Saturday, December 31, 2011

30 December 2011

New year's eve's eve. Second last day of 2011. It was a memorable one. Memorable not defined as the happiness in the time spent but rather sad yet precious moments which I learnt a lot. One which makes me realize the importance of him, and how I have been neglecting his feelings. Recently, all I cared about was myself. I don't know how recent is recently. But looking back, it seems to have been happening for quite some time. I didn't used to be like this (from what I can remember).

Albeit growing older, immaturity sets in. What exactly has set off that immaturity?

Throwing tantrums, thinking negatively etc. it didn't used to be me - Joan. What have I become? At times, I think we are becoming more alike. I could feel it coming and developing. Perhaps our thoughts has merged too, neutralizing and canceling each other. I wouldn't say that we have lots of positive influence on each other, though we definitely have made a great influence in each other's life; both good and bad.

We have made our 2012 resolutions. (: hope that a better year awaits us. Or should I say, hope that both of us (especially me) will create a better world together!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve Jobs' signature black turtle neck

Many have rumored online that Steve Jobs'  signature turtle neck is by St. Croix, seeing a sales surge of about 100%. However, these rumors aren't exactly true. 

Steve Jobs' black turtle necks were in fact designed by the famous Japanese designer, Issey Miyake. And Steve Jobs actually has hundreds of those in his wardrobe. 

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Friday, October 07, 2011

I think this is so pretty pretty pleaseee!!
Brother should decorate his MacBook like this.. and maybe I should do so to mine too!

Source: via Connie on Pinterest

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs exceeded every goal he ever set for himself.
Steve Wozniak (Co-founder of Apple) 

Another proof that he mastered The Secret in life (: 

a meaningful quote from Steve Jobs

"Again, you can’ t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

Totally in line with The Secret. I suspect Steve Jobs was one of the masters of The Secret. 

Steve Jobs, you left a legacy

Woke up to the news of Steve Jobs passing away, one day after the introduction the iPhone 4S.

Looking back, about 4 years ago when I have gotten my first MacBook Pro, and since then ever, I have became a frantic Apple convert, true-blue Apple fan girl. That was before everyone around me has a MacBook in Singapore, so I am not definitely not one of those Apple convert out of peer pressure, maybe just "brother-pressure". My brother kinda encouraged me to buy and assured me how easy I would be able to get used to things. Glad I made that decision(: Since that day, there are 2 Macs at home, and even my parents are a little inclined towards using a Mac, though my home desktop is still a Windows.

Next apple product I've gotten was their iPod nano, in pretty lime green! They have it in my favorite colour so why not right? I am drawn to the aesthetics initially, however, the best thing about an iPod is the turn turn click wheel! Fast and easy to use user interface. Though I still won't call it the best mp3 player, in terms of sound quality, in the market, but it is the only one that does syncing with my iTunes so seamlessly. No more drag and drop, pretty album artwork, all ratings of songs rated with my iPod is synced, with smart playlists like recently added, recently played, top rated, ohhh and not to mention the lyrics function which supports dashboard widgets, iTunes add-ons etc...

And when Apple first came out with an iPhone. The one that is sold in US and never made it to Singapore, I wanted to get one. Tried to find ways to import it into Singapore to unlock it etc, but I guess it was all too expensive, didn't really get a chance to own it at all. Then came the iPhone 3G which finally arrived in Singapore, probably due to the bitterness I felt not owning an iPhone "2" I tried to convince myself over and over again that it is not the best phone out there. I chose to put my trust in an Android instead of an iOS. Although my Android didn't serve me that badly, I started feeling left out by friends and family members playing Angry birds on their iPhones. Oh, and cookie dozer too! I remembered how I kept searching on the Android's Market for this game, trying out all the different keywords combination, but it never did return any good news. Even till now, my Android Market still doesn't have that game, though it is officially out in the Android Market. (My Android is one of the first or second generation Android phones, thus a Market that can't be updated and is no longer able to support many apps.) 

When the Mac app store finally came up, I told myself that I need to get my hands on the Angry birds app, and ta-dah! I got it on running my 15-inch MacBook Pro. Full Size, so much better as compared to those playing it on their 3.5", not even 4" screens. HAHA. I was just happy though I never gotten even close to completing the game, I did not even complete the first 20 stages. I guess playing in on a Mac, with the Trackpad or the Magic mouse just lost its purpose and thrill in the whole game. 

