Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i don't like it the way it is now.

everything in my life seems to go wrong.
Every single thing.
I feel like i am going against all odds.

unhappiness and unsatisfaction. ):

Are my expectations of things too high, or am i just not used to how things works?
I don't deny the fact that I really want to do well, and i feel that i am putting in the effort to give in my best and do well, but why is it that everytime after any test, i end up feeling at a loss, wondering whether I have been studying hard.
I can't say that i had not, cause i think i did, i really think that i did.

probably its the way of studying. and probably its a matter of not very consistent studying plus largely lack of practice. tried my very best to make up for the not very consistent study throughout the whole of recess week. I really tried to maximise my time. but still.. things do
happen. sucks la. i think i am so so far from my goal. i wanna do well. I am thinking of doing well every single day. and i thought i can do well. but who knows... i cant... i suddenly feel very stupid.. really stupid. why cant i understand? or rather why cant I remember. I admit that i panicked during my CM1101 test, i panicked, and faltered. carelessness that shouldn't have been, forgetting the formulae that i remembered all the while before the test. WHY? really WHY?! I am angry at myself for all these HUGE mistakes that will cost me a lot of marks. But why and how did this even happen? Can anyone please ask my stupid brain why did it had to do this to me?! What the hell?! ): I resent this feelings of mine. I hate myself. I hate my brain. I feel that its unfair. It is not because i didn't study, it is because i can't perform and demostrate what I have studied during the most critical period - the test! ):

I think i might breakdown soon.(underestimated)
Totally burnout.
the past three weeks had been a tiring one.
Chionging for everything, trying to balance each and every of the many things that are coming along.
I did it for the past two weeks before recess week. Really fine. Coping well, not very much of a problem. It is this week that is bad. I feel unjustified. I don't know what triggered this unhappiness in me. sucks.

I just feel like slacking now.
Really feel like taking a break and resting.
Yet I can't and I wont.
I want to do well.

Repeating the song "March On" again and again in my iTunes.
Hoping that it will once again motivate me.
Now playing: Good Charlotte - March On (Acoustic Version)
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Everyone should visit this website!

This is the new Windows Live Messenger on you mobile website.
All the animations are so cute! :D
I had a great laugh!
navigate and explore around!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Canon in D <3

Canon in D with vocals. :D
His voice is really beautiful!

I wrote a song for you
I don't know if you'll listen to
But if you do
I don't think you
Will understand the poetry

Don't think I'll let you go so easily,
Girl you don't know

The depths to which I understand
Just how much you were meant for me

I had a dream last night
That we somehow had made it right
And everything
Was new and green
And we could dance eternally

But then the sun came out
And I woke up to face the doubt
That you and I
Would ever see
Each other as we used to be

Can't understand
How the feeling that we know we had
Could just be abandoned
Be tossed into the wind
So easily
It cannot be
You know it meant too much

When in the end
After everything is said and done
See, we chose to spend
An eternity without
A melody
A symphony
A life without our Canon in "D"

I've heard a story told
About a staircase made of gold

That winds its way
Up through the clouds
And stops at Heaven's door

And if some day I stand
Before that door without your hand
Wrapped up in mine
I'll sit right down
And wait forever more

Can't understand
How the feeling that we know we had
Could just be abandoned
Be tossed into the wind
So easily
It cannot be
You know it meant too much

When in the end
After everything is said and done
See, we chose to spend
An eternity without
A melody
A symphony
A life without our Canon in "D"

The sun is sinking low
It's time for me to go
And try
To just get by

I simply love this song.
took me pains to get it.
anyway, it seems like this is the only song that the singer sang.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Get motivated by the fish email


Fish Story

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste.

To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish.

The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish.

So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan? If you were consulting the fish industry, what would you recommend?

How Japanese Fish Stay Fresh: To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks. But now they add a small shark to each tank.

The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are challenged.

Have you realized that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired & dull, so we need a Shark in our life to keep us awake and moving? Basically in our lives Sharks are new challenges to keep us active and taste better.....

