Saturday, February 21, 2009

TKNP got GOLD unit! (:

Finally, the gold unit came back to us. (:
I was grinning after reading Miss Nani's message!
We are among the 47 gold award winners.

NPCC UOPA results 2008
Click to enlarge:

VS once again got gold too. Their 9th gold consecutive. waiting for their tenth one i guess. oh, and they are in our area now. Area 11. (: It has also been confirmed that AC of area 11 will be Miss Nani.

TK shall continue to work hard striving for another GOLD next year! (:

Haven said this for a long time: "TKNP ROCKS!"

NPCC really makes up a large part of my wonderful memories in TK. i can't help but wonder how will Quiz Compeition fare this time round?