Sunday, July 17, 2011

i will miss

Ordered stuff from once again. [Finally, my Avril Lavigne Forbidden Rose Prefume+Lotion, & a Victorinox swiss army knife] I presume this would be the last time I am ordering anything here. Definitely miss those online shopping time, and seeing that everything is cheap and comes with free shipping! its just Yippeeness (:

All the things I bought off

    1. Adidas female world cup jersey €42.75 loved it much! kinda bought it cos of the pretty headband, which I found pretty useless as I can't pull it off on a normal day. Also, the German female World cup team lost in the Quarterfinals. ): rahsss. Was hoping that they can win the title this time round. Nonetheless, upon selfish thought, my jersey will be considered "updated" as the two golden starts on the top left hand corner remains TWO. (:
    2. Adidas Micoach €83.29 this was supposed to be a gift for my brother. or rather a shared motivation to run device. Yeap, have been using it for quite some time. Indeed motivational, and what I like most about it is, it keeps my pacing in check. Definitely one of the most useful buy (: And we have been eyeing for it in Singapore since three IT fairs ago. Plus, I got it at the cheapest possible price, it was a sales period then! *HAPPY MAX*
    3. Eastpak Wyoming with leather bottom €40.60 this bag is simply pretty loves(: once again, sharing it with my brother(: was looking for a new bag to replce my torn NUM backpack. argh. What lousy NUM quality & its so freaking ex! bahhh. anyway, Eastpak from amazon is much cheaper than outside. & shipd right to your doorstep! Come on, I just could resist it!
    4. Avril Lavigne Forbidden Rose Perfume & Lotion set €57.75 Tried looking for the 100mL perfume out in the stalls for long, but just couldn't find it. & they do not restock them too. I like my perfume HUGE. Thus, its always 100mL for me (: New addition to my collection of perfumes, Salvatore Incanto Dream, Escada Moon Sparkle, Salvatore Attimo, Avril Lavigne Black Star & lastly my new found love (:
    5. Victorinox Manager Pocket Knife €20.04 For dear dear! I chose the colour for him, the original Opaque Swiss Army Red. I think that colour is the classiest of them all. Not liking the transparent colours at all. Looks cheap, like imitation. ): And we will have a couple Swiss Army knife! :P Like who cares right, but I do. one of those little girly insignificant things in life that matters & I am contented about. I need to learn to be more mature, or maybe not. simple contentment is the key to happiness (:

    Just to add on to my purchases off Amazon, not just .de. I shopped at & (the US site too!) Shipped my purchase off to Stefanie in London. & bought a Kindle US$139 from the US site as it was SO MUCH CHEAPER and got Andrew to bring it back (: Purchased the amazing Travolo Travel Spray from the UK site. That little thing is so much cheaper on the UK site £5.69, whereas it cost €11!! It may look just like a normal perfume spray which you can get from Singapore's Pasar Malam at S$1, but behold watch this video, and you will be convinced that it is capable of saving much more money & trouble in the long run (:

    Saturday, July 02, 2011

    lovely parents (:

    My parents camwhoring, they are just so cute(:

    Chatted with mummy on msn just now. Cute how she updates me our family, in English, over msn...

    • About how brother's studies aren't doing very well, & I should give him tuition when I am back instead of paktor-ing

    • About how Auntie, Uncle, Daddy and her going to an open air concert tomorrow with a Pasar Malam [she said Night Market, probably cos she was referring to 夜市 like in Taiwan) that sells good food (according to the description on the website)

    • About how she keeps seeing good food on sale yet she did not purchase them cos they are only valid till this month and I am not back yet (so sweet right? She finally realised that they have been going to many places without me!)

    • About how there is this SCV shows that just interviewed 黄小琥 and is gonna interview my favorite 刘德华 too (but she isn't sure when will they show that episode, and hopes that I am back by then!) *I pray hard that it will be shown on 6 August!*

    • About how there were prayers this morning

    • About how I haven been sending her my German bank statements! (oops! and she will know how much I have been spending! Though she asked if I have enough money, and after some calculations we both agreed that most of the money was spent on transport & food. Mom was so sweet that she asked me not to scrimp on food, she said, "must eat. come back Singapore then save." goodness!)

    • About how she has to work tomorrow morning and how her boss increased her pay and how she expressed her need to sleep - "oh time to sleep. i hv work @ clinic on tomorrow morning." Everything is so cute (:

    After the long list of cuteness about mummy, time for some of daddy's cuteness!

    Brother and I were talking in the Whatsapp group conversation (with daddy inside) about my trip to Lyon. Then, suddenly I mentioned buying dad a present. He was all along non-existent in the conversation as he did not type anything at all until I said I bought him a belt. And he went, "Really so good to me?? Thank Q....." After which, brother was like, "Whoa dad suddenly pop out!" (I like the way he used "POP" really "POP"!) Following, dad's reply was "Yeah lo.. Bcoz my daughter buy me a belt mah" HAHAHAHAHA! and after that, dad disappeared from the conversation again! Now I finally confirmed my doubts that he really reads everything on the conversation, just that he doesn't reply or comment on it! (*Note to self: be careful of what I say! HAHA!)

    Parents, they are so precious to me. I don't know what I would be today without their guidance(: Thanks for bringing me up to who I am today (:

    I don't say this often, but love ya all ♥

    accomplished much

    The title reads "accomplished much". Much in this case refers to only one very huge ass important thing.

    I have made a long and deliberate contemplation,

    1. To enjoy now and suffer for the rest of the one year or
    2. To do my best now and even if I didn't get it in the end *touchwood please*, I would not regret the decision, cos at least I tried (: [Thanks stefy, she gave me a really strong asskicking motivation that lasted me since this afternoon (:]

    It kinda suck yet rock. Sucks cos I was damn antisocial, feeling bad that I am so antisocial. I could have put this down and do it another day since I have till next week. But I know myself well enough to say that by putting it down, its gonna be even harder to pick it up and do it again. Huge inertia to be overcome. Since the motivation was there, together with strong immense encouragement, I pushed myself on and accomplished it (which is much).

    It rocks cos it was a milestone, definitely. It has been quite sometime since I last concentrated so hard and put in so much for something. I hope I had done my best (or exceeding my best). I think I did - my very best in quite a while...