The more intelligent, persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a challenge. If your challenges are the correct size, and if you are steadily conquering those challenges, you are Conqueror. You think of your challenges and get energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive!

i love my desktop background! :D (or wallpaper in PC terms.)

it is beautiful and i love it so. :D

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Singtel offers is tempting me to get an iPhone again!

these are parts of the email that they sent me.
(currently i am a Starhub user.)

it is really tempting.
haven done my long term calculations and "damage" that will be incurred.
my contract with Starhub is not even close to an end. ):
There will also be loss in value of the plan,
ie number of free smses which is an extremely important point for me to consider.
plus the subscription fee is doubled of mine.
some may argue that there is data bundled, but how much would I use?
I will restrict myself from spending unnecessarily on data, instead i will try to use wifi for everything.
2 months free subscription.
but my starhub gave me 6 months free.
even up to now, my monthly phone bill is still free.
haiz. ): shall not think about it too much.
concentrate on my studies first.
I promise, by the end of this year, I will own an iPhone.
(provided that i do well for my studies la. iPhone is my form of motivation! HAHA!)

Cadbury Chocolate madness!

my personal favourite is the peppermint one.
it was strongly recommended by my brother's "ex-friend".
hahah! :D
his "ex-friend"'s taste is seriously not bad!

Rocky Road is too sweet!
overly sweet for me! :D

I have never love Caramel.
so no comments on that.

DUO is fine. i love it when it melts in my mouth!
it has dark choc inside. :D
oh and i prefer non-refrigerated chocs!

Dairy milk is another love!
purest milk chocolate!

Turkish delight is still in the refrigerator's drawer.
(all the above are from Cocoa Trees)
(Buy 3 get 1 free promotion! - not now though.)

New additions to my refrigerator's drawer includes,
Cadbury Fudge Brownie & Cadbury Old Gold Liqueur Flavoured Selection!
The Fudge Brownie one is under Cadbury dessert series.
While the Liqueur one is under the Old Gold series.

this picture was taken long long ago.
:D it was taken during this certain point in time when i love taking pictures with my female snoopy, "Belle".

P.S.: I wanted to blog about Ritter Sport!
BUT I can't seem to find those Ritter Sport pictures that I took.
Next time then.

Anyway! Something important to announce here!
I found my favourite Ritter Sport Flavour in Singapore!
(It is not supposed to be for sales in Singapore!)
Exclusively at Candy Empire @ Vivo!
The flavor is Alpenmilch (Alpine Milk Chocolate Bar).
Here is a picture of it:
Ritter Sport Alpine Milk Chocolate Bar (Alpenmilch)
I don't mind having a dozen of this for my birthday present! :D
(i promise to share it with whoever that gives me this!)

(i have eaten this flavour of Ritter Sport that is bigger than my palm!)
*alrights finally found the photos!*

actually the squares of chocolates inside is the same size as the normal one,
just that the quantity is more!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ABC's of Love. A Valentines Day love song.

A- I love your adams apple
B- you’re beautiful without beer goggles
C- you are better than chocolate rain D- You never stop giving like a dairy cow
E- You are tastier than a carmel apple empanada from taco bell
F- My love for you grows like fungus G- We are tight like OJ’s gloves
H- Your hands I would love to kiss
I- I want to hear your voice more than my Ipod
J- Screw Mars and Venus on Jupiter is where our love fits K- You make my heart jump like a kangaroo
L- my heart bubbles like a lava lamp when I’m with you
M- I’m drawn to you like a powerful magnet N- I’ll protect you like a ninja
O- Like an Octopus my hug will surround ya
P- We fit together like perfect pieces in a puzzle Q- You be my jukebox; i’ll be your quarter
R- I’d enjoy the itch if you were my rash
S- I will always love you, wait, what’s your salary?
T- our love, like the Titanic, will make a splash U- our love stands out like a unibrow
V- Your touch is like Viagra, oh wow
W- You have everything I want and need just like Walmart X- I’ll xerox your photo all day and tomorrow
Y- you can be the string and I will be the yo yo
Z- your sexy highlights remind me of a zebra

it took great pains for the person to complete this video.
this was how he overcame the problem of reflections on his glass table top.

Read more here

Monday, September 22, 2008

finally a seven sisters gathering!

