Sunday, July 20, 2008

Genting Day 1- Ripley's Believe it or not and Tattoo!

I am back from Genting already! (:
Woah, Had Lots of FUN with Yuanhan, Kesleen and Fariha! :D

We took a total of 303 pictures and 8 videos!
all the 303 pictures have been uploaded into my facebook.
I might be uploading those pictures into my blog too, depending on my mood. :P
So for the time being, look at those pictures in my facebook first ba.

Set off from Golden mile at 7am.
And I was the latest! :P
Reached at around 630am.
the three of them was already there waiting for me.
Got onto our 26 seater bus, camwhored a little,

(Yuanhan doesn't want to camwhore with us! she says that she looks very cui...)
then fell asleep.

All of us were too tired, due to the sleepless night before that.
(three of them had a sleepless night, not me!)

The next thing i know, we reached a certain irritating and noisy stopover.
We didn't wanted to go down as the bus was too cosy plus there was no intention to pee.
however, the extremely rude bus driver chased us down the bus, as he was going to lock the bus doors.
So we had no choice but to evacuate from our cosy seats.
Went shopping around in the lousy "supermarket".
The things inside the supermarket cannot be trusted!
It looks so old and inedible!
Nevertheless, we couldn't resist the temptation of buying some snacks and tibits for the trip and also supper.
Kes got so so excited about the Ji Zai Bing.
(Which is chicken biscuit. that looks like a tau sar pia, and taste like a char siew pau!)
Yuanhan was extremely excited about her Fish snack.

(this is a picture of the fish snack! this was the packet that yuanhan gave me, it is so extremely small la! cheater!)
Throughout the rest of the bus ride, you can see yuanhan opening one new packet of the fish snack almost every second!

First second...
opening in progress.

The next second..
feeling guilty as she got caught on camera opening her fish snack again!

Tomato Twisties were our favourite!
Bought one huge packet for supper at night.
Fariha bought the classic kids biscuit.

the one that actually melts in you mouth!
it is so so huge that it covers the entire of my face!

After gettting all our essentials snacks,
we couldn't help but to camwhore a while in the "supermarket" so as to waste some time.

we smiled happily with our snacks!

Paid up, and left the "supermarket"
sat outside at the fountain area and we started our favourite activity again!
Camwhoring! hehe! (:

our bus number:

and finally the irritating announcement announced our bus number, and off we went, up onto the bus again! (:
snacked a little, and fell asleep blasting music into our ears.

The next time when I awoke, i smelt a shitty smell!!!
Someone on our bus shitted.
Can you believe it, that someone actually shitted on the seat!
yucks la!
so the rest of the bus ride up genting was air-conditionless with the coach door wide open!
I am glad that we were sitting in the front few rows, whereas the shitter was sitted in the last row.
imagine having to endure the overwhelming shitty smell along the turn turn round and round bus ride up the mountains!
oh my god la!
with the aid of medicated oil, we managed not to puke on our way up!

Finally we arrived at the First wrld bus terminal at around 230pm!

Kes and I decided to be less kiasu and allowed the people on the bus to alight first.
Then, suddenly the shitter guy's friend said, "Miss, You can go off first."
Woah, I was shocked! and we sped down the bus in a few seconds.
Eeks! So weird la...

On our way up to the checking in place,
we saw this!!!

This was our challenge for the next day!!
HAHA! (:

We started discussing excitedly about this!

There was an extremely long queue at the checking in area.
we even went to the wrong place to check in la.
finally when we were at the correct place, we started camwhoring again.
We were just too bored.
Picture taken while queueing up for the queue number.

we look so cui la...

Where is fariha????

Four of us! (:
(with someone extra bbehind! haha)

poses. (:

Kes is forever reaady for the camera!

our queue number was 7105.
and it was only 7076!

There was still a long way to go man.
We started counting down in order to distract ourselves from the growling sounds emitted from our stomachs.

