Wednesday, October 29, 2008

i passed!

done! :D
i passed my FTT!
on my second attempt.
i give myself a pat on the shoulder.
well done!
i love you joan! :D
Ich liebe dich.

time to mug hard for german vocabtest.
which is tomorrow.
and complete my stupid lab report.
which is due tomorrow too.

sleeping late again tonight.
that's when panda eyes start forming.
hopefully, my investment in l'oreal is not futile.

Monday, October 27, 2008

bloggend auf deutsch.

Ich habe bin heute müde.
Ich stehe auf. (this actually means i wake up!)
Ich gehe schlafen.
Gute Nacht.
Alles Gute für morgen.

I am tired TODAY.
I am going to sleep.
Good Night.
Good luck for tomorrow.

i realised that there were so many mistakes la!
omg! ): lousy me.
must be the sleeping bug.

anyway, GOOD NEWS! I passed my E trial test today!
both trials! :D
yayness! :D
hopefully Frau Glück(lady luck) will be by my side tomorrow!

i hate printing

printing notes is a chore.
especially if you procrastinate and print STACKS of notes all at once!
serve me right.
i had a great time flipping papers.
never had i missed once.
i think i can work as a paper flipper.
anyone wanna employ me?

hmmm...i don't think i can find such a job in Singapore now.
In the 1980s probably.
But not now, Singapore is moving on to high tech, high wage industries,
cos they find that they can no longer compete with our regional countries in terms of low wage.
So what is gonna happen to those poor uneducated pathetic people like me, who can only flip papers?
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
widening of income gap, thanks to our bestest garmen.

woah. sounds so SSA2204.
what has that module done to me.
freaky! ~

bye. back to filing my disgusting STACKS of notes.
and studying for my FTT. ):

Sunday, October 26, 2008


my house feels so empty tonight.
i am lonely. ):

mummy spending the night at her friend's house.
Catching up.

Brother spending his night at his teacher's house.
Watching soccer.

I spend my night alone at home.
Studying for my FTT.
I think i wont be able to make it again.
The more i study, the more i think i am gonna flung it once more.
keeping my fingers crossed and twisted.


If you can't even do everyday simple things properly,
no matter how hard you try to create "surprises",
or even going the extra mile to do certain things,
it WON'T work.

it is just a matter of being consistent.

Stop pissing me and everyone else off.

I don't know whether to feel sad for you or to gloat over your plight.

the carrot cake conversations, another singapore production

another Singapore production.
by Michael Wang. (aged 25)
coming to theatres on the 6 November 2008!
(which is next week!)

I like the trailer.
"so if my mom calls tonight, will you still take me to Paris tomorrow?"

Adrian Pang as Matthew, a rich property tycoon.
Alaric Tay as Daniel, a businessman who caught his wife cheating on him.
Andrea Fonseka as Ruth, a Singapore prostitute who aspires to be a blues singer.
Danielle O'Malley as Kate, a failed American actress transiting at Singapore.

just saw their blog.
learn more about each characters here.

i think Andrea Fonseka is beautiful!
i first saw her acting in Housemates.
a short film, worth the watch.

here is the official website.
go listen to the songs.
and the interface of the website is interesting!

This story seeks to prove that: The possibility that a conversations can change everything and that sometimes in life, all we have to do is talk.
-adapted from the website

Four Strangers. One Local Delicacy. I love carrot cakes too! :D especially those black black ones. :D

I wanna go watch it! :D
this is one of those conversational movies.
Not suitable for action packed lovers.

Swarovski Crystals Snoopy

Swarovski Snoopy by ~Livala on deviantART

so pretty!
I want it too! :D
I have decided to order Swarovski crystals online,
or probably head down to Arab Street and take a look.
getting ready to greenified my MBP! HAHAHA! :D
Thinking of getting Blue Zircon, Emerald, Peridot, black diamond and montana.
Maybe not all also la. depends. :D
just found another colour chart! :D

totally spoilt for choice!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

China is getting better at COPYING! iOrange!

An iPhone look alike - iOrgane.
Look here for the video.
Guess what is the last line in the video?
"Apple? No, this is Orange!"
said in a proud arrogant tone!
i am utterly disgusted.
the standard of English is bad!
"this is so cool, writing message with finger hand."
手指 ah?
I am wondering whether iOrgane is supposed to be spelled as iOrange.

oh, but i guess i really have to salute China for their fast and efficient copying!
they never fail to copy good things fast.
but their browser looks lousy still,
probably they were unsuccessful in trying to imitate safari.


long weekend!

long weekend ahead.
just feel like sleeping it away.
with the cooling rainy weather,
the only mood that i have in mind is my sleepy mood.

heaps and piles of things to accomplish within this long weekend.
it makes the supposingly long weekend seems rather short.
time is a relative concept,
like every other thing in life.

just yesterday, i was telling my brother my birthday wishlist for this year.
and he sorta ignored me totally. ):
only four things on my wishlist. :D
and of course, one of them is an Apple product. :D

my sony T200 is hospitalised. ):
cant get to see it for one week!
damn it!
it actually vibrates you know!
the person was saying that he will get my lens replaced.
hopefully it will recover,
and hopefully it will recover before sir desmond's wedding.

on the topic of his wedding,
he was saying that he has the experience and will be able to advice us accordingly next time.
"You think you all still very young ah?" was his reply when i said that there is still a long way to go.
but i am really still young what!
haven even reach the starting digit 2 lo. ):

dawn and i went shopping the other day. (thurs)
that was before meeting the project comp instructors for dinner.
We bought identical stuff!
this is crazy, but crazily true!
haha. attire finally settled! :D
thank you dawn!

Thank you dinner for proj comp instructors was at manhattan fish market at Central mall.
The seafood platter was huge!
Very Fulfilling!
and i love watching the flaming of the prawns!
looks cool! feels magical~
The bad thing about that place is the un-understandable accent of those waiters and waitresses.

Desmond sent all of us home after that.
it was raining very heavily.
the wiper was not doing its job well.
the windscreen was not cleared.
the view was blurred.
sungsheng was feeling nauseous.
gladly, desmond was accustomed to his unclear windscreen.

i was the last to get down.
i miss those little talks that we often have on his car.
how he always feels like a papa to us.
Truly TKNP's godfather.
what a reminiscing feeling.

Finally went to the gym yesterday!
after like almost close to two months!
Feeling a little more healthy after gyming.
a little only. ):
stamina has deproved by a lot!
or was it not the time of the month to gym.
rahhs. ):
supposed to go swimming with zhenyew today, and gymming with him tomorrow.
but today is a bad day to swim! ):
rainy weather.
and hougang is far when the nearer alternative is merely a 5min cycle away.
i will consider gymming tomorrow again.
but i wanna gym again on monday!
oh, and in the end i didn't go for his POP!
heh, not sincere in asking lo. :P
and i dread going down to HTA!

counting down to exams.
my last paper is one day after my birthday.
finally get to experience what it is like to have birthday on my exams.
not that i want to have this kinda experience.
the second best part of it all is that the last paper is Maths.
the only paper that i have full confidence in.
but that is of course with lots of practice and revision to be done on 30nov!
(i need to clarify that i am not trying to do last minute revision here.
Just that it is crucial to revise everything once again the day before.)
and the best part of it all is,
this year my chinese birthday nicely coincides with my English birthday! ):
like what the shit.
first time it happens and i am not gonna celebrate it.
anyway, i have decided that i am not gonna risk my maths just so to celebrate my birthday.
looking on the brighter side of life, i don't have to make the decision whether or not i want to celebrate my birthday the Chinese or the English way.

few more days to my Final theory test again.
sad. i failed the first time. ):
hopefully i can pass this time.
few more days plus to German 2nd Vocab test.
aiming for 90%.
ambitious ya? but i can do it de.
one week plus to SSA2204 test again.
the topics aren't even out yet lo.
the SSA lecturers are always so slow and inefficient in uploading notes or information.
nevertheless, i will try and start studying for everything la.
one week plus plus to German oral test! ):
how sia.
I am not very confident or rather not comfortable in conversing with my tutorial mates.
how i wish oral is done with my lecture group mates.

on a totally random side note,
i have decided to change my trackpad to tap clicking.
trying to get used to it now.

the new MacBooks and MacBookPros are so impressive.
basing it just on the look.
looking more and more like the iPhone.
haven got the chance to watch the Keynote yet.
will watch it when i am free ba.
heard that now it is four fingers multi touch! :D
nope, i am not thinking of changing.
oh, and Apple is gonna make it more affordable for the masses.
but we won't get to see it in Singapore soon.
its stupid la.
the first batch of MacBooks and Pros that are coming in will go to those elities that preordered.
damn it la!
that makes Apple so so exclusive.
Exculsive to only the rich.
I am so gonna work hard, Strike rich and be a proud Mac user!
lalala.. dream harder..

looking forward to ending all these damn things.
anyway, i am looking for a job.
anyone has any lobangs?
lobangs for 15 year olds contact me too!
not that i am 15 year old STUPID!
i wanna try working for Apple!
yeah! good idea right!
they should be glad to employ me lo.
no need too much training. (:
anyway, i need a job for one month.
yeah this december.
don't think i am going anywhere for holiday la. ):
sad. ):
economic recession. ):

just got Jay's new album.
listening to it now.
This magician song is uplifting and has a happy melody to it.
not sure about the meaning of the lyrics though,
haven started deciphering it.
and i do miss listening to chinese songs..
Now playing: 周杰伦 - 魔术先生
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

hossan SINGS history

learn history the hossan leong way. (:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

this is shit

freaking shitty CM1111 lab report.
formal one somemore..
i feel like giving up.
damn it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

my weird illness.

i think i am sick.
i am not feeling very comfortable.
i am suffering from post-project comp syndrome!
Things start to feel weird.
I feel uncomfortable carrying so little things.
I feel especially uncomfortable not carrying my laptop with me.
I feel especially uncomfortable being at home slacking the whole time.
I feel uncomfortable not drinking starbucks/coffee bean every day.
(I tried to make up for my Caffeine deficiency by making myself a cup of hot cappucino.
but seriously, it is not where near those that i enjoyed for the past week.)
I feel uncomfortable not having to face my Macbook Pro every other sec or not watching/listening to their rehearsals over and over again.
I feel weird not hearing the "Hello, I am Lindsay Lohan." joke.
I feel weird not listening to the sharp and evil "I KILL YOU!"
I feel weird not being able to see dawn every other day.
I got so used to seeing her everyday.
seriously everyday.
I get to see her everyday after school.
and i miss those times when we rushed down to TK and bought chicken rice specially for one another.
I miss the chicken rice too!
Obviously not the one that miss nani tabao from haig road, but the one in TK.
its time i go back to my normal routine.
time to sleep normally.
13 hours of sleep the previous day rocks!
I miss sleeping.
about 12 hours of sleep today.
I am rather satisfied.
I guess i am recharged and ready for my future challenges in my studies.
Three tests coming up. plus my FTT!
I am afraid that i will fail it once again. ): damn.
bye i am gonna try and sleep.
its difficult to fall asleep so early these days.

dawn B&J please!!
and i really really wanna go to german bar...
(say the "really really" in Danial's tone! HAHA!)


Inter-Area Project Competition!
Area 11, Champions once again! :D
Fourth Time in a row.
Proudly, we get to keep the Challenge Shield once again!

and this time round, we will get to keep the Challenge Shield forever!
Look at the last blank space in the Challenge Shield.
Rightfully belongs to us, and the whole Challenge shield rightfully belongs to us!
In fact, all those on the right of the Challenge Shield is Area 11!
except for the second top one.
and the topmost one was Area 11 too, (formerly Area 11).

The team, Instructors and Miss Nani. :D

I have to say that this year it is not purely a "Area 11 will win again" thing.
This year the circumstances were different.

Competition was stiff,
Other Areas were improving.

Project Comp was becoming more and more like Area 11 style.

no longer the Project Comp that we used to know.
It is even harder due to the short time frame that we have from the day we know that we got into finals till the day of finals itself.
effectively we only have 1 week before the finals to prepare.
Preparation of finals started on the 10 Oct when the finals was on 17 oct.
this is crazy.

That's why instructors' MSN nick read "Mission Impossible"!

We were really afraid that we will end up like Nanyang Girls or TK band this year.
The feeling sucks la.
I can't take the disappointment.
We can't bear to disappoint TKNP's Godfather, Sir Desmond.
Most importantly of all, the Challenge Shield MUST not fall into the hands of other areas.
haiz. Results announcement was an emotional moment for us.

