Monday, October 30, 2006

stupid cRow!

wat the hell!! even the crow wana attack me!

i was walking along the lonely road leading to Tampines Swimming Complex.. i walked past this crow standing on the railing of the drain.. i only gave it a glance and then i continued listening to my favorite song- NO PROMISES! and before i know it, i felt something sharp "knocking" on the back of my head, near my brain! Ouch!! damn painful la!! its that stupid crow pecking my head! i can even hear the pecking sound, as the sound waves vibrate through my brain cells! Kacke that crow la!! what the hell did i do?? merely gave it a glance.. i think it has been eyeing on my clever brain la! i felt the glare of the crow as i walked past.. i felt its head turned as i walked pass it.. so i decide to forgive that stupid crow! i understand that sometimes people(or something??!) get jealous of me la.. its understandable.. ya.. so stupid crow, i forgive u la..

i think anyone who is walking along that road, please be careful! my brother got pecked on his head over there also!

Sunday, October 29, 2006



everyone has to agree!


mY bOrinG hOLidAyS... siAnz..

the first weekend of my holiday.. real bored.. have been staying at home the whole of saturday and sunday.. nothing to do at home.. except going online.. revising and doing Chinese.. trying to memorise the OP script.. life is so sianz..

plus the rainy day makes my mood even duller lo.. wanna go swim also cannot.. i am wasting my time away at home.. people any suggestions of things that i can do?

i just completed that reflection of mine that i am supposed to write to my P.. my right hand is aching now.. its supposed to be handwritten cos, a person handwriting can show his/her character.. haha.. so i tried my best to make my handwriting such that it can show my goody good good character.. and i cut out on my vulgarities(like shit.. oh my shit and everything else related to shit..)
i changed all the shit to less vulgar terms like faeces, manure, humus german it is kacke! or Scheiße! anyone, can u please add on to my list and teach me how to swear in a less vulgar way??
joan is joking only, she is not a rude gal.. (=

i wana swim!

i hate rainy days.. i wana go swimming, but it has been raining for the whole day! i wana go suntanning, but where is the sun?? (liyong, where is ur darling??)


i wana swim!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

my pluto boyfriend! =)

i have an external³ boyfriend.. he is in pluto.. he is the COLDEST boyfriend of all!!(furthest from the sun mahz..)

how did my external³ boyfriend exist in the first place?? all thanks to mrs tag.. she wanted to know what was the reason for me not doing well for my promos this time round.. so she guessed: "got boyfriend issit??"

then, i am like,"no no..its some other reasons..external reasons la.."

so she went," oh..external boyfriend ar?? not from TJ la.."
and this is how it started..
external² is from overseas, while external³ is from other my very nice se7en other sisters chose the planet pluto for me(but pluto is not a planet already!)

that's why now, i have an external³ boyfriend..from pluto..and we will go dating on Jupiter together..looking at the nine beautiful romantic rite??

anyway, why must teachers always attribute poor results to having a boyfriend?? some people can still do well in their studies even when they have a boyfriend lo..


the meeting with P was nothing la... she jus wanted to talk to everyone and sort of make us do some reflections..and decide our future...hmmz.. we are even required to WRITE a reflection!! penning down our reflection works... bla bla bla..

dad received a call from my CT.. and he will be going to see the P next tue.. i wonder if i will know whether i m promoted anot by next tue.. i have been playing this waiting game for quite sometime le.. getting quite sick of it.. no point worrying le, i am just gonna enjoy myself for the time being..
and i am going swimming with liyong and jiawei now!! haha... at pak's house..we are going to sneak in..hehe..

Thursday, October 26, 2006


i m now in the TJ hub...
ponned chem lecture.. not that i wana pon la..budden i need to see the P at 0930 ma.. n lecture only ends at 0935.. so that is my VALID REASON for not going for lecture..

i am scared..really sacred..i hope that i will be hearing good news later..despite the fact that i have the chance of hearing more good news than bad, i am still scared leh..

as the seconds and minutes starts ticking away, i am feeling more and more nervous.. yesterday i thought that it will be nothing.. whereas now, i am sitting here, with all the butterflies flapping around vigorously in my stomach..the feeling is not good..

take a deep deep breath and calm down! joan must stay calm! okie.. all the best to myself.. hoopefully i will get what i am expecting and what i want.. i dun want another entry of disappointment..

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I m guilty...

joan is supposed to be a innocent young gal today.. But joan did something really awful today!! She made Stefanie cried!