And now as the iPhone 4S is out, (I was expecting an iPhone 5 frankly, plus who would want to own a 4S, and being mistaken as a 4? Then again people who own a 4, wanting to upgrade to a 4S knowing that there won't be a difference in the feel and appearance of your phone?) I am kinda disappointed that there is no iPhone 5. I have resisted various temptations of other HTC new releases like Sensation, Incredible S, even the Cha Cha with a full qwerty keyboard!, just to wait patiently for my iPhone 5. I told friends and family to stop me from buying any other phones till the iPhone 5 is out. But now, they came up with the 4S only, and first. After following the updates of @Macrumorslive on twitter in Apple's latest keynote event, I was left not very spurred on buying the 4S. Though I am looking forward to the iOS 5, but still an additional Siri doesn't really make the 4S more attractive than the 4. (Reminds me of Southpark episode of Humancentipad, where the Southpark Apple made a product that can read.) Hence, I dismissed that thought of owning an iPhone 4S, and to began my long and painful wait for the iPhone 5. 

Now, my brother first broke the news of Steve Jobs passing away to me, it made me realised how, this could be  IS the last iPhone that is with that Steve Jobs *touch*. I am now inclined towards buying an iPhone 4S, not sure if it is to show my support and gratitude for him or do I really want to own this 4S. What if the iPhone 5 isn't as good or as phenomenal as Jobs always puts it? ): Indeed it is a tough decision to make. The iPhone 4S or to wait for the iPhone 5? I am kinda sick of waiting yet afraid that if I eventually bought the 4S, 5 launches as so much better a deal! It is the endless waiting and fearing cycle of Apple users. Always torn and trapped in between... 

Steve Jobs, was such a legacy in the world of music, then computers, and now the Tablets. Look at all that Samsung Galaxy Tab, Blackberry Playbook, Asus Transformers, Kindle Fire etc coming out in the market. And who is the initiator of all these? Him, The Steve Jobs. I guess Moore's law has really to thank him for being the great catalyst.   

Always remembering what a great speaker and presenter he is. I am gonna miss his presentations and keynote events, I remembered how I would always watch almost all of his keynotes events, even those when he introduced Macintosh long long ago. The way he delivers, the zeal and enthusiasm in his every carefully crafted word, is better than Phil Schiller, and Tim Cook? Haven quite watched him yet. 

Re-watched his Stanford Commencement Video (2005) again. Listening to the part where he talks about death, and having a total new revelation about things, knowing that now that he is there, up in heaven and he must be resting in peace.   

I guess he could feel himself reaching this final destination soon, explains the stepping down as Apple's CEO. Many of his eureka moments is shared by people all over the world, and with his passing, we have lost a great innovator, a great speaker and motivator. Yet we know that he has indeed left a legacy, and maybe now he is beginning another legacy up there in heaven.  
Credits to
In memory of a simple black top and jeans wearing Steve Jobs. 

P.S. I think I will be buying a iPhone 4S and this has been one of the longest blogpost ever, dedicated to Steve Jobs. RIP. 

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Definitely for an Amazon Addict (:

Being an Amazon Addict, or rather a online shopping "believer" and "worshipper", I finally found a site that is closer to Amazon but nearer to home (:

Introducing the Amazon Singapore, goshhh! Unbelievable, I never knew this site was around for such a long time! I bet most bloggers in Singapore would have already know of its presence, it is affectionately known as Jipanban. I guess this should be translated into Hokkein as 100s 10,000, which is in fact 1 million dollars!
If I had one million dollars, I would purchase these set of bunny rings, every single colour available(:
Aren't they just cute and adorable?
Okay, I shall go back and browse! Simply love shopping from the comfort of my lovely chair!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a short 3D2N vacation off to Batam! (: Holiday Inn + Harris

Thank you darling for sponsoring our trip to Batam & thank you for your utmost love and care you have given me over the past three days! (: you made me feel like I am the happiest and luckiest girl ever in the whole wide UNIVERSE! (:
while waiting for our second room!(: 

Love those HTHT nights and TCSS sessions with you. Love how we can talk about anything and everything and still have things to talk about after all these years. (Today is the fifth year and 34th day that we have known each other!!!) I hope & believe that we can continue having these endless things to talk about for the rest of our life (:
Our limited edition coffee vodka! Cafe Boheme! dear I can't never forget all those things you said when you were drunk! :P  
Thank you for your countless reassurance. Thank you for tolerating my temper & nonsense. HEHE:P I know I can get very fierce at times. Though I am so nice when I am cheerful hor? :P muacks muacks :* I am trying to better manage my temper(:
Us trying to snap a picture of our couple wear – snoopies!

Thankfully for our 3D2N vacation. We found and rekindled love. Something that I believe every couple, be it youngsters/oldsters, should do once in a while. These are always things that I can look back upon, grinning and smiling to myself (: These are the little things that brightens up a dull and tiring day at work. These are the things that I want them to be forever engraved and etched in my memory. 
Both our singing improved ya? *winks*

Once again, thank you darling for the wonderful 3D2N! I will be looking forward to our next trip and in the mean time, reminisce those lovely moments during our many tripsss(: I LOVE YOU VERY MUCHIE DARLING(: SMURF! :P   


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Winning a S$2 scratch card! (:

It was a whole day of fun with mummy and brother yesterday (:
Mummy took leave to "bring" brother and I out. Nah.. it is more of brother and I accompanying mummy!

It was an eye opener as we first went to somewhere along Selegie road, a building by the name of POMO. (Imagine that written as a grid) Went to the lottery place in there (I think that is the headquarters od Singapore Pools) and I bought the first ever scratch card in my life under the constant encouragement of my dearest brother. (: Both of us bought a S$2 scratch card each! Brother went first as he wanted to show me how it is supposed to be done. HAHAHA. he sounded experienced, as though he buys it frequently! Oh just for the record, his 4D winning stats is 100%! Not bad ah? my lucky brother! So anyway, it was simple. Hassle free, don't even need to go to the counter to buy! Just insert a S$2 note into the machine, hit the S$2 scratch card button, and your scratch card would fall out from there!

Oh, but being a "mountain tortoise" in lottery related stuff, the scratch card looks like it can't be scratched anywhere. It has a beautiful picture on the front and instructions at the back. I would have expected scratch card to have a silver foil surface whereby it can be scratched! So in actual fact, any part of the beautiful picture is actually the "silver surface". Not bad (: so I just scratch scratch scratch lo! and I saw that number 88! Heeeee (: This was it! I won S$4(: cos you will win the amount of money stated under the number 88. There are other numbers on the card too. Brother didn't get any 88. ):

Went into the counter to collect my winnings (: two S$2 notes, one a little crumpled): but anyway, I was told to keep the winnings properly in my wallet and not spend them. (: my lucky winnings! haha!

And this was how I "struck lottery"! not bad not bad (:

P.S.: I am not advocating any form of gambling here, just sharing!

Rest of the day, we went to Rochor Tau Huey! good lehhh! (: I used to not like Tau Huey or Tau Huey Sui or whatsoever tau huey-ish. eg vitasoy. But this tau huey is really smooth, not very strong imo, whatsmore, there is air conditioning seats upstairs! nice old looking place!

Went to Guan Yin Temple, first time seeing it not so crowded. Weekdays afternoon(:
Cabbed over to Resort World Sentosa next. Cabbing choice was made due to us thinking that there isn't much time left. However we realised that it was the best choice! Cos if we enter by train it will cost us S$3 each, which totals up to S$9 for the three of us! that is excluding our mrt fare from bugis! Guess how much was our cab fare?? Less than S$9! only S$8+ only! Cheap Cheap!

Shopped around RWS, Victoria Secret is bimbotically sexy. And the shop just smell so good! I need to stop myself from buying any more perfumes. I have over 600mL of perfumes at home now! I don't need that much perfume right?!

oh and a part of the casino was under renovation. Very noisy! I bet they will be driving their customers away with all that drillings and hammering.

Took the monorail out to Vivocity! Ate 611 tau sa piah and shopped around in the basement only. bought some Vitamins. Shopped around Giant to find some kinda coffee table like furniture for our living room. Everything just looks ugly! Found a taxi stand and took cab to Great World City.

Had our dinner there (: Thank god for Ladies Night heehee (:

All pictures with my brother! Might upload some other time then.
Drillings at home again. damn. ):

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

After serious considerations.. Much deliberation.. Many changes in plan.. 
I hope our Batam 3D2N is finally settled (: It is definitely coming true & its better than planned!
Batam this time is gonna be a Holiday Inn Batam + Harris getaway. YES, I am finally going to Holiday Inn! (:
Though it is just a short three days, It means a lot to me. It has been something that I was looking forward to ever since I am back in Singapore. Probably, it is the seafood? Or the SPA? Or just the chance to be exposed to Sun by the poolside/ waterfront. Maybe in conclusion, it is the opportunity to spend a solid, three, carefree days of quality time with dear ♥ We haven had the chance to spend much time together. Talking on the phone nightly was also no longer a daily routine. We have been busy, and I guess this would be the best time for us to catch up and fall deeply in love all over again. (: Romance at the right times does magic (:
Looking forward to our trip, many photos shall be taken and we shall do all that we have planned! (: (: (:
Solely the news of this trip gave me a huge motivation to study, so much so that I have the energy to wake up at 6AM in the morning just to study. OMG (: Go nerdy Joan! You can do it! (:  

I, too have learned that sometimes when things don’t work out at the beginning, don’t be discouraged. You will be surprised as to how it will turn out to be in the end (:
GTG back to studies!  
P.S. Kinda like the new Blogger layout and UI. Very user-friendly (: Gonna start reviving this space & hello to all who are still checking back on this space (:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

i will miss

Ordered stuff from once again. [Finally, my Avril Lavigne Forbidden Rose Prefume+Lotion, & a Victorinox swiss army knife] I presume this would be the last time I am ordering anything here. Definitely miss those online shopping time, and seeing that everything is cheap and comes with free shipping! its just Yippeeness (:

All the things I bought off

    1. Adidas female world cup jersey €42.75 loved it much! kinda bought it cos of the pretty headband, which I found pretty useless as I can't pull it off on a normal day. Also, the German female World cup team lost in the Quarterfinals. ): rahsss. Was hoping that they can win the title this time round. Nonetheless, upon selfish thought, my jersey will be considered "updated" as the two golden starts on the top left hand corner remains TWO. (:
    2. Adidas Micoach €83.29 this was supposed to be a gift for my brother. or rather a shared motivation to run device. Yeap, have been using it for quite some time. Indeed motivational, and what I like most about it is, it keeps my pacing in check. Definitely one of the most useful buy (: And we have been eyeing for it in Singapore since three IT fairs ago. Plus, I got it at the cheapest possible price, it was a sales period then! *HAPPY MAX*
    3. Eastpak Wyoming with leather bottom €40.60 this bag is simply pretty loves(: once again, sharing it with my brother(: was looking for a new bag to replce my torn NUM backpack. argh. What lousy NUM quality & its so freaking ex! bahhh. anyway, Eastpak from amazon is much cheaper than outside. & shipd right to your doorstep! Come on, I just could resist it!
    4. Avril Lavigne Forbidden Rose Perfume & Lotion set €57.75 Tried looking for the 100mL perfume out in the stalls for long, but just couldn't find it. & they do not restock them too. I like my perfume HUGE. Thus, its always 100mL for me (: New addition to my collection of perfumes, Salvatore Incanto Dream, Escada Moon Sparkle, Salvatore Attimo, Avril Lavigne Black Star & lastly my new found love (:
    5. Victorinox Manager Pocket Knife €20.04 For dear dear! I chose the colour for him, the original Opaque Swiss Army Red. I think that colour is the classiest of them all. Not liking the transparent colours at all. Looks cheap, like imitation. ): And we will have a couple Swiss Army knife! :P Like who cares right, but I do. one of those little girly insignificant things in life that matters & I am contented about. I need to learn to be more mature, or maybe not. simple contentment is the key to happiness (:

    Just to add on to my purchases off Amazon, not just .de. I shopped at & (the US site too!) Shipped my purchase off to Stefanie in London. & bought a Kindle US$139 from the US site as it was SO MUCH CHEAPER and got Andrew to bring it back (: Purchased the amazing Travolo Travel Spray from the UK site. That little thing is so much cheaper on the UK site £5.69, whereas it cost €11!! It may look just like a normal perfume spray which you can get from Singapore's Pasar Malam at S$1, but behold watch this video, and you will be convinced that it is capable of saving much more money & trouble in the long run (:

    Saturday, July 02, 2011

    lovely parents (:

    My parents camwhoring, they are just so cute(:

    Chatted with mummy on msn just now. Cute how she updates me our family, in English, over msn...

    • About how brother's studies aren't doing very well, & I should give him tuition when I am back instead of paktor-ing

    • About how Auntie, Uncle, Daddy and her going to an open air concert tomorrow with a Pasar Malam [she said Night Market, probably cos she was referring to 夜市 like in Taiwan) that sells good food (according to the description on the website)

    • About how she keeps seeing good food on sale yet she did not purchase them cos they are only valid till this month and I am not back yet (so sweet right? She finally realised that they have been going to many places without me!)

    • About how there is this SCV shows that just interviewed 黄小琥 and is gonna interview my favorite 刘德华 too (but she isn't sure when will they show that episode, and hopes that I am back by then!) *I pray hard that it will be shown on 6 August!*

    • About how there were prayers this morning

    • About how I haven been sending her my German bank statements! (oops! and she will know how much I have been spending! Though she asked if I have enough money, and after some calculations we both agreed that most of the money was spent on transport & food. Mom was so sweet that she asked me not to scrimp on food, she said, "must eat. come back Singapore then save." goodness!)

    • About how she has to work tomorrow morning and how her boss increased her pay and how she expressed her need to sleep - "oh time to sleep. i hv work @ clinic on tomorrow morning." Everything is so cute (:

    After the long list of cuteness about mummy, time for some of daddy's cuteness!

    Brother and I were talking in the Whatsapp group conversation (with daddy inside) about my trip to Lyon. Then, suddenly I mentioned buying dad a present. He was all along non-existent in the conversation as he did not type anything at all until I said I bought him a belt. And he went, "Really so good to me?? Thank Q....." After which, brother was like, "Whoa dad suddenly pop out!" (I like the way he used "POP" really "POP"!) Following, dad's reply was "Yeah lo.. Bcoz my daughter buy me a belt mah" HAHAHAHAHA! and after that, dad disappeared from the conversation again! Now I finally confirmed my doubts that he really reads everything on the conversation, just that he doesn't reply or comment on it! (*Note to self: be careful of what I say! HAHA!)

    Parents, they are so precious to me. I don't know what I would be today without their guidance(: Thanks for bringing me up to who I am today (:

    I don't say this often, but love ya all ♥

    accomplished much

    The title reads "accomplished much". Much in this case refers to only one very huge ass important thing.

    I have made a long and deliberate contemplation,

    1. To enjoy now and suffer for the rest of the one year or
    2. To do my best now and even if I didn't get it in the end *touchwood please*, I would not regret the decision, cos at least I tried (: [Thanks stefy, she gave me a really strong asskicking motivation that lasted me since this afternoon (:]

    It kinda suck yet rock. Sucks cos I was damn antisocial, feeling bad that I am so antisocial. I could have put this down and do it another day since I have till next week. But I know myself well enough to say that by putting it down, its gonna be even harder to pick it up and do it again. Huge inertia to be overcome. Since the motivation was there, together with strong immense encouragement, I pushed myself on and accomplished it (which is much).

    It rocks cos it was a milestone, definitely. It has been quite sometime since I last concentrated so hard and put in so much for something. I hope I had done my best (or exceeding my best). I think I did - my very best in quite a while...

    Thursday, May 26, 2011

    adidas micoach

    Finally received my micoach pacer today! total damage done, €83.29! Cheap! and it has to rain! bummer! ): but no worries, I am sure I will get a chance to use it tomorrow! (:

    Excited! it is all set up and ready for use. (: Stride sensor attached onto shoelaces! Workout set and synchronised. starting with the 30 minute workout!

    I am now more motivated to run I hope (:

    oh, just a little glitch, it got hang just now. but no worries. did a little reset (: now its fine and working well and good!

    is this reality?

    dear dear is officially and really really really really coming to Germany! No joke (: everything has been well and confirmed. I pinched myself hard, till I get a huge bruise, and I finally believed that its real (:

    Planned out a series of trips to go with him! Paris, Berlin, Kologne, and small places around Karlsruhe! This is gonna be exciting!

    Treasure it all, treasure them all. (:

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    a photo moment, on the way to Montreux

    looking out of the window, as I sat in the first class seat, on the beautiful Golden Pass Scenic Road. The road from Interlaken to Montreux (: pretty pretty.. despite the cloudy sky, with impending rain, it is still incredibly schön.. falling slowly into dreamland with such a beautiful backdrop.. However, I was reminded of the €9 first class seat reservation I made, and woke up to snap more pictures (: One of the many pictures I took, the rest will be uploaded on Facebook. (soon, I hope)

    Switzerland- Interlaken, Bern & Montruex (:

    This post is for those who are still reading and following this blog (: with my hectic travelling plans. I think this blog will be updated much more frequently (:

    By far, this trip was the best I ever had (: seriously I loved it to the max. I figured that I am not that much of a Schloss/ cultural/ museum-ish person. I love nature, outdoor activities, chilling out with friends, and good food!

    My very first impression of Switzerland was the helpful people at Interlaken. Within 200m, two helpful Swiss approached us, asking if we needed help as we appeared lost. They were so genuinely helpful that even though we had a rough idea of where to go, we accepted their help. I love countries with helpful, friendly and hospitable people (: [eg. Taiwan!!]

    Secondly, this trip was special as we stayed in tents! experienced a really hot and stuffy day, while a cold and chilly night! goodnessssss! but it was such a memorable experience! oh, and communal bath was one of the highlights. Kinda interesting. :X Hot bath plus suntanning, on a chillax, spend nothing day 2. is was so damn good. (:

    Friends I went with on the trip, and friends we met on the trip. Friends I went with on the trip, wei’an and michelle (: travelled with them quite a number of times, but this time round it feels different! bonding session (: we relaxed and chit chatted in the hot bath, had lots of nonsensical photos taken, sang as we walked all the way back to our tents etc.. I loved the part where we were singing Home, and how Wei’an tried to make us harmonise and the song turned out pretty bad. Really funny, I still can’t stop laughing! Once again, thanks to friends like them which brings life to my Exchange days (:

    Friends we met on the trip, Remi and Roger. It’s a circle of life (: helped them out when they were looking for their hostel, just like how the people in Switzerland helped us out that morning. We passed them an extra map that we have, just like how in Milan a kind tourist passed us her map too. We parted without proper introductions, but we met the next day again. Fate is what brings people together. I like them (: On a side note, things said during our conversations made me think and reflect.

    Food, was another thing that played an important role in making this one of the best trip. This was a trip where we bought lots of snack bars! loads of healthy looking oat biscuits, simply lots of our own food as we didn’t want to spend as much money on expensive food in Switzerland! However, as it turns out, this was the trip where I spent most of my money on food! One good and satisfying meal (: Swiss Classic Cheese Fondue. It was really good, but expensive and fattening, considering that I ate for a two person portion! Mixed cheese with white wine - delicacy (:

    Switzerland, is a place where I will return. Balmers Herberge tentage too(: The next time in Switzerland, I’ll be brave and Skydive/water raft/canyoning/paragliding/hanggliding. My biggest regret is not having done all these. oh, and not forgetting, visit the lovely Jungfrau (:

    Thursday, January 27, 2011

    a little updates (:

    seems like life is gonna be just lab and lab and German for me.
    and nope, I won't try to work anymore! :P would rather spend the time for more meet ups with friends before flying off! :D

    Seriously, looking back at my last few weeks of life, it has been
    horrifying lab,
    even more horrifying German 6,
    inviting friends over to my place,
    dinner gatherings with friends,
    more gatherings with friends,
    swimming? trying to be healthier :P
    getting hooked up with lame games like Angry birds? The Sims 3? Hospital Tycoon?

    It has been shall long time since I last played games on my MBP (: with 640GB HDD,
    Viel Spiel sind jetzt möglich! :D

    Pictures below (:

    the night of Disney fireworks (:
    my dream castle!
    we designed my 21st birthday cake! :D
    back at home (: playing around with f1.8 lens (:

    haven got the pictures of taiwan! with brother! (he is as lag as I am! :P)
    last day at MSD (: