Sunday, August 30, 2009

how true..

"Writers are big procrastinators. They find countless reasons not to get started. Even when they finally get themselves seated at their desks, they always seem to find diversions: make the coffee, sharpen the pencil, go to the bathroom, thumb through more literature . . . Remember that you are never `ready' to write; writing is something you must make a conscious decision to do and then discipline yourself to follow through."
(Bogdan, R.C. and Biklen, S.K. 1982)

Easier said than done but waiting for the 'right' moment might take forever. It's better to make an early start.

I was reading the link on how to write a lab report, and this was what is says.
Which I have to say is very much applicable to me. Especially at this moment. Here I am once again blogging about this.

Anyway, I posted my status on Facebook- Sometimes I really don't get it. Why do humans have to do lab reports? How practical are lab reports?
And easily within minutes several friends on facebook "liked" my status. See? Lab reports are a waste of precious brain cells.

Alrights, I should Start right now! Its not quite an early start anymore.
Now playing: Lonestar - I'm Already There
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The ah beng song! (:

Singapore Ah-Beng Song - FM 98.7 Perfect 10

Happiness finds me once again (:

Darling MBP is back to its owner in Peanuts Land once again. (:

MBP is gonna start doing work for his owner. (:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

stress starts bulding up.

everyone starts to mug.
everyone gets hardworking.
that includes me. time is tight, and schlafenzeit ist diminishing.
lab that day wasn't fine.
I was late for German for 45 minutes?
How fine can it get? ): I would never want to be late ever again.
German (and maybe PR3101) are my favorite lectures.
and i cant believe that I actually prefer level 3000 modules. What's wrong with me?

went over to ION orchard with kesleen to collect my OPI nail polish!
They are finally here! :D
Happy! :D just applied them. (: pretty pinkish red.
Had Gustimo with kes. (:
with a mini chit chat session.
it has been long since we talked.
there is this really heartwarming feeling whenever I talk to saggi buds.
Guess we are both saggis.
And it seems that she truly understands and see things in my point of view.
Kes and I decided to reserve a seat for 4 for xiao long bao buffet tmr.
However, it was already fully booked! ): arghs.. ):
Never mind. We promise to go again!

Dad doesn't want to fetch me to school again tomorrow.
damn it. waking up at 550am is shit.
haiz. it affects my concentration level in lectures.
I am going to down a can of red bull tmr again.
8am to 8pm.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


cute and lovable little korean girl dancing! :D
She made my day!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

my macbook pro is hospitalised. ):

Warranty is over, but Apple was nice enough to replace the mother board for free. (:
Though I won't quite say that Apple is nice, as it was all along their problem to start with. :P

Blogging from my Brother's white Macbook now. Poor brother, he has to be parted from his MB cos of me!
However looking on the bright side, I am actually helping him concentrate on his studies. HAHA!
He has gotten an A1 for his Chinese! (only 16 people from his school got A1 for MOTHER TONGUE.pathetic eh?)
Nevertheless, great job bro! Just like his sister (: HAHA!
We're all Chinese Pros. (:

I miss my MBP):
My heart ached when I couldn't wake it up from its sleep mode. (okies, I literally teared too. ):)
Traurig, es ist mein Schatz! ):
Come back to me soon. (Speculated to be later part of the week.)

Workload from school is getting heavier as expected.
Even without all the tutorials and labs.
Can't imagine what life would be like loaded with tutorials, labs, tuition, etc etc.
So far, I guess I have been rather on track and coping well. (ok, maybe not. just let me live in denial for a while.)
Had been paying attention in all lectures except for probably Organic Chem ):
CM2121 is crap serious!
Everything is so messy, and the Prof reminds me so much of a more untidy Jaenicke.

