Monday, February 09, 2009

my 2 weeks old nephew (:

Cute Malcom boy boy (:
it has been a long time since i last carried new born babies. (:

my brother carrying Malcom. (:
He looks like a matured daddy.
(this photo was taken by Mabelle herself! (: pro right?
mind you, she is an iphone user okies! only 5 years old this year!)

my bro sang a lullaby to Malcom and he fell asleep.

Mabelle has been really sweet and cute.
She was in her bestest mood!

I really enjoy listening to the things she randomly says at times.
the way she sayangs Malcom is so delicate too (:

Mabelle seems to be a sweet girl when she is happy. But when things turned sour, you wont want to see what she is like.

Close up of Malcom.
Everyone is saying that he resembles Marcus.

Malcom yawning!

Here are some random unglam shots that Marcus took of my brother.
accentuate his small eyes!

picture Marcus took of me (:

Lastly this is my auntie. (:
Grandma of Marcus, Mabelle and Malcom (: