Friday, January 29, 2010

sometimes i just wanna bury everything else.
by busying myself with all the heaps of shit that i need to do.

i dont even feel like seeing anyone, anymore..

maybe what i need is playing with some kids.
having interesting little dialogues with them, showing them love and care, its all so simple.
certain days: I just don't feel like being nice.
I'm tired.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

☺Happy birthday dad!☺

梦想 因为爱而伟大 -人月牌

misses ):

when i miss somebody or something terribly badly.
tears just cant stop falling.
I don't have to know every single thing that is happening in other people's life, do I?
Then why at times I really want to find out, being afraid of missing out with the minutest detail..

even missing out on time, I feel sad.
of course I want more meet ups, more time for myself, more time to do more things...
nah, its not possible.
suddenly, when there are too many things to do, I don't know where to start.
and whenever I don't know where to start, I waste more time. Vicious cycle.

I feel guilty for agreeing to a meet and then to cancel it, due to the pressing deadlines of my other shit ass work to be done.

Finished resumé. and cover letter for GSK.
realised that my GSK's cover letter is too specific to be used for the other two companies.
Need to rephrase quite a few paragraphs for the other two.
just let me get GSK.
and materials people, don't compete with us please..
GSK's pay is really little. only about $700 per month. I don't mind, but just let me have it please.

one last thing,
weian's sis leaving for Holland got me thinking.
Will I miss the people in Singapore more or will they miss me more when I am over in Germany?
The thought of being alone sucks.

this is just a little emo post flooded with tears, I will recover.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

sneezing is no fun

sneezes after sneezes.
What happened? plus sore throat, and THAT!!
): wow, all in one package.

Gave up wearing my retainers for a while, having at least three ulcers in my mouth now.
I will put them back, maybe tonight.

my last minute disease is coming back.
Everything seems to be piling up.
Taking Six modules this semester yet there is not a bit of sense of urgency in me.
Prelab is done, however it feels like something is missing somewhere.
Haven done prelab for such a long time.

go away last minuteness.

can't decide on where I want to intern.
Looking at all the companies again, those companies which sounded less prestigious actually appeal to me more. Except for the GSK goddess! Nothing can replace that.
saw one of the listed companies, it is based in Austria. German usage opportunties! Will definitely try for that too (:

bye peeps.
nobody reads here nowadays.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Buri Cha!

happy day! :D
i cooked my brown rice tea! :D
followed the instructions and the taste was much stronger than the one I had in the restaurant.
added in more water, and boiled it even longer just so that I can make full use of the 100g of buri cha! (:

gonna let stef try some during lecture later. (:
brought a bottle for dear too! (:

anyway, Timetable no longer sucky!
and I accomplished my ten hours of Sleep last night! (:

lots of homework not done yet, but hais. no mood. shall do them after I enjoy this weekend. (:

dad's birthday present bought. (: love it!
Versace okies, don't play play!
wanted to get the Owell bracelet for dad, but he doesn't even wear the germanium one we got for him on Fathers' Day. ):
oh, just received email that there is Stammtisch on dad's Birthday. ):
nope, not going for Stammtisch. sadddsss... Need to pay $2!! haha!

Friday, January 15, 2010

nightmares not?

one of the "nightmares" came true.
and i predicted that nightmare. gosh.
probably this is just a blessing in disguise. (:

ate mac with stef yesterday.
wanted to eat the prosperity burger badly!
to my dismay, there is no Chicken one. only beef.
wanted to buy the Dog's doraemon. Sold out too!
Twister fries were great though! I love the potato taste! :D

tomorrow, 3years anniversary le! ❤❤❤ (:
dear doesn't want to tell me what he wants! hmph!
i shall crack my brains to find out!

okies, suddenly feel like cooking. bye peeps! :D

Monday, January 11, 2010

eleven the sacred number.

eleven. brother's L1R5.
3 points more than expected. more as in greater in value. meaning lousier than expected.

saying good bye to his dream school. ):
I will support his decision no matter what. (:
Appeal for it!
May he succeed.

"Celebratory" dinner at Changi Village Hotel.
had a long chit chat session with family.
Just the four of us. Warm and cosy feel. Simple life is loves.
& we saw chef William! (: haha, the Chef from Channel U programme.
He helped me toast my kaya bread! :D

first day of school.
tiring. ):
only two lectures, but lessons stretched from 8am to 6pm.
first lecture: 8am to 10am.
Second lesson: 4pm to 6pm.
not that I'm staying beside school or in the west, cant even go home, so I had to rot in school.
Stef and I went out for lunch at Woori Nara Korean restaurant tho.
Yummy! :D I think I'm totally exaggerating how nice everything taste.
Especially the brown rice tea. (: I think I am becoming addicted into drinking teas. (:

catching up session with quite a few people.
Kaiwei scared me with a freaking video. which i suspected something was wrong.
Short phone call with weian discussing about German stuff and our siblings' results.
smsed dawn. short chit chat session too.
busy us. ): no time for meet ups. ):
never mind, we have to work hard now!
Jiayou dawn! :D

