Rocketed through PR3101 today.
Woah. quite an experience.
There is no chance for me to even rest my brain.
Information over over overLOAD!
There are too too many examples of drugs that she mentioned,
and I cant take down any of those drugs as I seriously do not know how to spell them.
This is a module which Year 3 Pharmacy Students are taking.
they are year 3s and they have fulfilled the module pre-requisites which is another level 1 PR module.
Who are we, applied Chem students, compared to them?
Nevertheless, I have to say that this module is really quite interesting.
I am reading up for Lab tomorrow.
Pharmacy lab is cool!
sitting in an airconditioned computer lab, without ugly googles and labcoats, designing drugs! (:
(definitely my cup of tea! Can I change major to Pharmacy instead?) :D :D :D
After the pharmacy module today, we, went for our Swensons 1-for-1 ice cream Buffet at ION orchard.
Nothing fantastic. Quite sick of their ice cream.
And warning to those who want to try the SARSI flavour, IT TASTE LIKE MEDICATED OIL!
and the Durian taste like JACKFRUIT?/LYCHEE?
the menu looks far too apealling to be true.
Once, is enough. Wont go back again, for sure.
(if i am at ION, and i feel like eating ice cream, I woulld definitely choose
oh.. and Armani Exchange in ION is opened!! :D WOOHOO-ED!
wanted to go take a look, but my brother called to meet up.
yeah, I MUST go soon!
that little glimpse into the shop seems promising.
UNIQLO is opened too.
that scam.
lots of people today.
but no crazy queue like the one in Tampines One.
Seriously, UNIQLO is just Japanese Giordano.
Nothing too wow-ish about the shop.
that's about all for today.
tomorrow is a slack day.
2 lectures are cancelled.
(yeah, NUS lecturers are so slack.)
only one Pharmacy lab. (:
back to reading for lab!