Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a short 3D2N vacation off to Batam! (: Holiday Inn + Harris

Thank you darling for sponsoring our trip to Batam & thank you for your utmost love and care you have given me over the past three days! (: you made me feel like I am the happiest and luckiest girl ever in the whole wide UNIVERSE! (:
while waiting for our second room!(: 

Love those HTHT nights and TCSS sessions with you. Love how we can talk about anything and everything and still have things to talk about after all these years. (Today is the fifth year and 34th day that we have known each other!!!) I hope & believe that we can continue having these endless things to talk about for the rest of our life (:
Our limited edition coffee vodka! Cafe Boheme! dear I can't never forget all those things you said when you were drunk! :P  
Thank you for your countless reassurance. Thank you for tolerating my temper & nonsense. HEHE:P I know I can get very fierce at times. Though I am so nice when I am cheerful hor? :P muacks muacks :* I am trying to better manage my temper(:
Us trying to snap a picture of our couple wear – snoopies!

Thankfully for our 3D2N vacation. We found and rekindled love. Something that I believe every couple, be it youngsters/oldsters, should do once in a while. These are always things that I can look back upon, grinning and smiling to myself (: These are the little things that brightens up a dull and tiring day at work. These are the things that I want them to be forever engraved and etched in my memory. 
Both our singing improved ya? *winks*

Once again, thank you darling for the wonderful 3D2N! I will be looking forward to our next trip and in the mean time, reminisce those lovely moments during our many tripsss(: I LOVE YOU VERY MUCHIE DARLING(: SMURF! :P