With the "tiny" mistakes and non-perfection that happened during actual performance.
With the QnA being quite screwed up.
With the fourth and fifth Areas performance being quite on par with us.
Our confidence level fell to the negative zone.
damn it.
Dawn started crying when Sir Desmond came.
I was still holding on to the little hope that We have the Chance.
slowly analysing the situation with Sir Desmond.
it was totally not helping.
The more was being analysed, the bleaker our future seems to be.
The anticipation felt during reception,
our hearts have never beaten so fast in our whole life.

We rounded up our cadets to speak to them, just in case..
We were prepared for the worse.
It makes things even scarier as the cadets were very confident that they had done well.
keeping our fingers crossed.
as we did one last Area 11 cheer.

It was time to sit and wait for the results.
But before that, there was a "summary" from the judges on the good and bad points in general.
I can't stand it.
Eyes became a little wet, and goosebumps formed while holding dawn's hand damn tightly.
Sir desmond was beside me, making a checklist verbally, ticking each and everything that the judges mentioned that were good!
damn it.
we fulfilled all those, giving us a little more hope,
yet it was ambigious.
Area 2 fulfilled quite a few points too.

Then, came the announcement of results.
damn damn.
the Emcee announced 1st runner up first.
usually they would announce Champions first,
But not this time,
so in my mind it was like, "NO NO, 1st runner up, not us, not us, not us please."
and then the next thing was, "Area 2!!"
Damn! We jumped up for joy!
Tears of joy overflowed!
Screams of joy! WOOHOO!!
haha. and we were reminded of minding our image. hehe. (:
and finally! our team went on stage to receive their trophies and the Challenge shield!
Screams, tears and clapping resumed!
Khaleedah, the group leader, held the challenge trophy high up!
AREA 11 did it once again! :D
all the hugging, sobbing and praising started!

everything was worth it.
seriously, everything.
the friends gatherings that we missed,
the school that we pon-ed,
the lectures that we fell asleep in,
the late nights we stayed up.
or rather the nights that we did not sleep at all.
the amount money that we spent on starbucks and coffee bean to keep us awake.
the weight gained due to excessive whipped cream and late night suppers! ):
the amount of fastfood that we ordered, that even led to my number being blacklisted by Mcdelivery.
midnight surcharge on taxi fares that almost killed all of us.
the long traveling time from NUS/SP
to TK
to HTA
to Parkway
to Changi airport
to Changi Sea Sports Club
to Ikea
to everywhere
but home. ):
the dark eye circles/wrinkles/frown lines etc that formed,
the white hairs that grew overnight.
the lack of sleep.
the anger and frustration vented.
All those arguments and disagreements that surfaced along the way.
the EQ that was lowered during times of frustrations.
the friendship that probably soured a little.
the many things that we prepared and did but was not being put to use. ):
and many other little sacrifices here and there.
for example the tears that dawn has sacrificed. :P HAHA!

But of course there were happy times too,
times that kept us hanging in there,
times that kept us going on,
videos that we watch during our late nights to keep us entertained.
the stupid, "Hello, I'm Lindsay Lohan!" joke that forever came at the wrong time (from fiq.)
the times we used fiq's name to curse in German! :D HAHA!
the complimentary drinks that we drank in the airport.
the whole can of whipped cream that we "owned" all to ourselves,
the cups of whipped cream from Starbucks that we requested,
the times when dawn and i camwhored in the middle of the night.
the little gossips that we shared here and there.
etc etc etc..

Finally it has come to an end.
A Happy Ending.
An ending that we are all satisfied with.
All those who walked through the whole journey with us, making our success possible:

Thanks to all the people at HTA who had given us a great deal of technical help.
Special Thanks to Songsheng for your videos.
Sorry for the really short notice.
Thanks to Sir Desmond for taking time off your busy schedule to give us your moral support, and thanks for always being there as a fatherly figure for us to confide in.
Thanks to Mr Koh Tong Seah for helping us so much with our props!
Thanks to all the OCs from the different schools.
Thanks to Lianyu for giving us the moral support.
Thank you Miss Nani for helping us learn to make use of our time wisely. haha.