I tried to pay attention in his lecture but I will drift away every now and then.
His voice is so lullaby-ish. He loves to crack jokes which is helpful in keeping me awake, but I get carried away by those jokes and my train of thoughts get distracted. Gosh, once again an Organic Nightmare.
I have landed myself in this heap of trouble. I don't quite have to take Organic Chemistry actually.
But for the sake of my graduation on time(hopefully), Organic Chem is here to pester me again.
Organic Chem is more of an Elective then a Core. crazy right? Who takes Organic as an Elective one? (Except for those Maths Major.)
Alrights, time to organise my Organic Chem notes. (they are freaking expensive to print! Cos they are coloured. -I chose to print them coloured. I only have myself to blame once again.)

For the past week, I didn't manage to complete CM2161 tutorial and also prep for PR3101 lab.
Lab was not as great. Shall not elaborate further.
Incompetency was partly due to CMAD and the hospitalisation of my MBP. ):
CMAD was good! HAHA! seeing wawa getting kicked,thrown and also "mopping" the floor with his body? HAHA!
@wawa your actions are caught on video! :P
Unexpected discovery of NUS Museum open house.
Sculptures of squashed up koreans by a Korean sculpturer.
Not that I know how to appreciate art, but they look interesting and scary when viewed in certain angles.

Drew out a long do-to-list for the weekend.
hais. not going out with dear this Saturday. Ops manning.
However, going for 30/06 class gathering. (:
Not having tuition on Sunday too. going temple. then giving aunt a mini birthday celebration thereafter.
With the huge amount of time that I am actually staying at home for the weekend, I hope to complete at least 75% of my tasks.

Anyway, did I mention that dear is going for reservist again.
Army sucks. :P
Forever calling dear up.
That isn't the gist of the problem.
Calling him up on is birthday is the irritating thing.
damn it(eat) shit.

oh, I caught The Hangover recently.
Alternative to The Proposal. (cause there were too few timeslots at late timings as they were only sneak previews.)
The Hangover was pretty shitty la.
Crappy show. With Nudity, lots of F-words etc etc. [NC16 only] (dear enjoyed it tremendously. his kinda show.)
Though I would say that the plot was not bad.

Caught the Jack Neo movie, Where got Ghost?
erm. one word - SUCKS!
don't waste money. This kinda movie can just buy DVDs is you really wanna watch it.
Worst of all his shows.
Its a trying too hard movie. and the jokes aren't funny.
This movie has been topping most of the Cinemas box office 'cause it has really too too many timeslots everywhere.
There were about 5 timings of screening per day even when it was in its sneak preview period of time.
If you do your probability right, you will definitely realise that it is impossible NOT to top the box offices.
Just don't watch. If not you will regret. (Its even worse than Harry Potter if you think that Harry Potter was bad.)

gonna catch it with dear before he goes for reservist which is next next monday. ):
Need to find a good timing though. With my 3-days-till 8pm time table. 3 days of tuition. blah blah blah. ):
buais! :D back to MUG! (Russell, I go to school that early just to mug. :P )

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why is Love blind?

Do take some time to read this. I love it, and so will you.
The tale of Love and Madness

A long time ago, before the world was created and humans set foot on it for the first time, virtues and vices floated around and were bored, not knowing what to do.

One day, all the vices and virtues were gathered together and were more bored than ever. Suddenly, Ingenious came up with an idea: Let's play
hide and seek!

All of them liked the idea and immediately Madness shouted: I want to count, I want to count!
And since nobody was crazy enough to want to seek Madness, all the others agreed.
Madness leaned against a tree and started to count: One, two, three...

As Madness counted, the vices and virtues went hiding.
Tenderness hung itself on the horn of the moon, Treason hid in a pile of garbage.
Fondness curled up between the clouds and Passion went to the center of the earth.
Lie said that it would hide under a stone, but hid at the bottom of the lake, whilst Avarice entered a sack that he ended up
And Madness continued to count: ... seventy nine, eighty,
eighty one...

