Monday, January 11, 2010

eleven the sacred number.

eleven. brother's L1R5.
3 points more than expected. more as in greater in value. meaning lousier than expected.

saying good bye to his dream school. ):
I will support his decision no matter what. (:
Appeal for it!
May he succeed.

"Celebratory" dinner at Changi Village Hotel.
had a long chit chat session with family.
Just the four of us. Warm and cosy feel. Simple life is loves.
& we saw chef William! (: haha, the Chef from Channel U programme.
He helped me toast my kaya bread! :D

first day of school.
tiring. ):
only two lectures, but lessons stretched from 8am to 6pm.
first lecture: 8am to 10am.
Second lesson: 4pm to 6pm.
not that I'm staying beside school or in the west, cant even go home, so I had to rot in school.
Stef and I went out for lunch at Woori Nara Korean restaurant tho.
Yummy! :D I think I'm totally exaggerating how nice everything taste.
Especially the brown rice tea. (: I think I am becoming addicted into drinking teas. (:

catching up session with quite a few people.
Kaiwei scared me with a freaking video. which i suspected something was wrong.
Short phone call with weian discussing about German stuff and our siblings' results.
smsed dawn. short chit chat session too.
busy us. ): no time for meet ups. ):
never mind, we have to work hard now!
Jiayou dawn! :D

& I need to start working hard. (or even harder than before)
timetable is shitty. hope that I will have time to handle my 6 modules.
might have to give up tuition. ): sad. ): no money. gonna take up new tuition jobs. I prefer Saturday tuitioning assignments.
Anyone wanna recommend? Emaths/Chemistry/Amaths. (: contact me ya. (: experienced tutor :P ha! :D

sunset in Germany. on our very last day.