yeah! finally i managed to change my blogskin to something more personalised! (:
I'm so so happy!
i have been procrastinating ever since after A levels.
and now its finally up!
it wasn't as difficult as i thought it would be.
i am not that noob afterall!
i did not create this whole blog skin out from scratch.
i took the template from here,
then i edited it slowly myself. (:
this is what the actual blog skin looks like.
or you can see the demo version here.
most of my time was spent on creating the banner.
all the seven pictures on the banner have been photoshopped. (:
i am really beginning to like Photoshop CS3 a lot.
used to think that it is too complicated for me,
nevertheless, i manage to come up with this banner. (:
Taking a closer look at the seven pictures.
changed the ugly background of this woodstock picture.
edited the words above.
it says,
"my head was sound asleep
but my stomach was wide awake."
i just realised that the colour is a little difficult to see.
but never mind, it can't be seen in the banner anyway.
drew in the sun rays.
and added in the words "Peanuts Land...".
added the small little picture up there to cover the plain background.
removed ugly wallpaper that was initially above my head.
did a filter to the background, while retaining the foreground.
the background consist of my cupboards.
added in the other picture to complete the last strip of my banner.
created that rows of hearts in the middle to fill up the empty places.
and finally, combine everything together,
with a little arranging here and there,
and viola!
its done!
took me about 4 to 6 hours.
and the sense of satisfaction is there.
haven felt this much of sense of accomplishment for quite a long time.
glad i finally completed it.
other than spending time on my new blog skin,
i did quite a number of things today.
finished packing about half of my untidy room today!
i packed all those really untidy parts,
throwing away all those useless pamphlets from open houses.
helped out with the housework quite a lot today.
at least more than what i used to do.
prepared my favourite papaya milk shake!
in addition prepared for my lunch box for work tomorrow.
in conclusion, it was a productive stay-home Sunday!