Sunday, had a short lunch with seven sisters at the Hawker Centre opposite TJ!
Finally finally!!
We had a gathering!
:D yeahness! :D

As usual, Stef, Liyong and I we were early.
started out gossip catching up session once again.
soon, jiawei and the rest joined us. :D

I think that the hawker centre should consider having round tables for a group of 7.
those long tables aren't conducive for catching up.
and poor enfant (infant has decided to change her name to enfant, she thinks that its more seh. but apparently, when i call enfant, she doesn't response, and when i changed to nfant, she responsed immediately.) needs to seat facing no one AGAIN. ):
but jiawei did a good job keep her entertained!
(as she did not complained that no one talks to her!)

The food is totally OMG!
i really miss the food there!
We had Xia mian and papaya milkshake!
Still taste as nice as before.

the xia mian seems a lot healthy now! :D
no longer contain that crispy, tasty but UNHEALTHY pig lard thing.
Thus we no longer need to pick them out.

Papaya milkshake.
Still nice!
better than NUS.
at least it is not papaya milk. shake.
(only certain people will understand what this means la.

there are still many other cravings!
Milo Dinosaur.
Bak Chor Mee.
Honeydew Sago.
Char Kway Keow.
Cuttlefish Kang Kong.
etc etc..

Let's go back there again! :D

After lunch, we forced those people who are under-dressed to go town area with us!
The sole purpose was to shop for Kristen and enfant's present.
(oh, but not someone leh, yet that someone so thick skinned, tried to ask for her present! HAHA!)
those under-dressed includes Kristen, enfant, Stef and jiawei.
however, jiawei's FBT look alike thingy, cant really pass the going-to -town-attire, she escaped home!
rahhs jiawei!

Our walk to bedok MRT is once again full of jokes.
with us making fun of THAT Kesleen and her i-dunno-how-to-address-him person.
i was secretly eavesdropping on her phone conversation with that person!
I bet Kristen and Phebe were eavesdropping too lo!
and i simply love the way Kristen frowned and ask, "What's the point!?"
HAHA! yes! What's the point huh, that girl!
(that girl is the new name given to Kesleen by Stef.)

Our MRT ride was filled with laughter, whispers etc.
looking suspiciously around to check that there wasn't any "suspects" lurking around.

City hall.
We alighted and was joined by my brother shortly.
my brother was there to help make up our seven sisters! :D
and it is such a coincidence that my brother's chinese name is Jiawei too! :D

i bought my brown havaianas :D
the boyish and simpliest of all havaianas.
my brother's one is out of stock. ):

next shopping for enfant's and Kristen's birthday present.
but sadly, nothing affordable and appealing was seen. ):
and the tired bunch of us, went to Azabu Sabo for desserts!

Green tea Sweet potato thing!

Mango Sweet potato thing!

but The Hotball thing!
eeks.. really very very lousy.
don't ever try that, you will end up being very disappointed. ):
it taste like sweet potato that is fried and dipped in a cup of cinnamon + spices ice creamy liquid.
nothing fantastic, instead it taste like a typical hawker centre goreng pisang, replacing the pisang with sweet potato.
not worth it at all!!
WARNING: Don't try it unless you wanna have a feel of having hawker centre food in a Japanese Restaurant, charged at a Restaurant price!

and this was how our gathering ended.
next gatehring, at NTU.
enfant and liyong's hall!
hopefully everyone can make it!
For the time being! study hard everyone!
jiayou! :D


Suddenly feel like blogging about this word.
Diarrhea is a beautiful word.
It is an English word that I always fail to spell properly/correctly.

However, i have solved this problem by finding its equivalent in German.
i like the pronunciation.

Ich hatte ein Durchfall.

(I had a diarrhea.)

Don't you think the German version sounds so much classier?

spelling Durchfall won't be a problem for me anymore.
The spelling of the word actually makes more sense, making it easier to be remembered!
Fall -> Waterfall -> Waterfall of shit!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Don't Panic after hearing it!

Tomorrow at 12.05pm.
SCDF will be sounding the public warning system.
Please do not be alarmed!

you can tune in to any Mediacorp radio station after the alarm to listen to the important message that they will be broadcasting.
i doubt I will be listening to it. :D
having lessons.

My wife- Sand Art


家后 (pronounced as "gea aw".)

This is also one of the theme song of Money No Enough 2.
Hokkien songs are actually very meaningful if you understand the lyrics.
The expressions and words they use are very different.
Yet, the overall feeling is strong.
For more information on this local production, read more here.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

after watching money no enough 2.

the movie is powerful
it really stimulated my crying nerve.
the death of the mother.
it was only after the show, then i realised how much ah ma has done.
small little actions to show her love for us.
Even up in heaven, she still sends us her blessing.

This makes me reflect on how much i have actually done for her?
It was never sufficient i guess..
and there is one regret that i have always lived with.
It is that one regret that i will live with forever.

Very often, I thought that as long as i study hard, and do well for my studies, she will be happy.
and studying hard was always in the name of not disappointing my ah ma.
but i comprehend something today..
No matter how well and how hard i study, it is for my own sake.
It is for my own happiness and future.
My ah ma is happy for me, cause i myself will be happy for my achievement.
My achievement is not for her. It isn't her glory
Even if i don't do well and not succeed in life, she will never look down on me or disown me.
This is how great her love is.

Here is a song by Jay Chou:
(the lyrics are really meaningful.)

Grandma (Wai po) - Jay Chou

今天是外婆生日 我换上复古西装 载着外婆开着拉风的古董车兜兜兜风
   车里放着她的最爱 找回属于是她的年代
   往大稻埕码头开去 把所有和外公的往事静静回忆
   外婆她脸上的涟漪 美丽但藏不住压抑 失去了爱情只盼望亲情 弥补回应
   一天到晚拼了命 赚钱少了关怀有什么意义

*外婆她的期待 慢慢变成无奈 大人们始终不明白
 她要的是陪伴 而不是六百块 比你给的还简单

#外婆她的无奈 无法变成期待 只有爱才能够明白
 走在淡水河畔 听着她的最爱 把温暖放回口袋

(女)记得去年外婆的生日 表哥带我和外婆参加 她最最重视的颁奖典礼
(周)结果却拿不到半个奖 不知该笑不笑 我对着镜头傻笑 只觉得自己可笑
(周)我难过 (合)却不是因为没得奖而难过
(周)我失落 (合)是因为看到外婆失落而失落
(女)大人们根本不能体会 表哥他的用心 好像随他们高兴就可以彻底的否定
(周)否定我的作品 决定在于心情 想坚持风格他们却觉得还欧颗
   没惊喜没有改变 我已经听了三年 我告诉外婆 我没输 不需要改变
(合)不要觉得可惜 这只是一场游戏 只要外婆觉得好听 那才是一种鼓励
(周)外婆露出了笑容说她以我为荣 浅浅的笑容 就让我感到比得奖它还要光荣

Repeat *

外婆她的无奈无法期待 有爱才能够明白
走在河畔听着最爱 把温暖放口袋

There are two songs from Money No Enough 2.
one is "Mother" and the other one is "Wife"
Both are nice songs. (:
i will go and look for it and post it up soon.

an angry post! NUS science student tsk tsk tsk.. ):

stupid @#$%#$%^!!!
what kind of friend did kesleen make man!
seriously la!!
all thanks to him!
not a little bit of guilt?
Is he human man?!

I kept on telling myself,
"never mind, its ok.
these kinda people are competitive shit.
(pardon me for using the shit word very often in this post.)
it is like that in science one."

haiz..even though i keep on telling myself that maybe i should start being selfish, competitive being.
I couldn't.
I shouldn't too!
Why should I let some stupid shitty people around me "mould" my character?
Why should i allow myself to be integrated and become part of them!?
Sorry, I just can't imagine myself being like that!
Being like a person that i do not like!
Thus, I am going to continue being what i have always been.
A true-blue non-Singaporean me.
No kiasu, kiasi neither kiasai.
kiasai = scared of sai results. (Shitty results!)

Still a little mad though.
The honeydew milk tea did a minimum role to extinguish the flaming fire.
How considerate is he.
the maddest thing is, he goes to the library every single day and I have never even stepped into the library before can?
this links to why I am so mad! never mind if you don't get it. I don't wish to explain.
what the shit!
really regretted being helpful to strangers! (still see him as a stranger.)
But in the first place I didn't mean to help him!
those words weren't meant for him.

STOP being a gen pi cong can!
four is a beautiful number,
we don't need a five.
five is odd.
and odd is ugly.

