Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bakerzin dessert day! with some surprises!

let the pictures do the talking. (:
i have blogged about this day already.
Read here for more (:

yummy me me!

close up (:

only $4.90!!! yipees! (: but the promotion is over. now, it costs $9.80! double the price!

the beautiful ice cream fell off.
she borrowed enfant's one!

clean plate! every bit of strawberry cream was being licked off.

After dessert was camwhoring session! (:
hee! (:
Here is the "surprise"!
(the waitress were laughing when they were cleaning our plates.)
guess who is this?!

munching bananas!

she is enjoying it totally! (:
(who took this picture huh? damn blur la.)

bully monkey!

ah meng's photo session! (:

see no evil!

group photo taking with monkey!

:P revealed!