It was after civics, after stef went to do her make up PE, and while the 5 sisters(only kesleen, kristen, liyong, stef n i were there.. to account for others, example that tammy ah..haiyo..she went scandaling lo...tsk tsk tsk.. n phebe went to the poly clinic.. while jiawei din come to sch today...she sprained her leg la...hehe..went sinseh with her after that..)

we were sitting under LT2, trying very hard to psycho kesleen to be an independent, modern and career minded woman..instead of sticking to her traditional, selfless housewife.. Just lik this...

(wonder who is this siahz...looks so much lik a typical n pro housewife siahz..can talk on the phone and fold clothes at the same time.. hmmz.. n dun u tink its sort of resembles kesleen?? =P)

back to the story, when GP post mortem was about to began, we made our way to the canteen before proceeding to LT1.. in the canteen, i saw yimn, and she pointed to her phone, and was telling me to check my phone.. so i felt for my pocket.. n oh no! my phone is not there! shit.. I couldn't find it leh.. but i was quite calm still as i rmbr tt i still ve it with me when i was under LT2.. so i borrowed liyong's phone and i walked back to LT2 to get my phone. At the same time, i dialled my number to ensure that my phone isn't in my bag.. den after several attempts(about 2), someone finally picked up..

SOMEONE: hello.. are you the finder of this phone?
ME(w/o thinking wats so wrong with the word finder): yes my phone with you??
SOMEONE: yes, u are the owner of the phone rite?? whr are you now..
ME: oh, i am under LT1 now..may i know whr are you??
SOMEONE: i'm in the canteen..
ME: okie, i'm going over now..

then, i stupidly went over to the canteen..thinking that who is that nice young lady with a real sweet, feminine and innocent voice who found my phone.. was thinking how should i thank her when i meet her..

i hurried past the 4 other sisters who were standing along the corridor leading to the canteen..

KESLEEN: have you found ur phone?
ME: nope, de person with my phone says she is in the canteen..

then i rushed into the canteen, tinking whr should i go and looking for her.. so i dialled my number again.. then the SOMEONE says she is behind me..
and i turned ard.. n at that moment, i realised that i m damn stupid! real real real stupid lo!!kesleen was holding onto my precious darling phone!! she was de SOMEONE!! n pls ar..forget those comments that i made earlier regarding SOMEONE being innocent & bla bla bla...kesleen is certainly not liddat!!

okie okie..enough of the development of the storyline.. i haven even touched on the main point yet! WHY AM I GUILTY? this is a bad narrative..rambling on and on..not precise not to the point..its bad!!

okie, so back to the point.. as i was a bit angry that they all tricked me..and stef was the one hu saw my phone..with liyong saying" see la, haiz..stef is the mastermind agn.." so i was lik.."tsk tsk tsk..haiyo..i dun wana talk to u le.." and i made my way up the LT w/o turning back to look at stef.. actually i wasn't angry at all..n i was quite glad to ve learnt my lesson, n not to leave my stuff lying around ever again..

i jus wanted to make stef sad, so that she will never do that again..but wrong move..when we were sitting in the LT, i was talking to yimin and sort of ignored stef..

and before i know it, she was crying and liyong went over to comfort her...
i was really shocked.. oh my shit..shit shit..its my fault..
i squeezed through the narrow space in front of kristen' and kesleen's seats, and on my way, i even kicked kesleen's pink dolphin bottle down the steps..gee..serve her right for trying to trick me la!
so i sat down beside stef, feeling really guilty and i tried to cheer her up.i was panicking.. dunno what i should do! keep on humouring her..telling her that i was joking only, i m not serious..din noe that my acting skills is so good la!! was really i know that stef is the 2nd crybaby among the eight sisters!

okie, i'm sincerely sorry for my good acting skills..cant blame me for having such good acting skills rite..hee..
seriously, stef, i din mean it..sorry to ve made u cry! joan is bad...bad joan..i deserve to be punish..jus punish me anyway u lik..but pls be lenient..hehe...

dun worry, be happy!

Yes, joan is going to stay happy.. miss lim wants to see a happy joan..
In fact, she doesn't know that Joan is actually Happy(used as a noun over here)..hahaz..

had a talk with her just now.. yup,n i agree.. i cant do anything now to change my results.. the results are there.. in black and white.. on that paper... cant change le.. i can only face the music (lalala..)and accept this really sad but real fact..sobz..

To everyone: dun worry kkz.. Happy is going to stay as happy as ever.. Happy will not turn into Grumpy overnight just cos of her results..its not the end of the world!! and even if its the end of the world, Happy will still be happy!!

actually, i have quite a high chance of getting promoted, despite the fact that i failed my promos..mine is a borderline case.. I tink at this point in time, the teachers would have already came to a conclusion of whether i should be retained or promoted.. hopefully, its the latter.. i'm very sure i wanna get promoted! i thought through it carefully.. i'm sure my foundation is there.. it just that i need some time for myself to organise my concepts NEATLY and pack them NEATLY into my brain! I'm hoping to pack everything into my left brain since my left brain controls the right side of my brain, and i'm a right hander..

*Notice that NEATLY was repeatly twice in the above paragraph.. i realy need to be NEAT! my study table is in a huge mess now!! Haven put my notes and books back to their respective positions after promos.. I agree that it has been quite sometime already.. haha..

Okies..will go and pack soon.. and i cant blog liao le.. my brother is gonna blame me for not letting him use the computer, and if his blog isn't updated-
its my fault!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

acting innocent..

from tmr onwards joan is going to be like this cute little gal here..

I am going to act innocent (nono..actually i m very innocent de!)..
and i can imagine liyong saying if i m innocent, she hair will be straight!!

look at that halo, the white robe, and the beautiful rainbow.. it looks like heaven rite?? hmmz... heaven?? bad omen.. okie..but look on de brighter side of life..

but i needa make sure that i am putting on my best behaviour when i see the Principal.. and especially so during chinese that my favourite chinese teacher will 很爱我..
den she can put in good words for me...gee..

low PSI, and i m at home..

selamat hari raya!

sianz home now..was hoping that i can go out with the 8 sisters today..(they are going ECP!!)...PSI is only 36 low i wish i am outside at the beach..skating or cycling or even KAYAKING!!...

the thing is I can go out with my family, but not my frenz. this is sorta a ban that i made for myself...not that i dun wan to go out with frenz, but if i go out with frenz too often, my parents will not be that happy.. they will allow me go out, but when i come home...i usually smell trouble...altho they did not say anything nor scold me, but its jus quite obvious that they aren't very happy about me going out so often...
i know that they dun wana nag at me i guess i have to exercise some self discipline lo..

anyway , what is so bad about staying at home rite?? with the horrible haze situation nowadays, its bad to stay outdoors.. breathing in excessive polluted air is bad for health.. furthermore, going out also requires money..hence staying at home would be doing my pocket a favour..preventing holes from being burnt in them..

i am just practising reframing...looking at the brighter side and in the positive light of life..okie, i guess it works..feeling much better now! *smiles* =)

Happy will continue staying happy, even though Happy cant go out!!

its all in the mind!!

oUr interestinG GP lesson! with the pink magnetic earring!

GP lesson wasn't GP lesson..

it was a talk cock, sing song, play ping pong session..

but the gist of it is...


sorry to say this, but really...he looks gay wearing liyong's pink magnetic earring!

its Pink Pink PINK!!

this is mr tan trying to put on that earring...
he was afraid of putting it on..
fearing that it might be painful..

after putting it on..
dun u agree that it looks gay??
trying to cover ur face so that no one can recognise u??
haha..too bad..its still recognisable..

yes, tt's rite remove ur hands!!
but huh..ur eyes!!
there will be more photos coming up..waiting for kesleen to send them to me..
and kesleen, u jus ignored me on msn! i nudged u somehow..i m sad, kesleen..i am so so so disappointed in you kesleen...

Monday, October 23, 2006

my greatest fear =(

had special civics early in the morning. it is really a special civics, cos, it was also the time when we all get to know the outcome of our results.( my greatest fear!!)
sorta expected that my results cant make it le. sorta prepared for the worst. but there is still that tinge of hope that i can successfully get promoted though. i was looking on the brighter side of life.. Hoping that there can be a chance for me to get promoted really... although i know that its going to be tough, but still, i bear a tiny weeny little bit of hope in my optimistic little heart..

i was thinking, please, can you just let me get promoted successfully?? i promise to cut down on my other commitments and put in more effort into my studies.. (not that i haven been putting in effort into my studies.. but probably not enough effort)I promise not to do last minute studying anymore, and i promise to be consistent..

to my disappointment, again, i did not get promoted successfully.. its still hanging in the air.. my promotion is subjected to teacher's recommendations and comments.. omg... what if that one single teacher decides that i should not get promoted, then there really is no chance liao lo!

there's really nothing that i can do now.. should i lik go and suck up to teachers? so that they can help me write some really nice recommendations such that i will confirm get promoted?? a bit too late liao lo.. and its so not my style to suck up la!! hehe..

okie, so after some reflections, and talking to Ms Goh, i think i should be thinking of what i should do to rectify the root of my problem instead or worrying about the results of those teachers recommendations.. yesh, she is right..i cant change the mess that i ve created.. the only thing that i can do now is to ensure that the mess does not get messier, and that this mess would not repeat itself again!
what is done is done le.. no time for regrets.. move on ba..
yes, joan, you ve been strong thruout the whole of this period..continue being strong and not give in to the mounting stress.. set urself free from some burdens, u ve to rest too.. probably is due to ur lack of sleep that ur memory capacity is turning from a giga byte to a kilo byte memory space.. (now i see the consequences of my lack of rest and sleep.. ya, ve to believe that the supposingly myth is true...)

