Thursday, June 21, 2007

UK funfair with xiao meimei

finally. an outing with xiao meimei aka xiao biao jie.
dinner. UK fun fair. dessert. zi-lianing.

it was a budget outing.
somehow we chose the cheapest for almost everything.
like our dinner.
going to the funfair just to
budget outing.
so we cant afford to take any rides.
with the tokens priced at $2.50 each.
and the minimum tokens required for each ride is 2 tokens.
(unless you consider standing up on a merry-go-round a ride.)

imagine paying $10 for a challenger ride.
4 tokens! $10!

plus $2.90 i can go WWW for the whole day lo!
I can take slide up for like hundred times leh!

but of course.
how can i compare slide up with a UK funfair?
UK fun fair leh..
imported one.
naturally it will be priced higher.
and you only get to enjoy it once in a while.

somehow i am regretting not taking any of the rides.
come to think of it,
standing on a merry-go-round is actually an enjoyment too.
at least you get to experience a little giddiness from the rotating world around you.
adding to my list of regrets once again.

okie. pictures won't be up.
lazy to post.
all on xiao meimei(yvonne)'s blog.
plus a damn unglam picture of me!
~sobz.. =((


little miss emo.
little miss ego.
Where is little miss happy?

Monday, June 18, 2007

random pictures and white.

my brother says that taking people using sepia is the nicest.
so i decided to take a picture of him using sepia.
is it nicer?

papaya bubbletea

i finally found my papaya bubbletea after a long long search!
i finally found it at this bubbletea shop in waterloo street.
its a weird place for me to find my favourite bubbletea flavour though..
it sorta implies that my favourite flavour is well liked by a certain age group of people.
you can figure the above statement out for yoursef.
i shall not be elaborate any further.
the papaya bubbletea.
with pearls!
actually the pearls sucks!
it tastes very bitter.
the papaya milktea is so sweet.
the pearls are so bitter.
sounds yucky right?
and the pearls are weird..
i suspect that they used different pearls for my brother's oreo latte and my papaya milkshake.
my brother's pearls are so sweet and Q..
but mine is like bitter and soft.
that's not fair!
must be the auntie like my brother! 
trying to attract my brother with a few pearls?
bleah. its no use. =P

random pictures.
i saw this at cold storage in Parco Bugis.
its another advertising gimick.
a pretty interesting one.
there are bubbles in the "lamppost"!
gas look alike bubbles!
(click picture to enlarge & u can see the nice little bubbles)
i want one in my room.
it can be used as a night light!
a very big night light. =)

brother's present

it was my brother bdae yesterday.
17 june.
he is 14 year old.
although he look like he is 16.
he received his birthday present from me like ages ago.
i told him not to open till his birthday.
but he opened it straight away on the spot.
i guess the present is just too cute to be resisted from opening!
and obviously its also 'cause we bought him the present.

both poohs!
i wonder why..
but my brother seems to be very in love with pooh suddenly..
who made him that in love with it?
probably yvonne?
which is another crazy pooh lover..
no, cant be..yvonne is not influential enough..
guess its someone else...
whom i still do not know of yet..
or maybe i am just thinking too much..
its pooh that he likes..
not someone else..
blame it on randomness again..

Friday, June 15, 2007

NP chalet pictures

chalet photos up..
have decided to upload them now
before i procrastinate any further.

(these might take very long to load as i did not resize the pictures.
and they are all taken with my 3.2MP K800i)

taken during our beach volley game in the room.
oops. forget to take a picture of 
the watermelon look-alike volleyball

this is dawn's hamster.
named SMELLY!
i gave it the name.
but somehow i feel that SHIT suits it better.
though its quite a crude name.
the night view of Wild Wild Wet.
taken at the swimming pool of our chalet.
quite a nice view looking at theme parks in the night.
it's a pity that the picture quality is a bit very bad.

 us us us us us.... 
didn't zi-lian a lot though..
don't feel very much like it..
especially when i am wearing my glasses.. =P

ahhh!! don't you think it looks damn scary?!
Sheena and I were damn scared can?
Especially when its dark.
the ghoul seems to be floating towards you!

Wild Wild Wet group photo
only five of us went to WWW.
so sad.
its not as fun as when a lot a lot of people go.
still i love the slide up!!
ans sheena has this special ability of making people FLY!
yes.. its only sheena..

we drank.
mine, sheena's, dawn's.
1 is legal, 2 is illegal..
but who cares.
we aren't drunk also.

this was what went with our drinks.
guess what is it?
its malt candy.
flavoured malt candy.
honeydew, sarsi & lychee.
mine, dawn's & sheena's..
the one on the right is the masterpiece by dawn.
dawn created it by sucking, "tonguing" and licking it.
wonderful job.

oh ya.
pictures for BBQ.
this is the only picture i have for BBQ.
do you know what that is?
it's a burning marshmallow.
it can be used as a fire starter.
cool! (=
and that's fahmi's crazy idea of burning the marshmallow.

three of us zi-lian-ing before sheena and i leave the chalet.
taken through a mirror.
we took quite a few more.
but i prefer uploading these two only.
it looks quite erm.. dunno leh..

i love these two pictures a lot!
especially the one on the right.
though the color didn't turn out very nice,
it is still a very sweet picture. (=
credits to dawn! 
she took the picture!
that's all.
chalet has ended.
what was left is the memories, pictures, and probably also the sun burnt.
promised that sheena, dawn and I would go out for dinner one day.
when will it be?
ok, i will take lots of pictures with you all if we go out for dinner.
that would be like after my JCTs right?

yes, my JCTs.
it's time i really wake up from my peanuts land.
it's study time.
serious study time.
i am working for As.
Not for JCTs only.
i guess only i understand what is going through my mind.