YEAH!! After Checking in, the wonderful beds welcomed us! (:
Kes, snoopy and I shared a room,
while yuanhan and fariha shared another room. (:
our very very comfortable beds!
With snoopy lying in the middle of our beds,
and our jackets strewn on the bed.

There was a little huhaa every night.
the first night kes and i got locked out of the room!!
it was not because we did not bring the key, but because the key that we bought did not have access to our room!
Like what the hell right?!
We were so hungry, in a hurry for dinner, yet we were locked out from our room.
The story goes like this, we left our room to refill water, and we bought only kes's key. (we were given two sets.)
and no matter how we tried, we couldn't open our room door.
So we went into yuanhan's room and i tried to make phone calls to the operator, the reception and even the housekeeping!
Yes, What the hell!?
So, kes and I had to make our way down to the reception which a long long way down. ):
to make things worse, we were not clothed in our jackets, and the weather was rather cold.
Furthermore, that stupid lift on our level was playing a trick on us.

Finally, we got our key fixed, and back to our room and off to dinner!
Dinner was at Hou mei,
service was rather lousy la.
Long waiting time to even get us sitted down.

But everything at genting is like that.
There are like one millon waiters, but none of them is free to serve us.
it is not because the restaurant is very crowded, but because everyone in the restaurant is acting busy.
There is also a serious racism problem in genting.
They don't really like to serve chinese, and there is no such thing as service with a smile.
Shouldn't expect too much as we will all end up being very disappointed.
and people there smokes everywhere also.
(even in airconditioned places, and places where there are no smoking signs!)
Food wasn't cheap.
Everyone of us spent a total of RM19.20.
Which is around 8 plus Singapore dollars.
I had a hou mei speciality mee, and a cup of ribena float!
You may think that ribena float may sounds yucky, but no its not!
it is actually ribena with soda and a tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream.
taste rather nice! Too bad i forget to take a picture of it.
waiting for the food to arrive.

My mee. (: delicious!

fariha and her curry noodles.

we were too full after dinner to move anywhere,
so we started camwhoring at the restaurant,

a series of kes and fariha camwhoring!...

Yuanhan's signature cheek-drop pose!(:

Kes and Fariha decided to copy us and did a jaw-drop pose!

This was taken outside the lift.
we still look damn cui..

this was taken when we were in the lift.
less cui liao!

After dinner, we walked past these coin operated kids machines!
and once again, we started camwhoring with them as we wanted to relieve our childhood days!

fariha and her dinosaur.

kes and her mickey mouse, with fariha and her dinosaur.

Yuanhan and I in our carriage!

i totally love the carriage la. (:
so princess-ish! :D

Yuanhan is my chicken-little-prince-charming who has saved the world!

Then, kes and fariha also wanted to copy us!!!

But obviously they are nothing close to Prince Charming And princess la! (:
This thing totally freaked us out.
it was part of the haunted mansion, we were shocked to see it there as kes cliamed that it wasn't there when she first looked over.
silly us even thought that this thing was a real human being!
Haha! :D

The very first interesting event that we went for was the Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum!

It was totally worth it la!
there were a lot more photos taken in there!
We were greeted by this huge and fat lady with extremely big *ahem* BOOBS!
One of us thought that those *ahem* were her fatty tummy initially!

Pervertic yuanhan and I! look at that grin on our faces!
Wahha! Big is GOOD!

Kes and fariha's true colours when they see BIG BOOBS!

Kes and yuanhan were trying their very best to imitate this:

How? looks like?

how about this attempt?

These are the statues said to make people pregnant.
Even people who are on birth control pills got pregnant once you touch it!
Scary right?

The rolling tongue challenge! (:
Yuanhan and I can roll tongue!

Yuanhan, Kesleen and I can roll tongue too! (:

But Fariha can't roll tongue!!! wahahaha!

Try this!! its so freaking correct!!! HAHA!




Look at this!! Amazing right?
I think this person is 70 years old when he did this.

So they didn't want to lose out to him,
and they tried...

and tried...

Haiya, but still, they failed. ):

So we proceeded onto a "phototaking session"!(:
Look alike?

and guess what, we thought that the person with the camera is real!
Like what the hell right?
We were so freaked out by him!

