Thursday, November 22, 2007

mug on :(

i am trying to work hard.
i am tired.
really very tired.
counting down to freedom!
scroll down for recent updates..

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

29th nov is not available!

dawn ask me to MARK this date!
okie. i am not available on the 29th dec too!
plus all the following dates:
~22nd nov
~23rd nov(tentative)
~24th nov
~25th nov (evening only)
~26th nov (morning)
~27th nov
~28th nov
~30th nov
~1st dec
~1st dec to 9 dec
~12th dec to 14th dec

alrights. i am only available from 10thdec to 11th dec
and from 15th dec onwards.
see ya soon!

and i tthink i will kena nagged by my mom!
haiz. :(

oh ya, on a side note, i think i love happy meals!
with corn & not fries!


i am becoming very dreamy.
i dream that i woke up this morning.
it was very real. i thought that i have really woke up.
but everything was just a dream.
really weird.
there are some weird details that i don't understand either.
never mind.
dreams are not meant to be understood.

one more MCQ paper and i'm done!
do ask me out!
i don't wanna be bored to death at home!
not available on:
~22nd nov
~23rd nov(tentative)
~24th nov
~25th nov (evening only)
~26th nov (morning)
~27th nov
~28th nov
~30th nov
~1st dec
~1st dec to 9 dec
~12th dec to 14th dec

yup yup:)
do plan some gatherings ya:)

and kes just told me that she cut her hair again!
omg la!
keep on cutting.
and she says that she wants to keep her hair long!
please stop cutting, or even trimming.
you trimmed last friday, and you trimmed again today!
omg! it will take years for your hair to grow long again!

eh...why not we compete to see whose hair is longer la!
:) hehe

and really stop cutting la...
if not i cant camwhore with you liao!
you keep on cutting, your hair is always like short and ugly
erm...i mean not nice.
then you will reject camwhoring with me!

i really really don't mind a cute kes!
i don't really want a hot kes!
haha. but i know you mind and wan.

Monday, November 19, 2007


i think her hair is like cute la!!!
so cute...
cutie cutie little kes..
haha...i think i am gonna get killed!
and why did she reject camwhoring with me today?!
i am hurt!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nintendo DS lite more nintendo ds lite le:(
i don't want it anymore.
R4 is illegal.
banned from stores:(
i don't want a psp slim.
at least not now.
waiting for the new one.
so sian.
my hopes are dashed.

i do have something else in mind.
but its about twice the price of my NDSL.

can anyone buy me Sony gift vouchers for my birthday?
any amount will do...
are there even Sony gift vouchers in the first place?

anyway, i really don't want any presents!!!
unless it is a Sony gift voucher :)
thank you very much hor!
lets just meet up and catch up somewhere cosy.
22nd, 24th, 25th, 30th, and 1st dec -not available.

Friday, November 16, 2007

2 more papers!

yeah! two more papers to go!
22 nov is nearing! :)
lalalala... little miss happy is returning!

miss charlie brown, may i know why are you enjoying yourself in malaysia now huh?
never ask me along!
i wanna go make hair also!
oh man! and i cannot wait to see what does your hair looks like on monday.
stef and i thinks that you should rebond instead of extending.
so see your new hairdo on monday!

and miss jiawei.
yes. i know that somebody's birthday is on 1st dec.
yes. somebody.
that's why you say cannot go out izit?
alrights, we understand.
and i did not purposely not want you to drink with us hor.
its just that its not good to drink and then take plane lo.

and Mr Econs buddy,
so is my da jie celebrating for you?

oh ya, da jie maybe we can go drinking between 30nov n 1dec.
(which is like midnight?)
so that me n my Econs buddy can drink officially:)
haha. but i doubt you will want to la hor?
at least not with me right?
and do you actually remember when is my birthday?!!

i was bored....

and i studied on my bed.
but i ended up sleeping...


Thursday, November 15, 2007

singpore production


i think i should buy this instead!

looks nice rite??

so compact!

easy to carry around.

and there is green!!
its only US$5.35.
which is S$7.70
ok what. so many times cheaper than my DS.

have you touched it?

its damn cool!
ipod touch!
with iMunchies!
the popcorn pops out :)
and yummy!

and look this is the ibeer!
there are many others like iwater, ichampagne etc.
cool huh?

my brother is gonna get and ipod touch soon.
i hope.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

pre bdae post

okie, i don't want all those things in the previous post la.
too expensive. please do not waste your money on these things.
what i want is very simple and budget.
just ask me out.
and can you all plan please?
i am too lazy to plan.
so please please plan.
i wanna catch up with all my "long lost" friends.
i wanna go drinking officially.
i am a social drinker.
liyong has already dated me! :)

oh ya, actually there is something that i really really want for my birthday.
its this:

a black Nintendo DS lite!