Spider Lilies

damn it!!
i really wanna watch this show!
why why why??
why is it rated R21!!
please its only homosexuality...
its not like after watching it you will turn lesbian right?

plus in the recent review that i read, it says 
"Spider Lilies isn't a lesbian-themed movie per se - it's a story about finding and losing connection which just happens to feature gay characters."

i think i am still going to sneak into the theatres.
i don't think i have to sneak in though.
Probably my brother would have to..

how how how??
trying hard to derive a plam to watch this movie..
if i don't watch it now, there will never be a chance..
why cant't they release R21 movies on DVDs?
(maybe except if I were to go and "find" the movie)

i will see how it goes..
for now, i shall go back to my studies..

will upload chalet pictures soon..
i'm feeling sleepy again..

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

eyelashes wishes

have you all heard of this before?
pluck out one of your eyelashes and make a wish..
& you wish will come true (=
but of course those with short or like no eyelashes..
i'm very sorry..
you will need to find some other means to makin your wish..
And to those with long and beautiful eyelashes..
yes yes..
try it!
it works! (=
(this is just part of my conspiracy to eliminate all those with beautiful eyelashes! i'm so so so jealous of your eyelashes!)

Saturday, June 09, 2007

♥♥Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T100♥♥

i hate it when i love something a lot.
its a like and a dislike kinda thing.
you want it yet there are many many factors to consider.
oh man.
i am so so so loving it.

but why?
look at it yourself...

so sleek and slim and damn pretty!!
ultra compact.

not bulky and ugly like my old one..

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T100
5x Optical Zoom
Face Detection
Carl Zeiss® Vario-Tessar® Lens
SteadyShot® Image Stabilization
Max shutter speed 1/1000 sec
Macro focus range 1cm
can someone by this for me??
please please please..
i want an additional 1GB Memory Stick PRO Duo!
and also an additional battery. (=
ps: i prefer the BLACK one..but i dun mind any other colour also(=

extra: its really nice commercial (=

Friday, June 08, 2007


wow.. realised that i haven been blogging for a long long time..
i guess its not cos i've nothing to blog about, but i guess i've too much things to blog about that i dunno where and when to start. In other words, you can say that Joan is a little lazy..hee..

okie, since I am once again in no mood to blog.. I shall upload photos!
pictures speaks a thousand words! hee!!!
many many photos to be uploaded!
this is jiawei's pooh.. named cute joan!!

the moo advert in TJ before sports carnival..

clay shooting at bukit timah rifle range!
it was really damn damn fun!!
& if i were a rich kid, i would confirm continue de =)
this is first aid unit after the sports carnival!
woah! we won 1st in dogdeball! ($60 Haagen Daz voucher!)
2nd in tug of war!
morning view of TJ...
can u see the sun rise??

this was swensens at suntec!
yummy! (=

stef, liyong & phebe.
the three octo-crazy peeps!
baby octo was damn yummy!! (=
me, kes & jiawei!
the three zi-lian ones..haha..
i've quite a few versions of this photos..
only the three of us..
i know the lighting sucks..
forget to change the mode la..
the seven of us squeezing in to the picture.
with pak pak's head at the top right hand corner.
haha.looks funny.

Kes and I after bathing.
my photo was so damn blur la! (grrr...kes ah...)
the cakes Mr tan bought.
from baker's inn.
dun think you can see it that clearly.
dun hard.
but it damn delicious!
tiramisu, strawberry & choc!

the wine that Mr tan bought.

fruit wine.

i took like two small sips only.=(

my ultimate zi lian partner!
pee-zi-ke partner.
& sneak-ER!!
i truly enjoyed the chalet times with 30/06!
the times in WildWildWet.
the picnic we had at one corner.
the walk to red house.
the many photos taken in gauri ang bao's camera! (=
this is so far the most interesting period of my life during the hols!
thanks to those who made the chalet possible!
looking forward to the chalet that will be coming soon.
NP chalet!
miss those people & times.
it has been close to one and a half yr since i last met some.
this will make up the next unforgettable part of my hols life! (=
for now, i will be spending very much of my time studying.
mugging on.
thriving to do well for JCT.
hopefully i can.
and sorry to those who asked me out to study & i rejected.
dun really feel like going out in this hot weather.
& i am not attitud-ing la.
maybe this is just the after effect of using too much brain cells.
dun worry. i m fine really.