By this time, all the vices and virtues were already hidden - except Love.
For undecided as Love is, he could not decide where to hide.
And this should not surprise us, because we all know how difficult it is to hide Love.

Madness: ...ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven...
Just when Madness got to one hundred, Love jumped into a rose bush where he hid.

And Madness turned around and shouted: I'm coming, I'm coming!

As Madness turned around, Laziness was the first to be found, because Laziness had no energy to hide.
Then he spotted Tenderness in the horn of the moon,
Lie at the bottom of the lake and Passion at the center of the earth.
One by one, Madness found them all - except Love.

Madness was getting desperate, unable to find Love.
Envious of Love, Envy whispered to Madness: You only need to find Love, and Love is
hiding in the rose bush.

Madness grabbed a wooden pitch fork and stabbed wildly at the rose bush.
Madness stabbed and stabbed until a heartbreaking cry made him stop.
Love appeared from the rose bush, covering his face with his hands.

Between his fingers ran two trickles of blood from his eyes.

Madness, so anxious to find Love, had stabbed out Love's eyes with a pitch fork.
What have I done! What have I done! Madness shouted.
I have left you blind! How can I repair it?

And Love answered: You cannot repair my eyes. But if you want to do something for me, you can be my guide.

And so it came about that from that day on, Love is blind and is always
accompanied by Madness.

There are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving.
There are some love that don't go away.
But we should all be lucky to end up with that somebody who has a little of that insanity.
Somebody who never lets go.
Somebody who cherishes you forever.


Friday, August 14, 2009

love makes the world go round (:

I was feeling bored. So I started doodling with Picasa again.
I have to say that I prefer Comic life! :D
Picasa hang on me! ):
Thus, I lost my patience..
Here is it.. nothing very nice.

i love those little things you do.
they make my world go round and round.
JIAYOU dear(:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pharmacy module was like a Rocket ride.

Rocketed through PR3101 today.
Woah. quite an experience.
There is no chance for me to even rest my brain.
Information over over overLOAD!
There are too too many examples of drugs that she mentioned,
and I cant take down any of those drugs as I seriously do not know how to spell them.

This is a module which Year 3 Pharmacy Students are taking.
they are year 3s and they have fulfilled the module pre-requisites which is another level 1 PR module.

Who are we, applied Chem students, compared to them?

Nevertheless, I have to say that this module is really quite interesting.
I am reading up for Lab tomorrow.
Pharmacy lab is cool!
sitting in an airconditioned computer lab, without ugly googles and labcoats, designing drugs! (:
(definitely my cup of tea! Can I change major to Pharmacy instead?) :D :D :D

After the pharmacy module today, we, went for our Swensons 1-for-1 ice cream Buffet at ION orchard.
Nothing fantastic. Quite sick of their ice cream.
And warning to those who want to try the SARSI flavour, IT TASTE LIKE MEDICATED OIL!
and the Durian taste like JACKFRUIT?/LYCHEE?
the menu looks far too apealling to be true.
Once, is enough. Wont go back again, for sure.
(if i am at ION, and i feel like eating ice cream, I woulld definitely choose

oh.. and Armani Exchange in ION is opened!! :D WOOHOO-ED!
wanted to go take a look, but my brother called to meet up.
yeah, I MUST go soon!
that little glimpse into the shop seems promising.

UNIQLO is opened too.
that scam.
lots of people today.
but no crazy queue like the one in Tampines One.
Seriously, UNIQLO is just Japanese Giordano.
Nothing too wow-ish about the shop.

that's about all for today.
tomorrow is a slack day.
2 lectures are cancelled.
(yeah, NUS lecturers are so slack.)
only one Pharmacy lab. (:
back to reading for lab!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

one out of many days of my routine.

First day of school and it was tiring.
To make things worse, I am still having my sudden coughing attacks, which I tried hard to suppress, gulping down huge quantities of water.
Tiring, for, I had lessons from 8am to 8pm.
Not exactly for the full 12hours, but there were bubbles in between.
This is what my Tuesdays&Fridays are gonna be like from now onwards.

Several hiccups in labs.
Confusion here and there.
Being in Applied Chemistry has its Pros&Cons.
Overloading for TWO semesters is reality! ):
plus the possibility of special semester.
Not considering the fact that I am going for SEP in Germany, and module mapping is gonna be a huge DISASTER!
Once again, I am inspired to go for my internship in Germany.
Time to brush up my German. *& curryflavor Prof J!*
WAHAHAHA! *my little evil plan*

We, (Russell, Kesleen, Stef and I) have decided to enjoy our week 1 of school.
going for an ice cream buffet at ION! :D
This Thursday!
Swensens! 1 for 1 offer! :D
cant wait for Thursday to arrive. (:

I am actually Loving&Hating tomorrow's arrival.
Loving: dinner with dear.
Hating: Tuition before that.

P.S. I enjoy one hour of tuition, but not the other hour. shucks. this sucks.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Blogger still unfine!

Bad blogger.
The top bar is still missing.
I cant upload my pictures and I no longer bother to upload them. :P

Went for the Flyer ride with my cousin and brother yesterday.
Not a bad experience.
However, I was sick. *coughcough* *sneezesneeze*
Didn't get to rent my Audio Guide cause my lovely brother and cousin were "laughing" at me! ):

Nevertheless, we had a great time taking lots of photos on the flyer.
Not easy though. With our lousy compact cameras what do you expect right?
We made do with the edges of the flyer as our Tripods! :D

will upload the pictures soon!

:D and i bought my birthday present for myself but it must be given by dear dear! :D
okies, i am siao. but i have a reason for doing so kks!

then there was a mad rush to the DC heroes shop and the Build-a-bear shop!
Snowie got a new Princess dress and nice pinky heels!
While my brother got a new SUPERMAN jacket!
and the salesgirl gave him another free t-shirt! (i dunno why?)

forget to mention, Snowie is really cute! :D
Sweetie pie Princess! she is gonna add me on facebook! Right snowie?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

GET FREEBIES(or rather samples) HERE!

Being such an auntie, just like kesleen and liyong...
We, the aunties, pledge to try everything under the sun before we invest our money on a reliable product!
Times are bad. So Time for Freebies! :D

Monday, August 03, 2009

Rise and Shine!

Early morning and I am sneezing!
The sneezing germs diffuse from dear to me, through the Starhub phone line.

Leaving house soon for seven gathering. but kesleen wouldnt be going. ): no complete gathering.

Went over to mabelle's place on Saturday. She is so CUTE!
malcom too! he knows how to do push ups! haha! :D
but it terrifies me when babies cry!
gonna upload photos when the stupid blogger is working. (which i suspect will take forever.)

gone to ION too on saturday too.
the Gusttimo ice cream is really nice! YUMS!
ION was an eye opener i would say. with everyone around you carrying BURBERRY/LV/GUGGI bags. (those three were the most prominent. Especially the LV monogram.)
gosh, surrounded by rich KIDS. (they are around my age or even younger.)
food there was not affordable. the food court was actually food republic. But they changed the name to food opera instead.
A plate of Hokkein mee cost $5.50. most ex than the wisma one. doesn't taste fantastic. :(

There is Dunkin Donuts too. but i wonder why should dunkin donuts even come back when Donut Factory and J Co. are making better tasting donuts than dunkin.
Each-a-cup made its way to B4 of ION. (shows that Each-a-cup is high class BubbleTea!) Pricing same as that at Tampines 1.

The big SCAM UNIQLO is not opened yet. HAHA, BIG SCAM.

Lim Chee Guan's 2nd store was opened there too. I am not a fan of their BAK KWAS. :P

There is a Strudel place that sells YumYum Mango and Durian Strudels according to the tastebuds of Marcus!
Gonna buy some back soon! :D