to camwhore: oh! i finally learnt the pronunciation of "camwhore" (which sounds like "camhor"), like today! thanks for your guidance huh. hmm.i think black won't have be suicidal right? anyway, it is now retrovirus! & yes! i love HOT horlick! let's drink horlick dinosaur oneday! haha. and i don't wanna see you future bf yet. =P you know why! haha. and change blogskin please~!!
to donk: haha. yes. you should be studying even harder than me lo! anyway bon voyage! (in advance!) i want my souvenirSSS pls. and by the way how was the blog reading? was it enjoyable? have you talked to him?
to phebe: too bad you missed the warning. and I did not say anything hor. ya. its only cramps. just like mine. which was spread to you and liyong. haha. =P and i think jiawei has this furtile imagination that's why she exclaimed so loudly in the middle of GP.
to donk: haha. yes. you should be studying even harder than me lo! anyway bon voyage! (in advance!) i want my souvenirSSS pls. and by the way how was the blog reading? was it enjoyable? have you talked to him?
to phebe: too bad you missed the warning. and I did not say anything hor. ya. its only cramps. just like mine. which was spread to you and liyong. haha. =P and i think jiawei has this furtile imagination that's why she exclaimed so loudly in the middle of GP.