Stop trying to matchmake yourself with my friend.
you can't make it.
Just to make things clear,
I think you are lying whenever you say that you think you are very handsome.
Maybe it is just a form of self consolation 'cause you feel inferior?
rahhs. and lab coats are not meant to make people look sexy.

in conclusion, just shut your damn mouth.
everything will remain peaceful as long as you don't step on mine or any of my friends' toes.

I am not referring to NUS Science student, but i am referring to NUS science STUDENT!
this particular one only.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

♥ happy birthday dear dear ♥

Meeting you was fate,
becoming your friend was a choice,
but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

love you dear dear (:

Happy Happy birthday to you! :D

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Butterfly effect

At night, the city seemed to literally come alive. As he stood at the window and watched the lights of the vehicles on the road far below him move with apparent purpose along predefined routes, the mental image of blood flowing through veins came to him.

Blood that would spurt in all directions when the veins burst, rendered aimless now that the course it was programmed to follow was destroyed. Just like the careless manner in which his parents’ blood was spilled, on one ordinary but unfortunate night.

“Interesting birthmark,” she commented, glancing at the slightly darkened patch of skin on his arm, no larger than a quarter. He gave a small smile in response; it wasn’t the first time someone commented on the unusual mark on his arm, and it would not be the last. This little critter should have its own fan club, he thought with amusement.

“I say ‘interesting’ not because of its shape,” she continued, her eyes fixed on the butterfly, “but because my sister also had a butterfly-shaped birthmark on her ankle. She was my twin.”

Was. Her use of the past tense did not escape him. He raised his eyebrows questioningly, but said nothing of it lest he disrupt her private moment.

“You know something?” she lifted her head suddenly, looking straight into his eyes and interrupting his thoughts. She leaned over and whispered conspiratorially, “We are surrounded by butterflies. You can’t see them, but they’re there. They’re everywhere,” she paused. “We must take extra care not to disturb the wrong ones.” She punctuated her last sentence with a small wink.

This conversation is getting more peculiar by the minute. He wondered if he had unsuspectingly entered some kind of twilight zone straddled somewhere between fantasy and reality. He searched her face, looking for clues or signs that he was either talking to a madwoman or she was just pulling his leg. But other than the blink-and-you-will-miss-it twinkle in her eye, she seemed to be completely serious. Right. She’s mad, then, he concluded.

“What do you mean, invisible butterflies? And the wrong ones at that? And if we can’t see them, how do we know if they are the right ones or the wrong ones?” I can’t believe I’m talking about invisible butterflies to a person I met barely ten minutes ago. I must be going mad too, he sighed inwardly. Up to this point he hadn’t said a word, and he was about to steer the conversation to more conventional topics when curiosity got the better of him. After all, she did seem harmless enough, even if she were not entirely there up there. At the very least, she wasn’t a raving lunatic.

“Ah…” she smiled at him. “You’ve heard of the ‘butterfly effect’, haven’t you?”

He nodded. “When a butterfly flaps its wings, it could cause a storm at the other end of the world.”

“Yes,” she continued slowly, as if trying to gather her thoughts. “We are surrounded by these unseen butterflies, but they are not moving. They do not move until we disturb them, and cause them to flap their wings, which in turn could lead to a storm in our lives.”

“Mmmm…” he said thoughtfully.

“Everyone of us has a personal tragedy which, regardless of the weight we place on it, would undoubtedly impact our lives in some way or other. A butterfly flaps its wings and sets in motion a sequence of events that could culminate in one such tragedy.”

“So what made those butterflies flap their wings in the first place?”

“You,” she replied simply. “Every decision you make disturbs a butterfly, no matter how inconsequential that decision may seem. From the most trivial of decisions such as choosing a cheeseburger over a sandwich for lunch, to life-changing resolutions like getting married; every one of them is the flutter of a butterfly’s wings.”

She looked at him intently. “Just fifteen minutes ago, I disturbed a butterfly when I decided to talk to you.”

He leaned back in his chair, not taking his eyes off hers. “Wow. That sounds so… so depressing. That every decision we make could lead to a tragedy.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “It could. But what they didn’t mention is that while the butterfly could cause a storm, it could just as likely be the source of a cool summer breeze, or rainfall in the desert. You have to remember that there are two sides to everything. The universe will always seek to balance itself. Le Châtelier’s principle and all that.”