with a black stylus!
actually, i may not buy the black one.
my sweaty palms will leave lots of unglam fingerprints on the console.

so probably a white one?

or maybe a pink one?
but is pink very bimbo?
actually i like the pink one.
and there is no green:(
there is a pastel blue one which is the closest to green,
but i want lime green!

besides the console these are the games i really want to have!!!

this is a must have nintendo ds game.
highly interactive.
i tried it on my cousin's console before!
you will be addicted to it!

this is like a million times better than tamgotchi!

Need for speed Carbon

see so clear!
i love racing!

Cooking mama

a very innovative game
you will be tasked to cook different recipes
in this game, you will have to use the stylus to beat the eggs,
cut veggies, fry the veggies etc.
cool rite?
haha. i love cooking but i hate oil splashing.
so this is my must-have game!
though i cant have a taste of what i cooked:(

next is Mario Kart DS.

this is a really fun and cute game.
the graphics are very good.
its a classic game that makes you damn happy:)

then lastly, its Tetris DS

another classic game that can get you hooked on for hours!
i miss playing Tetris,
or more affectionately known as "brick game".

these are just the top few games on my list.
there will be more to come.
however, in order not to carry too many cartridges with me,
or rather not spent so much money on buying these games,
i need a R4 memory card!

the price is rather steep.
like $98 for a 2gb one.
hmm. but no matter what its a must have.
i can store around 30games with some songs, movies and applications.
very worth the price.
a game itself is already about $30 cheapest.
and its so cumbersome to carry all the cartridges around.
so the best solution is the R4 memory card! :)
yes, i am gonna get one.
anyone wanna sponsor?

oh ya, talking about softwares and application,
i really want to get a
Opera Nintendo DS Browser

so as to make use of the WiFi capability of my NDSL.
but its in japanese only.
i'm waiting for the English version to come out.

tt's all that i want for my birthday.
and i am gonna get a NDSL for myself.
to reward myself for enduring this two years of shit.
hehe. ya lo:)

if you all want you all can contribute to the fund raising for my NDSL.
or you can also "donate" some NDSL accessories to me.
please only donate first hand items.
thank you:)

beautiful snoopy stuffs:)

all the following images will contain lots of snoopy and woodstock.
for those who are brainstorming for that
very important day on 30 nov,
don't be too worried,
you may inspired by the following pictures:

a green snoopy shirt!
i like this design :)

a dress inspired by woodstock.
haha. nope. i don't want this!
i think its more like for Kesleen.

wow! ipod nano!
but gen 1 though.
i don't want an ipod.
but i don't mind if my ipod/mp3 looks like this!
look at the full package below:

its from japan.

haha. a disposable snoopy camera.
but i am never gonna dispose it.

woodstock lanterns!
nice nice!
i think its somewhere in china.

snoopy and woodstock earrings.
okie, actually i don't want this.
i won't wear it.
but i like the design.
i don't mind the studs kind though.

yes. i really like this a lot:)
told you its the design.

i like this even more!

snoopy's handphone accessories. :)
it looks like the one i have at home:)

my favourite design as a handphone accessory!
ahhh...cute cute!!

and this is unique.
the background is actually kimono fabric.
there is no same design or pattern on the fabric,
making every single piece a unique one.

snoopy and woodstock pendant.
my favourite design again!! ahhh... damn it nice!
only found in japan though :(

woodstock sleeping in her birdnest.
there is like this small like diamond on the ring.
it is from japan only also!

woodstock and friends!
it has all the Peanuts characters!

woodstock earrings!
and that is snoopy's butt! haha.
you can't see snoopy's head though.
you will look like this when you wear:

unique design:)

i love this to the max!
damn cute! :)
there is a small diamond somewhere but i don't see it!
never mind, i am not into diamonds anyway.
really damn damn beautiful:)
its from japan too.
in fact all the three items are from japan,
they are from this Snoopy Jewel Boutique.
you can go have a look.

alright i saw the diamond.
its supposed to be Snoopy's "dinner"

and wow.
the price is damn steep.
which is S$250!!!!
you can get it in singapore.
all the above can be found in singapore.
you needa ship it in from japan.
and it takes three weeks!

also explore Yukus favorites,
other than Snoopy, there are many other cute stuffs.

so are you inspired?

fly me to 22nd nov.
or rather 30 nov.