Saturday, October 21, 2006


finally, manged to put my archives here le.. after a long long tym...have a headache after reading the source code for so long..

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

continuation of my disappointment..

the passing marks for chem is 35!! and i got 34 la! omg! 35 a h2 pass, n i needed that h2 pass badly!
the angrier thing is, i found out that i have a careless mistake, really carless one! i forget to draw that freaking -- for my double bond..i drew a single bond!! jus tt one more line, in i may have passed lo!! haiz..

i tink lets not talk abt econs..i did not realli study hard for it.. was a bit distracted by maths.. oni tried and study all the headings..36.3.. haven really look through the paper and see wat went wrong.. usually, i come out of a test feeling quite confident, and that i SHOULD have done well..but in de results come unexpected one!! unexpected in the duller side, not the brighter i wished it was de brighter side.. n happy will be more than happy.. happy will be gay!! gee...
(see the transformation in happy's mood?? its raising agn!)

anyway, i really gotta thx all my frenz for being there for me.. i am really ok le! and dun worry..i wont mind even if u all talk abt ur results in front of me..
and i will try my best to name everyone..
(in no order of merit)

the seven sisters:
liyong, jiawei(for gg to de beach with me..)
stefanie,phebe,(for de short mr brown video! reali creative n touching)
tammy,( for being so sensitive to my feelings.)
kesleen, kristen! (for creating so much laughter tt i forget my sadness.)
and not forgetting our dearest frenz, mr brown, for agreeing to perform in that short video!

meifen, yimin, (thx for comforting n consoling me.=))

Dawn, (thx for alwas being there for me, so far yet so near.)
Junjie, (not tt i dun wana talk to u..but.. thx for consoling me anyway.)
Joel, (for cheering me up!)

Bashful aka guohui, (for de long sms tt made my day.)
Sleepy aka desmond, (i'll keep my fingers crossed!)
Snow white aka hong kai, (for de reassurance u gave tt i will get promoted)
grumpy aka dawn, (agn, cos i wana thx u for de ice cream first!)

maria yati aka MY, (thx for cheering me up!)

Brother, (in one way or another help me thru!)

and all my teachers whom i seek help from..
sorry to have disappoint a lot of people.. especially my parents.. i noe its for my own good that they are nag at me, not very often tho. but i jus dun lik it.

this is the first time i am utterly disappointed in my results, and i promise that it is gonna be the last time also! =)

to everyone who ve cheered me up, comforted me, consoled me.. a very big thank you!! i have learnt to accept the fact and now i am going to stand strong!

mY diSappointmenT!!

results were given back yest..
in fact the whole of yest was results after results..
my mood was very very high early in the morn as the first paper we got back was GP. i got highest for my essay question, so obviously, i m damn happy la!! but din realli do well for my compre!! all cos of my AQ...i still unsure of how to do an AQ lo! =(
jiawei also did my question and she got second highest!! cool rite?? out of the eight sisters two topped an essay for GP!! i tink mr tan shd be giving us something for as a reward lo..

i haven drink my study buddy is still sitting on my study desk.. took some photos with it, will be posting them here soon.. and i still ve one of my lifeline ( sour power sweet) left also..haha..

okie, stop disgressing..back to my disappointing results... my biology was the lowest among all my other subjects...i thought that i could actually do well for bio! i wanted my 100% improvement for bio de..budden, it came back with an ultimate low score of 32.5.. i realli din expect that..i thought that i can at least score above 40 for bio.. WHAT HAPPENED?? i failed even my MCQ!! 7/20...when i thought that i could do well for MCQ! i predicted that the lowest i can ever get for MCQ shd be 11, but 7!!! its so much lower than expected la!! altho 7 is a nice number, i dun wana get 7 for my test la!! 7th in level is gd..but not 7 as a score or a grade la!!
another subject that is related to 7 is my maths... it is my highest h2 subject...37 only.. haiz...thought that i could at least get marks for those integration questions that i have been practising so hard de end...
ya la..quite true la,most of my marks came from integration questions..but there was one realli careless question which i changed my answer and it turned out to be the wrong answer.. zero marks for that question! so yuan wang la..and i din do the whole of the last page for maths! it was do-able!! ad it costed me a total of 8 marks!! (at least this time is 8 not 7)

okie...gotta go off liao...having PW now...haiz...sianz siahz...results so mood for PW.. =(

