Friday, June 08, 2007


wow.. realised that i haven been blogging for a long long time..
i guess its not cos i've nothing to blog about, but i guess i've too much things to blog about that i dunno where and when to start. In other words, you can say that Joan is a little lazy..hee..

okie, since I am once again in no mood to blog.. I shall upload photos!
pictures speaks a thousand words! hee!!!
many many photos to be uploaded!
this is jiawei's pooh.. named cute joan!!

the moo advert in TJ before sports carnival..

clay shooting at bukit timah rifle range!
it was really damn damn fun!!
& if i were a rich kid, i would confirm continue de =)
this is first aid unit after the sports carnival!
woah! we won 1st in dogdeball! ($60 Haagen Daz voucher!)
2nd in tug of war!
morning view of TJ...
can u see the sun rise??

this was swensens at suntec!
yummy! (=

stef, liyong & phebe.
the three octo-crazy peeps!
baby octo was damn yummy!! (=
me, kes & jiawei!
the three zi-lian ones..haha..
i've quite a few versions of this photos..
only the three of us..
i know the lighting sucks..
forget to change the mode la..
the seven of us squeezing in to the picture.
with pak pak's head at the top right hand corner.
haha.looks funny.

Kes and I after bathing.
my photo was so damn blur la! (grrr...kes ah...)
the cakes Mr tan bought.
from baker's inn.
dun think you can see it that clearly.
dun hard.
but it damn delicious!
tiramisu, strawberry & choc!

the wine that Mr tan bought.

fruit wine.

i took like two small sips only.=(

my ultimate zi lian partner!
pee-zi-ke partner.
& sneak-ER!!
i truly enjoyed the chalet times with 30/06!
the times in WildWildWet.
the picnic we had at one corner.
the walk to red house.
the many photos taken in gauri ang bao's camera! (=
this is so far the most interesting period of my life during the hols!
thanks to those who made the chalet possible!
looking forward to the chalet that will be coming soon.
NP chalet!
miss those people & times.
it has been close to one and a half yr since i last met some.
this will make up the next unforgettable part of my hols life! (=
for now, i will be spending very much of my time studying.
mugging on.
thriving to do well for JCT.
hopefully i can.
and sorry to those who asked me out to study & i rejected.
dun really feel like going out in this hot weather.
& i am not attitud-ing la.
maybe this is just the after effect of using too much brain cells.
dun worry. i m fine really.