Tuesday, October 17, 2006

GOOD singaporean sinseh!

went to the chinese sinseh yest.. all because of my old injury on my ankle.. really for a long time already! its 1 years n 4 mths old! this is considered old for a 16 going 17 year old girl!
this chinese sinseh was recommended by snow white, HK. his frenz's dad is the chinese sinseh.and i wanted to pretend that i know his frenz so that i can get a discount..hehe.. but being the honest and kind hearted girl that i am, i decided not to tell this white lie.
the place was really very difficult to find. i know that it is at block 36.. and snow white did show me the map on streetdirectory.com.. so obviously when my dad volunteered to bring me there, i trust that he knows the place is when i told him block 36..
never did i expect that although it is near bedok interchange, the place is not bedok block 36, but it is chai chee ave block 36. no wonder when i reached bedok black 36, there were no shops at the void deck. in fact,bedok black 36 used to be stef house n she told me that there were no shops beneath it.
Spent around 50 minutes trying to find that place.. fortunately, HK gave me the contact number then i realised that we were at the wrong place!
but i m very sure that if i had gone there alone, based on my own map reading skills, i will be able to get to that place myself lo! haha!

the doctor was shocked that my injury was more than 1 year old! and its still not cured. the previous sinseh that i usually go did not actually do anything to my ankle. the bones at my ankle were out of place for more than one year! all along, i have been conned by that cheena sinseh at bedok reservior..(why is there alwas a long Q outside ah? its not even good lo!! all the old people Q-ing outside kena cheated liao la..) no wonder my ankle keeps hurting! i thot that my ankle no cure already! luckily, i went to try out this new sinseh..gee..

the sinseh is pro.. i told him the details of my leg injury and he started pressing on my leg to check my bones structure.. and he told me about my bones being outta place..

and he started massaging and pulling my toes, twisting my ankle and literally cracked my ankle to move it back in place! (he really cracked it, i heard the very loud cracking sound when he twisted my ankle!)
after a while, my ankle became much more comfortable and i am able to jump around happily ever after! =)
amazing, all the above acts did not cause any pain or distress to joan. joan being the very brave girl endured the pain thruout the whole course of the "tui na" without shedding a drop of tear!

besides, being painless the sinseh even knows that i like eating spicy food.. he was pressing on my leg, and he suddenly asked if i am a spicy lover.. Pro huh.. haha.. i m impressed with the sinseh! wow! how can he tell by the feet la?

if anyone is suffering from any sprains, i would STRONGLY RECOMMEND you to this sinseh! altho it may not seems as crowded as the famous one at bedok reservoir, its sincere service is certainly better than the bedok resevoir one.. Probably it is because this sinseh is a singaporean man, while the other one is a ch**a man..no offence but really lo..

This is the name card of the good singapore sinseh.

rmbr it is CHAI CHEE AVE not bedok block 36!

The bitter, black medicine that i have to take 2 times per day after meals! really bitter! but no choice la. if not my leg will never recover. oh ya, forget to take medicine today!

this is my leg after it is wrapped by the sinseh..

he put some chinese herbs before wrapping that looks lik this when i took it out today...

this looks abit lik shit on a diaper hor..haha..

reminds me of the Rob-B-hood movie that i watched on sat..

the doc even threatened me not to walk too much for the next two to three weeks and i am not supposed to do any vigorous exercises.. plus, no cold drinks, which includes water cooler water! hmmz...how siahz.. should stop walking to becok interchange already.. but i walked there again today..oops.. =P

okie, gotta go off and take medicine! will come back soon..

oh ya, and thx HK... my ankle shd be treated! owe u a treat! =)