She fell quiet. He tried to say something to break the silence, but at that moment, the right words just eluded him. Maybe it simply wasn’t a time for words.

He thought of all the wrong butterflies he had touched, and then wondered which butterfly it was exactly that took his parents’ lives. He had never been able to completely forgive himself for his parents’ death.

He was a creature of habit and had a reputation for being dependable and reliable–predictable, even–and he prided himself on that, even if he did sometimes feel trapped. His iPod playlist was set to “shuffle”; a trivial but necessary act that allowed him to deliberately introduce some form of unpredictability into his life: he could not know what song would play next. He had over 20,000 songs in his music library and it could take up to more than a week before his iPod plays the same song again. Yet ever so often, a song that most befits his current mood would come up. This never ceased to amaze him; it was like his iPod was in sync with his emotions.

That night, sitting on the subway, he was just thinking of his girlfriend–ex-girlfriend, he reminded himself–with whom he had broken up a few days earlier. He was tempted to call her, to hear her voice once more, but he managed to fight back the urge.

That is until, through some warped coincidence, his iPod started to play The Beatles’ I Want to Hold Your Hand.

Our song, he thought. Of course. I should have known. The iPod’s doing it again. Damn.

He could bear it no longer. He whipped out his cellphone and dialled the first number on his speed-dial. I should really get down to removing it; I doubt I’ll be calling this number much in future…

In the train, a girl was thinking about the events that transpired over the past few months, and how she had inadvertently landed herself in this messy situation.

She didn’t want to disappoint her family; she knew she wouldn’t be able to bear seeing the hurt on her mother’s face if she broke the news. She wanted to end it all, to make her way to where there wasn’t any hurt or disappointment. She already had in mind the place where she would finally seek closure. There was a bridge she could go to. But a sliver of doubt lingered at the back of her mind… What if she was doing the wrong thing?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the guy sitting beside her. He seemed to be arguing, no, apologising, to someone. His girlfriend, probably. His tone was desperate; he seemed to be on the verge of tears. She turned to look at him, taking in the grief and hopelessness that were written quite clearly on his face.

Damn this world, she thought. Damn this stupid world and its troubles.

The guy now seemed to be making another call.

“Yes, mum. No… Yes, I know I promised to go over two weeks ago. Look, I’m sorry, all right? I’m just not in the mood right now. I’m going straight home… No… No you don’t have to come over, I can fix something up myself… No… No, don’t bother really… Fine. Suit yourself. I’ll leave the door unlocked.”

There. Another promise broken, she thought wryly. Why is it that we so easily break the promises that we make to people we really care about?

She was now convinced that she had made the right decision. She would end it all tonight. No more broken promises.

Thirty minutes later, a lorry crashed into the car that carried two passengers on the way to see their son.

At about the same time, halfway across the city, at the bottom of the river lay a girl with a birthmark on her ankle: a butterfly poised for flight.

what a story..
What are our feelings after reading it?
there are consequences in every action you take.
the consequences may or may not be know to us.
our actions that we take might have impacted someone's else life.
be it a good or a bad impact.
actions are governed by of decisions.
the right or wrong decisions?
even a right decision may have a negative impact on others?
and how would you know if it is a right decision?
very often, we come to a decision without putting too much thought into things.
Why do we do that?
character and principles have an important role to play in decision making processes.
make a wise decision, and not always the right decision.
Don't ask how.
It is your choice - Let your brain or your heart lead you.
Decision making again.
this is life.

Have you ever thought of how Chemistry can be inspirational?
Personally i have never till reading the above story.
Le Châtelier’s principle.
A simple definition would be that whenever a change is introduced to a system that is in equilibrium, the system will try to counteract the change by creating an opposing effect to the change.
Another familiar analogy is cause and effect or karma.
The same goes for many things in life.
Be it on the individual level, or even on a universal level.
It is a cycle.
Whether or not it will be a vicious cycle?
all depends on us.

my blog featured is in Action City facebook! :D haha!