Some other interesting things in there...
I know you must have tried this a lot of times, but try it again!
no harm also. (:

i think this is freaky.
scary la. who would bother looking into the eyes of the cats just so as to tell the time.

We being locked behind the gate that can never be opened.
but this thing is really stupid!
it is obvious that no one can open the gate because the knob on this side of the gate isn't connected to the other side of the knob.
furhteermore, whne turning the knob, it seems very loose.
Just like a cheater thingy la.

I like this picture quite a lot! (:

This structure is made entirely of matchsticks!
and that's not it, the arms, legs and tongues of the architects that constructed this structure are being cut off!

The jewel that we can never catch.
It works like that monster thingy sold in Action City!
HAHA! it is funny looking at how we tried so hard to catch the jewel.

Three of us on the BIG chair!

that picture cant really show the magnificence of the chair.
Look at this! this is how big the chair really is!

Enough of BIG chairs!
Its time for lucky chairs!
All of us were hoping that this lucky chair can bless us in our Bridge game at night!

Yuanhan comparing her tiny hand with the world's largest hand.
She is too shocked to even look at the camera!

Smile Yuanhan!

A Mini Austin coated with canadian coins!

the reddish parts are actually parts where the coins have been stolen!

Yuanhan totally wants this car!

WOah.. kesleen, Please be carefully with your books!

Joan to the rescue!

see what long legs yuanhan and I have.
the irony is this was supposed to be a mirror that makes people look shorter!
haha! but in the end it turns out that our legs grew longer!
hehe (:

we tried all didfferent ways to take picture of our short legs, but we failed terribly.
look at this. one lump of I don't know what.

the next mirror!
looks nothing special?
there is, when we go right, the mirror will go left!
cool eh?

though i don't know how to capture its special ability.

MUSCLE WOMEN Kes and yuanhan!
that metal rod was being bent by bare hands into that coiled up shape!
haha! (:

AHH!! Huge Shark!

Huge Clam!
its a Human eating clam!

Next up, the world tallest guy.
He is 2 point something metres tall!

Imagine what it would be like to be his girlfriend?
we all tried...
Girlfriend #1: Yuanhan
(wah. so sweet ah?)

Girlfriend #2: Kesleen
(she was trying to kiss him.)

Girlfriend #3: Joan
(his hand is so uncomfortable. not nice to hold one. ):)

Girlfriend #4: fariha

This is toasted bread!

I am looking at some bible pictures painted on rices.
I can only recognise adam and eve.
Anyway.the rice was with the naked eye! cool eh?

Next was the camwhoring in front of the mirror made of rubbish!
We failed rather badly.

my head's and yuanhan's head blocked the view.

Kes attempt to be higher than our heads.
but damn blur!

yeah! finally!
but still quite blur.
): its beacuse the mirror is dirty. :P

The amazing slanted billard room.
Although the room is slanted, the table is not.
we had a fun time playing in this room!
camwhored excessively with my mini tripod!

we are the billard pros! heheh! (:

We are slipping off the slanted room!!
Yuanhan let me save you!

Lastly, it is this really cool place.
Strike a pose,
Close your eyes,
and the picture of your shadows will be taken!

This is Yuanhan and I. (:

Kesleen and Fariha!

Ahh!! they bully me. ):

this is the classic picture of the night.
look carefully at our fingers.
from left to right, we agreed that it should be 1, 2, 3 and 4.
But ist turns out that miss fariha, I don't what the hell is she doing,
It became, 1,2, 2, 1, 4.

then, it was time to exit.
the exit was filled with ties~!

Bye bye Ripley's Believe it or not!

Yuanhan in tie!
cool eh?

Left the place via this galaxy feel alike rotating tunnel.
That thing makes me giddy!
but it was beautiful.
Should have taken a picture of it!