Thanks to the project team for putting in your best effort!
All the last minute changes that you guys had to adapt to.
All the willingness that you guys put into your performance.
All the unexpected situations that we ended up in.
All the disagreeements that you guys had to go through with your parents etc etc...
Nevertheless, we did it!
i am really proud of you!

Now its time for a good rest.
Time to move on and catch up in life.
Everything ended off on a good note.
Another significant event that impacted me.
Many things to be learnt and have been learnt on the way.
It is really a wonderful feeling.
Area 11, We are the defencing champions!

Look here! dawn's blog! haha! emo-momo... :P
Now playing: Good Charlotte - March On (Acoustic Version)
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, October 09, 2008

time for a break? nah...

phew, finally all the mid terms are over.
dn't really have a sense of happiness in me though.
Feeling rather numb now.
Just know that i spend quite a lot of money in school.
I wonder why.
using spending power to fill in the gaps of emptiness in me?
don't know.

Time to change my focus to something else.
7 more days and the fate will be determined.
Chionging for the last lap.

Life is unfair.
that's why its fair.
suddenly thought of this random phrase.
Dr Battens was talking about something along this line too.
But its just hard to believe in this phrase totally.
Its even harder to put it into actions.
at times, i do feel unjust.
trying to shake off those negative feelings and thinking.
its best to remain neutral and positive. never step into the negative zone.
I need to talk!
Seriously talk.
alrights, going crazy from not talking much.

Monday, October 06, 2008

my bleak week ahead...

i can forsee that this will be a really hectic week for me.
early mornings everyday.
sleep late wake up early.
won't really have leisure time.
stress building up.
running out of time.

this is life.
march on girl.
you can survive this week.
like how you have survived the past six weeks.
times flies.
just hang on and before you know it, the week would have passed.

i so wanna go pubbing!
i wanna go german bar!
not the paulaners one.
but i wanna go to that too!
there is oktoberfest coming up!
nice oktoberfest beer!
who wanna go with me?
oh ya, i want ot go to the other german bar.
near raffles city one.
okok. stop thinking about drinking.
back to my studies.

i learnt someething new..

i learnt something new while talking to infant today!
a new lingo.
can you all figure out what that is?
Try pronouncing it!
haha! :P
highlight the line above to view the answer! :D

Now playing: Good Charlotte - March On (Acoustic Version)
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Kelvyn's farewell dinner

Kelvyn has gone to China - Nanjing.
For THREE years!

Last Friday, we had a farewell dinner for him at International Seafood at ECP Big Splash.
We were really fortunate to enjoy a lip-smacking 10-course dinner specially prepared by the chef who is Kel's friend.
The Chef is one of those judges on the "snatch sth sth sth" variety show on TV.
(Its a chinese show, but pardon me for my lousy han yu pi yin and i only know the first word of the show name.:P.)

A total of 11 people were there,
we had a Xiang fang all to ourselves! :D
Thanks to the hospitality of the chef.
However, the feng shui of our xiang fang was lousy!
We were situated directly beside this group of ah tiongs, and an ang moh. ):
or rather i should say, we were situated beside this group of loves-to-camwhore, drunk, and very wrong ah tiongs.
erm.. very wrong indeed.. we have a good laugh at their conversations!
and also imitating their conversations.
we didn't mean to eavesdrop!
It was really too loud, you know la, typical ah tiongs' volume, the whole HDB block can hear lo,
furthermore we are like RIGHT NEXT TO THEM!
obviously the thin sheet of partition between isn't gonna block out their noise.

That thin partition is another form of "entertainment" for the night.
We watched "Shadows show"!
and Desmond performed a bit of his own's doggie shadow show.
hehe (:

Here are the 10-course dinner:
(Pictures courtesy of Engkiat)

First dish, Chilli mussels

Mai Pian Xia!
I love this so!
if not i will suffer. ):

Next its the scary looking fish!
nah, not supposed to be eaten raw, like sashimi.
how i wish it is.
BUT having it cooked is nice too!
i don't really like all types of fish, but surprisingly i like this!
its a grouper.

oh and i like the purple cabbage alot! :D
in the pot..

Next BBQ sotong!
the sotong is very Q!

Here are the chilli crabs!
huge pincers they have.
and the fried mantou aren't too oily either.