& I need to start working hard. (or even harder than before)
timetable is shitty. hope that I will have time to handle my 6 modules.
might have to give up tuition. ): sad. ): no money. gonna take up new tuition jobs. I prefer Saturday tuitioning assignments.
Anyone wanna recommend? Emaths/Chemistry/Amaths. (: contact me ya. (: experienced tutor :P ha! :D

sunset in Germany. on our very last day.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

kids overloaded!

love the feeling of playing with kids! :D
Mabelle, Malcom, Nadine. and Sometimes I consider marcus a kid too :P

anyway, malcom had fun playing with me today! :D managed to coax him not to cry. (:

it was a little hard trying to juggle mabelle, malcom and chit chatting with marcus at the same time.
could tell that Mabelle was a little jealous when I diverted my attention to Malcom.
Though, everything was fine after a little distraction from her iPhone's cooking mama!
ha, I miss playing with them.
Mabelle's ideas are really creative, she told me she wants to be a an art teacher when she grows up. so cute. (:
so I told her she can teach my kids. and she said, "but I don't know your kids!" in a shy little voice.
adorable girl. Love her to bits! :D

Nadine isn't here today. She is over in Taipei. Flying back only tonight. (:
Miss plying with her too! she is super active! :D
that day before our genting trip, we dropped by her house in JB, and she was delighted! although it was already late at night, she didn't want to sleep and wanted to play with us. She showed me some toys and spoke to me in her, "Sim-ish" language! haha! damn funny! (okies, i like to assume that the kids are trying to convey something to me! Though, it might merely be a wishful thinking on my part.) :P

Lastly, brother's O level results out tomorrow. He seems stressed, and he cant sleep I think.
He suggested playing Wii at this hour. BUT! I have school tomorrow! okies, bad sister. ):
Nevertheless, I wish him luck, and may he get into his VJ la. If not, just appeal! haha, he dyed his ah beng hair black, and removed his biceps tattoo. no more beng. (:
good luck! :D we shall go have a celebration tomorrow! :D no matter what the results are. (:

P.S. talk to my brother the other night. Remembered the fact that I was hoping for a single digit. ): yeah. I was. and he knew. I don't understand how he can understand me this well. (: best brother in the whole wide world! :D

school reopens.

another chapter of my life begins.
(: school reopens, with six modules this semester.
Six, not sure if i can handle them, but I've to.

I would miss the holidays for sure.
Overseas trips.
concluded with the one with dear, bro and cousin.
Genting isn't that boring with their company.
theme park. tried all the thrilling rides! :D WOOHOO!
but i was lousy, ): didn't feel good after Viking. Everything else was great! :P I need to train myself for Viking!!
Bowling!! :D we bowled everyday, haha! (: broke my thumbnail though. But it was a blessing in disguise, after breaking my thumb nails, I could bowl so much better! :P
It's true! :D Strikes came along! :D hee (: I'm good kks! :D
Pool! :D hehe, i'm not bad la! dear and I versus bro and cousin.
Overall, we thrashed them rather badly. Not cause I'm good. But cause dear is good and my bro is damn lousy! :P
Rock Climbing! it was fun climbing up, getting higher and higher. However, when you fall without warning, our life is at stake. Super Dangerous. I was totally freaked out. ok, i admit I gave up the climb after seeing dear flew down, with acceleration. ):
Arcade! played the basketball thing (: I'm good okies! :P felt damn tired after that. due to excessive tip toe-ing. I'm too short. can't see the hoop if I don't tip toe. ;) hehe! but still, I think I am good! bleahs! :P so proud of myself.
4 days of genting and I learned and experienced so many new games and sports! :D great company! without adults! :D
Buffet dinner was super duper bloated-ing. dear ate super a lot. We ate sashimi in heaps! :D haha. totally 值回票价! the Buffet dinner was at Genting Hotel. Coffee Terrace. cousin-in-law introduced us to that. (: imagine a huge food court. with different cuisines, and you can eat all you want! :D Woohoo! (: Fattening, and sinful! :P we sat there for four hours straight. looking at the tables opposite us, changing three times! HAHA! we were that "greedy". All these for about S$20 ! (: we had 30% discount! :D

Throughout the whole trip, cousin and dear love flaunting their superb four word chinese.
damn, my brother and I were totally loss for words. but I'm still A Level A okies! :P

Life was great. I love that December and early Jan.
Time to face the present. Study hard, woodstock.
(: (: (: