haven been blogging for quite some time.
had a quite a few gatherings recently.
Just last sunday was 30/06 class gathering.
(it feels so foreign when i typing 30/06)
haven seen those guys for so long!
and Leonard has hair now! HAHA!
How ironic. He is in army and he has longer hair than he used to.
Mr Calvin Tan came too.
there was a fairly heated up conversation held in the study before dinner.
memorable it would be.
pizza and shepherd pie for dinner. (:
yum yum!
Lays and doritos as fillers. :D
Guitar hero was great! :D
fun fun fun!
unleashed singing potentials!
Leonard with his screaming! (i will post the videos up!)
and Enfant insisting that Kesleen can sing misery business!
so will the next class gathering be at Kbox?
we shall see! :D
took a few group photos before Calvin Tan left.
(will post that up soon also.)
After guitar hero, the guys moved on to some soccer game.
Girls were left uninterested.
and so we moved on too.
To CAMwhore! :D
no, actually only the seven sisters moved on.
no, actually again, it was the SIX sisters for the night.
cos there was a particular sister of ours having some i-don't-know-what personal reasons, and was not able to make it. :P
all i can say is, you missed out all the fun. but we didn't quite miss you! OOPS! :P
rahhs. anyway, i will post up the pictures on facebook and you will see how much fun you had really missed out!
Bridge session commenced upon the dying down of my camera's battery.
it was paired bridge!
and i will forever remember how the waiting time was like when we played Risk during the previous chalet!
and poor enfant. she sorta lost quiteee miserably.
oh, and did i mention that tan kheng ming and enfant are still bickering!
in fact enfant was bickerish with almost everyone.
(David, qixiang, ME!) :P
yeah, and that qixiang is like some emo quiet kid.
Staying very calm throughout the whole night.
HA. has SAF shaped him into what he has become?
What surprised me was his bridging skills! cool la!
sit there quietly, bidding, playing..
yeah cool is the word.
tkm acquired a new name.
Click Tan Kheng Ming.
it all came about cause click = km (as in kilometers)
and tkm insisted that km is him.
so Click Tan was his new name.
then came the collection of Class Funds.
it was the most dreadful event during our JC years.
but this time, everyone paid up.
Everyone paid up efficiently.
Everyone including David Phang.
Grow up liao la! haha. :D
or was it cause $7.50 is nothing compared to his $1000 pay monthly.
lastly, it came to the time when people starts leaving.
bidding farewells with the promise that we will meet up again soon in June!
Kristen, Stef, Kesleen, and Jiawei continued their guitar hero game.
while enfant and I left off with Erick and Gauri.
I guess that was when Jiawei and Kesleen left in love with the drums.
rahhs! i wanna play too! should have stayed behind and leave enfant to go home alone man! :P
ahhss. okies, of course i am not that bad a marmee la.
yessh. pictures will be uploaded soon i hope. (:
oh ya. i just wanna emphasise this again.
i am hating SAF for 2 weeks.
from 5Jan till 17Jan. ):
especially so on 16Jan!
i am hating SAF for 2 weeks.
from 5Jan till 17Jan. ):
especially so on 16Jan!