Oh ya! there is this really important thing that i have forgotten to mention!
There is this optical illsuion that requires you to move your head forward and backward in order to see the circles turning.
Kesleen and Yuanhan was standing in front of this optical illusion,
and they started moving themselves.
then, Miss xiao han kept on complaining that no, she can't see the circles turning.
She was moving herself to the left and right instead of backwards and forward!
Yes, I wonder why did she do that for?
HAHA. damn damn funny la. laughed like mad! wahahah!
there are some other weird things that we saw inside, like the first pair of siamese twins- Chang and Eng.
they are linked by an extra piece of flesh in the center of them.
but other than that, they look just like a normal individual.
(forget to take a picture of it.)
however the point is they managed to live a normal life.
both of them each have a family.
each of them have a wife and both of them had a lot of kids!
So kesleen and I started thinking about how they did it?
like what the hell right?
So being rather interested in these pair of twins,
i went to do a research on them.
"In 1839, Chang and Eng became citizens and acquired their new name of Bunker. This was about the same time they became interested in the Yates sisters, Sallie and Adelaide. After courting for several years, the foursome were married at the Yates house. After a wedding party, they were off to their Traphill home where they shared a large bed built for four. "
HAHA. that's not all,
" The people of the community thought surely no children would come of this union. However, nine months after the wedding, Eng and Sallie welcomed their first born daughter. Six days later, Chang and Adelaide welcomed their first daughter also. This continued until Eng and Sallie had produced 11 children. Chang and Adelaide were almost as productive producing 10 children."
however, both of them didn't end up very happy, interested to read more about it, click on the source.

Other than that, there are various optical illusions exhibits.
like this one:

Cool huh?
I like the bikini.
haha. no la. i prefer it green. :P

Next up, Kes and I went for a Tattoo!
A fake one of course,
those airbrush kinda, we are not that brave la.
Took a full video of our tattoo making process!
Enjoy! (:

This is Kesleen's tattoo video!

after that went shopping at Espirit!
Yuanhan with her cap.
Nice? can act emo!
But she don't have to act la, forever emo one.

Then, We had baskin robbins ice cream.
i can't find any pictures of it.
Its probably in Kes's phone.
I will post it up next time. (:
Yuanhan had green tea,
Kesleen rasberry cheesecake,
and I had praline caramel.

Lastly, back to our hotel room!
Camwhoring with our favourite possessions!
the Tattoos!

(oh yeah, just something additional about our tattoo.
the person says that the tattoo can last for about 2 weeks,
but i think it sounds more like it takes two weeks for the tattoo to be completely faded.
what the hell lo. kes' tattoo faded on day4, mine a little later, like day5 or 6. ): i am so sad. i even tried to draw m tatto back with a black marker!)
Then, after we bathed,
Yuanhan and fariha came over to our room for a tibits cum bridge session.
Koped the green parts from kes! :P
Girls' talk at night + Card games.
(yuanhan and her cosy winnie the pooh PJs!)
Kes is a noob at bridge but she won the full set of 8 herself! AWESOMISTIC

Bridge was fun!
Kes and I have to admit that we are less noob at the game already.
And bridge is addication!
Just like gambling.
This is bad... tsk tsk tsk..
Oh, I strongly discourage people from playing bridge on the bed, while eating snacks!
It makes the whole of our bed, so sandy!
haha! and we had to do a huge sweep before we can sleep.
haiyo. ma fan lo!

my room mate. We sleep facing each other one lo. Very funny!
Haha. yeah, we were really facing each other.
and we do not switch off the lights when we sleep!

Finally went to bed at around 1 plus.
the bed was really cosy and comfortable!
Kes and I merely tucked ourselves into the blanket and fell asleep.
haha. when we woke up the next morning, the bed looks as though it has never been slept in before!
and, this marks the end of day 1!

I will start blogging about day 2 soon!
haha, i am dead beat. i took 3 days just to blog about day one!
Uploading of pictures and videos is really enough to kill.
I am glad it is a three day thing.
One more day longer, woah, I wont blog about it liao.
(probably, this explains why I haven blogged about my japan trip like 7 months ago.)
haha. alrights. I am going off for a rest.