There is a mee sua and this fried basket with mushroom veggie at the side.
I like the mushroom alot! but i hate that veggie mixed with the mushroom,
so dawn and i decided to split of share as she hates mushrooms. hee (:

Lastly, thai desserts :D
that plate of light yellow thing at the side is tapioca.
which is MY FAVOURITE!
and you are supposed to eat it with the white milky liquid at the side.
i think it taste like sweet potato lo. :P

Spent a total of $339.95.
Kelvyn's treat! :D HAHA! paiseh. :p

and this marks the end of the food entry. :D
Here is our group photo!
it took us several attempts to get this picture taken.
the waitress was lousy.
she doesn't understand the meaning of press half, then press full.
heh, or maybe our chinese is not on par with them.
yeah most of the waitress there are from china!

second row, from left to right:
Raja, Desmond, dear dear, Hui heng, Sungsheng, Kelvyn, Engkiat
First row, from left to right:
me, Dawn, Vivien, Peifen. :)

oh ya, although the waitress are from China, their service is quite good! :D
haha. there is this singaporean waitress that i didn't really like la.
bad not so good service.

anyway, i seriously prefer gatherings in a Chinese style restaurant, with round tables.
in this way everyone can talk to everyone.
But it is provided that we have a maximum of 11 people?
don't think we can fit our usually size of 20 plus people.
hehe (:

oh there is a stupid reason i wanna give as to why i don't like round tables.
Round tables makes it little difficult to find your slippers when it gets kicked off by your dear friend sitting beside you.
Imagine finding one side of your slippers that has flown to god-knows-how-far under the BIG round table.
Its damn malu ok. ):
i apologise for the little commotion created.
and i have to say that i am the victim here.

Then, we started comparing iPhone and Omnia.
In conclusion, iPhone won!
the reason for it to win is:
iPhone sounds so much nicer than Omniaaaaaa..
Of course!! :D
iPhone sounds so much more seh lo. :D

Raja's iPhone was being passed around the table and fortunately, it escaped the stress test!
phew, can't bear to see an iPhone being thrown into a plate of Chilli crabs!

It has been a long time since we last had a gathering.
the last time was at szechuan's farewell.
it is always during farewells or chinese new year that we meet up.
Our next meet up will be during Desmond's wedding. :D
Just wondering whose wedding will be next.
heh, desmond was teasing kel that probably he will be next!
coming back with a China wife! HAHA!

then, we went home.
it has been ages since des sent us home.
and i lied to him that i am taking my A levels this year. :P
haha! it is a nice feeling talking to him again.
Time really flies.. :D
We have all grown up and grown old...

Now playing: Marié Digby - Say It Again
via FoxyTunes

Say it again :D

I love this song so much!
its currently being repeated in my iTunes!
(saw it on kelvyn's blog.)
The official music video is so cute.
I love all the props!
There are a few of her Say it again music video.
One in Japan and another in Venice beach!

She is Marie Digby.
She is a mixed blood,
half irish, half Japanese. :D
beautiful ain't she?

she is one of the few female singers that aren't "divas-like" and "bitchy".
She does covers too!
Just like boyce avenue. :D

Some of her other songs that are worth listening to:
Stupid for you
Miss invisible

These are her own songs.
You can go to youtube to search for more of her covers.
I like particularly "Linkin Park- What I have done"

"Say it again for me
Cuz I love the way it feels when you are telling me that I'm
The only one who blows your mind.."

The full lyrics:
The thing about love
Is I never saw it coming
It kinda crept up and took me by surprise
And now there's a voice inside my heart that's got me wondering
Is this true, I want to hear it one more time

Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Just a little louder

Say it again for me
Cuz I love the way it feels when you are telling me that I'm
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you're in love
Say it again

Thing about you is you know just how to get me
You talk about us like there's no end in sight
The thing about me is that I really want to let you
Open that door and walk into my life

Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Just a little louder

Say it again for me
Cuz I love the way it feels when you are telling me that I'm
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you're in love

And it feels like it's the first time
That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain
And never in my whole life
Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name

Say it again for me
Cuz I love the way it feels when you are telling me that I'm
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you're in love
Say it again (x9)

When you tell me you're in love...
Say it again

Ohhh... Ohhhhhh

Now playing: Marié Digby - Say It Again
via FoxyTunes


haiz. life is so unpredictable.
you never know what will things/people become of eventually.
not that i wanna know either.

I don't deny that there are nice and good things to look forward to.
Sometimes, its through all those negative events, that we learn to treasure and appreciate the good better.
maybe its a blessing in disguise.

repeating Our Canon in D on my iTunes.

Found another new song that i like!
Say it again! :D heard it on kel's blog.
nice song.
Bon voyage to him.
don't think i will be sending him off.
All the best to his future endeavors.
One of the best-est seniors i ever had.
I have always admired his courage. :D
Alles Gute!

Now playing: Aaron Angello - Our Canon In D
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, October 04, 2008

i must study!

i am feeling really sleepy now! ):
sleepy picture
but cannot!! i must study now!
studying picture

Click the links to view those photos!
the photos are protected, cant be saved.):
above pictures are taken by Alwin Lim from lightedpixels who is sir desmond's wedding photographer! :D

This video was made by his photographer too!

Its really sweet! so natural!
its either the photographer is good or desmond and sarah are really natural!
my favourite picture is the one with desmond hugging sarah's waist, and there is a heart shaped formed in the shadow! (at 2:25)
watch it in high quality, full screen!
(we watched it during dinner yesterday on an iPhone! haha! Raja's iPhone!)

and Alwin Lim uses a Sony DSLR A700 okies.
not Canon. :P bleahs. Sony can take good pictures too lo!

alrights, i shall go study now.
will probably blog about yesterday's dinner tonight. (:

Thursday, October 02, 2008

"Why are your nails green?"

Yesterday, during tuition,
when my female tution kid came into the room,
then she went, "WAH GREEN NAILS! Why are they green ah?"
my reply, "I am POISON IVY ma! WAHAHA!"

alrights, i am crazy. haha.
but who cares.
crazily happy ma! :D

got my german 1 (LAG1201) vocab test back today.
happy!! YAYNESS!
haha. regained confidence in my studies once again.

throughout the whole level there are actually 3 people scoring full marks for the paper!
see, it is not impossible to do well.
its not just them, even for me, i think its possible to do even better!

this is the results i achieved from last minute studying for 1 day.
so if i had studied harder...
hmm... maybe i will be one of those who scored full marks?
hehe (:
okies, i shall stop being so ambitious/such a perfectionist.
BUT it really is possible.
Frau Chen (my lecturer) said that people usually score quite high for vocab test!
and usually everyone pass the test.
Time to work harder for German. :D
Semestertest is coming. NEXT WEEK! ):
its not just a vocab test.
listening, dialogue building, cloze passage, sentence structure, grammar and everything else taught la.
i am glad that there is no oral YET!
alrights, i shall go sleep soon.
): have to go to school myself tomorrow.

on a side note, if Zhirong, my dearest BCF is reading this,
I realised that everytime i use orange for my words, i will remember you!
i wonder why. What an impact you made on my life! hee (:

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

my holiday ended

it was a slack day.
damn slack.
didn't feel like doing anything constructive.
in conclusion, i rested.

ohh, but i did revise German.

went for tuition.
i like my tuition kids :D
hopefully they remember what i teach them.
and i do understand that memorising formulae sucks.
i am facing the same problem now also.
haiz. all that trouble for a piece of qualification.
this is life in Singapore.

Looking forward to CM1111 lab tomorrow.
Something much more interesting than the usual.
I will be synthesising some compounds!
much more interesting than TITRATION
and e to the power of infinity times more interesting than QUALITIVE ANALYSIS!
(cause "colour-perspective-distortion" people hate QA to the max!)
though, there are a lot more new things to be carried out in tomorrow's experiment,
and hopefully i wouldn't make major mistakes, giving that TA a chance to suan me again. ):
I love NEW CHALLENGES though :D

yayness to tomorrow! :D

Thursday, but no Thursday Blue!
its gonna be THURSDAY GREEN!
yeah! :D

Bubbletea after lab! :D
and finally friday!
and then the weekends!

Looking forward to fridays too! :D
i will be having a series of gatherings on Fridays. (:

anyway, i recovered from my "sadness" :D
not to worry, i am fine now.
and charlie, i want my schokolade as you promised!
VIELE VIELE DANKE! (many many thanks!)