Friday, August 03, 2007


yeah! finally once again its friday!
it was a not bad day.
i am once again in my pyjamas looking t shirt.
and i am said to look sleepy in this shirt.

biology test was rather fine.
i did study.
i know that if i put in the effort to study for my revision exercises,
i will be able to attempt the questions.
i am gonna study hard for them.
it certainly brings a great lot of sense of satisfaction.

had lunch opposite school.
my prawn noodle was not opened.
but kway teow was nice too=)

on our way back to school,
at the traffic light, we saw this ugly looking silver car.
it tried to bang us down!
and the person behind the wheel was wearing this beta house shirt.
looking smirk and laughing evilly.(is there such a word?)
and yes. that person resembles our dearest mr calvin tan.
and i decided to ponder over the decision a made earlier.
"are teachers good role models?"
hmm. to think i chose strongly agree, attributing it to mr calvin tan.
but now. i am not so sure.

and my econs buddy doesn't want to acknowledge me!
saw him at mac with his friends.
and when i waved goodbye to him,
he purposely looked down!
so rude right?
yes, you were so rude lo ZHOU QIXIANG!
i know you read my blog discreetly!
rude qixiang!
waved soooo reluctantly!
i am gonna tell j**w** huh!!
ok. i shan't bad mouth him already.
he is a mr nice guy overall.
especially nice to a special someone only.
and thank you for the green soursop treat!
didn't expect you to keep to your promise..
anyway, you have been a nice econs buddy!
you made my econs lessons much more interesting! =)

p.s. kesleen and i did not take pictures today.
it is a great achievement.

an yeah! i am gonna watch the jay chou's movie- secret tomorrow!
oh so exciting!
sneak preview! hehe =)