Sunday, August 30, 2009

how true..

"Writers are big procrastinators. They find countless reasons not to get started. Even when they finally get themselves seated at their desks, they always seem to find diversions: make the coffee, sharpen the pencil, go to the bathroom, thumb through more literature . . . Remember that you are never `ready' to write; writing is something you must make a conscious decision to do and then discipline yourself to follow through."
(Bogdan, R.C. and Biklen, S.K. 1982)

Easier said than done but waiting for the 'right' moment might take forever. It's better to make an early start.

I was reading the link on how to write a lab report, and this was what is says.
Which I have to say is very much applicable to me. Especially at this moment. Here I am once again blogging about this.

Anyway, I posted my status on Facebook- Sometimes I really don't get it. Why do humans have to do lab reports? How practical are lab reports?
And easily within minutes several friends on facebook "liked" my status. See? Lab reports are a waste of precious brain cells.

Alrights, I should Start right now! Its not quite an early start anymore.
Now playing: Lonestar - I'm Already There
via FoxyTunes