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

GOOD singaporean sinseh!

went to the chinese sinseh yest.. all because of my old injury on my ankle.. really for a long time already! its 1 years n 4 mths old! this is considered old for a 16 going 17 year old girl!
this chinese sinseh was recommended by snow white, HK. his frenz's dad is the chinese sinseh.and i wanted to pretend that i know his frenz so that i can get a discount..hehe.. but being the honest and kind hearted girl that i am, i decided not to tell this white lie.
the place was really very difficult to find. i know that it is at block 36.. and snow white did show me the map on so obviously when my dad volunteered to bring me there, i trust that he knows the place is when i told him block 36..
never did i expect that although it is near bedok interchange, the place is not bedok block 36, but it is chai chee ave block 36. no wonder when i reached bedok black 36, there were no shops at the void deck. in fact,bedok black 36 used to be stef house n she told me that there were no shops beneath it.
Spent around 50 minutes trying to find that place.. fortunately, HK gave me the contact number then i realised that we were at the wrong place!
but i m very sure that if i had gone there alone, based on my own map reading skills, i will be able to get to that place myself lo! haha!

the doctor was shocked that my injury was more than 1 year old! and its still not cured. the previous sinseh that i usually go did not actually do anything to my ankle. the bones at my ankle were out of place for more than one year! all along, i have been conned by that cheena sinseh at bedok reservior..(why is there alwas a long Q outside ah? its not even good lo!! all the old people Q-ing outside kena cheated liao la..) no wonder my ankle keeps hurting! i thot that my ankle no cure already! luckily, i went to try out this new sinseh..gee..

the sinseh is pro.. i told him the details of my leg injury and he started pressing on my leg to check my bones structure.. and he told me about my bones being outta place..

and he started massaging and pulling my toes, twisting my ankle and literally cracked my ankle to move it back in place! (he really cracked it, i heard the very loud cracking sound when he twisted my ankle!)
after a while, my ankle became much more comfortable and i am able to jump around happily ever after! =)
amazing, all the above acts did not cause any pain or distress to joan. joan being the very brave girl endured the pain thruout the whole course of the "tui na" without shedding a drop of tear!

besides, being painless the sinseh even knows that i like eating spicy food.. he was pressing on my leg, and he suddenly asked if i am a spicy lover.. Pro huh.. haha.. i m impressed with the sinseh! wow! how can he tell by the feet la?

if anyone is suffering from any sprains, i would STRONGLY RECOMMEND you to this sinseh! altho it may not seems as crowded as the famous one at bedok reservoir, its sincere service is certainly better than the bedok resevoir one.. Probably it is because this sinseh is a singaporean man, while the other one is a ch**a offence but really lo..

This is the name card of the good singapore sinseh.

rmbr it is CHAI CHEE AVE not bedok block 36!

The bitter, black medicine that i have to take 2 times per day after meals! really bitter! but no choice la. if not my leg will never recover. oh ya, forget to take medicine today!

this is my leg after it is wrapped by the sinseh..

he put some chinese herbs before wrapping that looks lik this when i took it out today...

this looks abit lik shit on a diaper hor..haha..

reminds me of the Rob-B-hood movie that i watched on sat..

the doc even threatened me not to walk too much for the next two to three weeks and i am not supposed to do any vigorous exercises.. plus, no cold drinks, which includes water cooler water! siahz.. should stop walking to becok interchange already.. but i walked there again today..oops.. =P

okie, gotta go off and take medicine! will come back soon..

oh ya, and thx HK... my ankle shd be treated! owe u a treat! =)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

~introductory paragraph to my blog~

this is joan's blog.
not the usually diary entry kinda blog..
an AB-normal blog (A Beri normal blog la)
Why is joan creating a blog? wats so nice abt a blog lo??
haiz.. i guess its peer influence lo.. my bro, dawn, kesleen all start blog le..den they all ask me to start also..
it was supposed to be started on de 10 oct, which is the last day of my promos!!
budden!! 10 oct became such an adventure! will blog more on de happening things we did when pictures are uploaded.. stay tuned for more exciting stuff ba!!
hopefully, there will be inspirations flooding my mind!