I saw this tag on my tagboard saying that my blog has been featured.
so i went over to facebook to check it out.
and finally i found where it was featured in.
Action City's group on facebook.

here is where my blog was featured.

It was the post that i wrote about buying the Breadou fr my cousin as her birthday present.
haha! and if you go and read the post.
It is mainly on NDP preview rather than Breadou!
haha! so i wonder why was my blog featured.
Just cause i posted a few breadou pictures?
:S (a new emoticon i learnt. but i dunno what does it mean though? probably the same meaning as =X?)

a meaningful forwarded email.

Breakfast at McDonald's

I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree.

The last class I had to take was Sociology.

The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with.

Her last project of the term was called, 'Smile.'

The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions.

I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So I thought this would be a piece of cake.

Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald's one crisp March morning.

It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son.

We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then
even my husband did.

I did not move an inch... an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside me as I turned to see why they had moved.
As I turned around I smelled a horrible 'dirty body' smell, and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men.

As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was 'smiling'.

His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God's Light as he searched for acceptance.

He said, 'Good day' as he counted the few coins he had been clutching.

The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation.

I held my tears as I stood there with them.

The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted.

He said, 'Coffee is all Miss' because that was all they could afford. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm).

Then I really felt it - the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes.

That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action.

I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.

I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman's cold hand.

He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, 'Thank you.'

I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, 'I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.'

I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, 'That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope.'

We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give.

We are not church goers, but we are believers.

That day showed me the pure Light of God's sweet love.

I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.

I turned in 'my project' and the instructor read it.

Then she looked up at me and said, 'Can I share this?'

I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class.

She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed.

In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald's, my son, instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student.

I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:


Much love and compassion is sent to each and every person who may read this and learn how to


There is an Angel sent to watch over you.

In order for her to work, you must pass this on to the people you want watched over.

An Angel wrote:

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

To handle yourself, use your head.

To handle others, use your heart.

God Gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into its nest.

it doesn't take very much for you make a difference in someone else's life.
but it makes a hell a lot of difference to that person.
thanks liyong for forwarding this email to me :)

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy Birthday liyong!

(nah, a nice picture for your birthday!)

hope you enjoyed the conferencing which slowly transformed into interrogation phone calls that we made to you since last night till your special day early morning! :D

Sorry that we prevented you from talking to your one special darling, and your many other darlings!

:D haha! all rules are broken before liyong's 19th birthday! woohoo!
see told ya, 6 months rule won't work la. :P
and i agree with "me", the person who tagboarded you!
You have indeed grown up liao!

many many thousand billon thanks to idiots infante for initiating and making everything possible!

I totally love the part when we were supposed to sing liyong a birthday song but everyone just kept quiet!
then infant started screaming, like an auntie, "hurry la! the candles melting le!!"

after that i couldn't resist the temptation but to burst out laughing
i didn't meant to disrupt the birthday song! it was so hard to control ok!
In the end, I only managed to mouth the last few words of the birthday song as i was laughing all the way!
i had already tried my very best to silence my laughter but i failed!
It is not only me lo! i think Jiawei laughed really loudly too! :P

and Chan liyong! you must be appreciative of what we did tonight hor?!
We, the NUS people sacrificed doing our lab reports just so that we can conference with you!
and "countdown" for you!
(that is also the reason why this post is up at such a weird timing. i am just blogging so as to keep myself awake for the time being. still need to carry on after this!)

Here is the list of important people that you should thank:
First, Infant - the most important person you must thank!

then, of course not forgetting infant's mommy who painstakingly brought up infant, inculate such good values in her, and mould her character so so well.
the person is none other than me! :D
haha! so is the candle-melted-on-it mooncake nice?
Next, jiawei for having the intention to squat over at your hall.
Stef for staying up late to wish you happy birthday!
Kristen for being the first person to call infant! and for asking/interrogating you with those questions! (okie, actually i am the instigator.)
Kesleen for making me panic halfway through the conference call though i still continued conferencing. (cant think of anything better to say about kes la!) she was like the last one to call can! must tell and nudge her so so many times before she calls! tsk tsk tsk...

here are bits and pieces of the conversation that was memorable:
Kristen not recognising our voices! she said that everytime someone new comes into the conference, our voices changes! haha!

