Friday, June 15, 2007

NP chalet pictures

chalet photos up..
have decided to upload them now
before i procrastinate any further.

(these might take very long to load as i did not resize the pictures.
and they are all taken with my 3.2MP K800i)

taken during our beach volley game in the room.
oops. forget to take a picture of 
the watermelon look-alike volleyball

this is dawn's hamster.
named SMELLY!
i gave it the name.
but somehow i feel that SHIT suits it better.
though its quite a crude name.
the night view of Wild Wild Wet.
taken at the swimming pool of our chalet.
quite a nice view looking at theme parks in the night.
it's a pity that the picture quality is a bit very bad.

 us us us us us.... 
didn't zi-lian a lot though..
don't feel very much like it..
especially when i am wearing my glasses.. =P

ahhh!! don't you think it looks damn scary?!
Sheena and I were damn scared can?
Especially when its dark.
the ghoul seems to be floating towards you!

Wild Wild Wet group photo
only five of us went to WWW.
so sad.
its not as fun as when a lot a lot of people go.
still i love the slide up!!
ans sheena has this special ability of making people FLY!
yes.. its only sheena..

we drank.
mine, sheena's, dawn's.
1 is legal, 2 is illegal..
but who cares.
we aren't drunk also.

this was what went with our drinks.
guess what is it?
its malt candy.
flavoured malt candy.
honeydew, sarsi & lychee.
mine, dawn's & sheena's..
the one on the right is the masterpiece by dawn.
dawn created it by sucking, "tonguing" and licking it.
wonderful job.

oh ya.
pictures for BBQ.
this is the only picture i have for BBQ.
do you know what that is?
it's a burning marshmallow.
it can be used as a fire starter.
cool! (=
and that's fahmi's crazy idea of burning the marshmallow.

three of us zi-lian-ing before sheena and i leave the chalet.
taken through a mirror.
we took quite a few more.
but i prefer uploading these two only.
it looks quite erm.. dunno leh..

i love these two pictures a lot!
especially the one on the right.
though the color didn't turn out very nice,
it is still a very sweet picture. (=
credits to dawn! 
she took the picture!
that's all.
chalet has ended.
what was left is the memories, pictures, and probably also the sun burnt.
promised that sheena, dawn and I would go out for dinner one day.
when will it be?
ok, i will take lots of pictures with you all if we go out for dinner.
that would be like after my JCTs right?

yes, my JCTs.
it's time i really wake up from my peanuts land.
it's study time.
serious study time.
i am working for As.
Not for JCTs only.
i guess only i understand what is going through my mind.