Thursday, June 21, 2007

UK funfair with xiao meimei

finally. an outing with xiao meimei aka xiao biao jie.
dinner. UK fun fair. dessert. zi-lianing.

it was a budget outing.
somehow we chose the cheapest for almost everything.
like our dinner.
going to the funfair just to
budget outing.
so we cant afford to take any rides.
with the tokens priced at $2.50 each.
and the minimum tokens required for each ride is 2 tokens.
(unless you consider standing up on a merry-go-round a ride.)

imagine paying $10 for a challenger ride.
4 tokens! $10!

plus $2.90 i can go WWW for the whole day lo!
I can take slide up for like hundred times leh!

but of course.
how can i compare slide up with a UK funfair?
UK fun fair leh..
imported one.
naturally it will be priced higher.
and you only get to enjoy it once in a while.

somehow i am regretting not taking any of the rides.
come to think of it,
standing on a merry-go-round is actually an enjoyment too.
at least you get to experience a little giddiness from the rotating world around you.
adding to my list of regrets once again.

okie. pictures won't be up.
lazy to post.
all on xiao meimei(yvonne)'s blog.
plus a damn unglam picture of me!
~sobz.. =((