this is the most classic part of the call la!
we were actually having four concurrently conversations between the different groups among the seven of us.
1. our conference, all seven of us.
2. our MSN convo, jiawei started it. me, stef, kes and jiawei involved.
3. kris and i in an sms convo also. haha! because kris wasn't online and she wanna know what we were discussing about online.
4. this is one for poor infant who gets left out of everything just because she was beside the birthday girl. she switched off the loudspeaker on her phone to participate in our heated discussion, leaving the lost birthday girl alone. :D

i think we are totally crazy la!
i miss them.
i miss all of us coming together, chit chatting, pubbing etc etc..
if not for liyong's birthday, i don't think we will have a chance to conference like that lo.

haven seen all of us together for a month or so.
our monthly gathering has been postponed by nearly one and a half month.
slowly it will become a biennial (in terms of months).
we are all too busy!
haiz, hopefully there will be a gathering soon! probably in 2weeks time?

*liyong, red bookwormy wishes you happy birthday too! he ask you to study hard! jiayou!*

alrights, back to my CM1101 lab. yawns! falling asleep in ten seconds...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

what the fish la!?

damn it la.. i really really feel like scolding the F word now.
fish fish fish fish fish..
told you i am becoming much more vulgar. ):

i really hate to do sucky shit things especially when it topples my planned timetable.

e-trial test for final theory tomorrow.
haven study yet.

SSA readings for tutorial tomorrow,
read less than half way only.

Lab report on thurs.
haven touched.

German homework. due on thurs.
3 sets i think.
touched a little.

pr oj co mp shit. due yest.
cant touch yet!

CM1101 lab on thurs.
haven read nor prepare yet.

CM1101 and CM1111 revision.
haven even started on lecture notes 1.

and the list goes on...
many worries on my mind, yet no way to solve them.
i wonder how, but yeah.
nothing much i can do.
i am doing the very best that i can at least.

time to sacrifice my sleep.
and no way am i gonna sleep in lectures.
glad to have survived today.
i am proud of myself.

more chicken essence and pao shen to last me through the night.
there won't be good night for me today.
only good morning.

however, i am glad to have did something very important today! :D
that is the only thing i am proud of.
alrights back to my SSA readings.
oh no. gotta do my pr oj co mp shit liao. ):

Monday, September 01, 2008

i can't get an iPhone all because of my brother!

i have came to this conclusion about me buying iPhone.

really really no money to buy lo.
after touching it last friday, i can never forget the touch and how it feels like.
it is nothing compared to omnia, though omnia is so far the only phone comparable to iPhone.

haiz.. it is all my brother's fault!
its all because of him la.
if he didn't put braces, then i could have gotten like 4 iPhones at least!
What the hell right!
Why did he have to put braces la..
everytime he visits the dental clinic, $200 bucks fly away just like that.
just so that he can have a few pieces of metal on his teeth. ):
the accumulated $200 bucks per session can make up to one substantial white/black beautiful, stylish and valuable gadget lo!

yeah. so the reason why i am not getting my iPhone yet, it all thanks to my brother and his ugly crooked teeth!
when will iPhone be mine!!?

i feel depressed whenever i think of this.
especially when my K800i starts to hates me more and more..
every other day, it will give me problems la!
sad me..

someone, buy me an iPhone please..

and Singtel can you just stop sending me emails about iPhone. its tempting me! ):

for those people who loves to poke into people's affairs, i think you should start minding your own business.
this is just a joke between my brother and i and you have no right to say that i am childish in any sense.
i am sorry that you do not have any sense of humor in you.
oh, but many thanks to whoever you are for generating so much traffic to my blog.

NUS cheena tutor!!!

oh my god! i am in this extremely cheena maths class now!
what the hell la.
she will suddenly say she explain in chinese. then blah blah blah in chinese..
haha... you think this is crap, but if you listen to her speak in English, you will think that its even more crap la.
its sounds like ermm.. greek/some zimbawehoolala language?!

i am glad she is not my tutor.
i only crashed the tutorial.
poor stef and kes.. haha.

no wonder my tuorial was full to the brim this morning! must be her students!!!
haha.. okie la, she is not that bad...
at least i learnt something...
second deriative is called er jian! :D
alrights. back to listening to her..
or rather listening to her writing on the board.