turned ard.. n at that moment, i realised that i m damn stupid! real real real stupid lo!!kesleen was holding onto my precious darling phone!! she was de SOMEONE!! n pls ar..forget those comments that i made earlier regarding SOMEONE being innocent & bla bla bla...kesleen is certainly not liddat!!

okie okie..enough of the development of the storyline.. i haven even touched on the main point yet! WHY AM I GUILTY? this is a bad narrative..rambling on and on..not precise not to the point..its bad!!

okie, so back to the point.. as i was a bit angry that they all tricked me..and stef was the one hu saw my phone..with liyong saying" see la, haiz..stef is the mastermind agn.." so i was lik.."tsk tsk tsk..haiyo..i dun wana talk to u le.." and i made my way up the LT w/o turning back to look at stef.. actually i wasn't angry at all..n i was quite glad to ve learnt my lesson, n not to leave my stuff lying around ever again..

i jus wanted to make stef sad, so that she will never do that again..but wrong move..when we were sitting in the LT, i was talking to yimin and sort of ignored stef..

and before i know it, she was crying and liyong went over to comfort her...
i was really shocked.. oh my shit..shit shit..its my fault..
i squeezed through the narrow space in front of kristen' and kesleen's seats, and on my way, i even kicked kesleen's pink dolphin bottle down the steps..gee..serve her right for trying to trick me la!
so i sat down beside stef, feeling really guilty and i tried to cheer her up.i was panicking.. dunno what i should do! keep on humouring her..telling her that i was joking only, i m not serious..din noe that my acting skills is so good la!! was really scared..now i know that stef is the 2nd crybaby among the eight sisters!

okie, i'm sincerely sorry for my good acting skills..cant blame me for having such good acting skills rite..hee..
seriously, stef, i din mean it..sorry to ve made u cry! joan is bad...bad joan..i deserve to be punish..jus punish me anyway u lik..but pls be lenient..hehe...