Sunday, April 15, 2007

one of my happiest day recently

yesterday was fun!
it was seriously one of my happiest day!
it was also dawn's bdae! hee.. altho her bdae present was like ermm..crap...
haha...but nvm...she sorta like it alot..
we wanted her not to like the present lo!

it was this powerpuff girl cake!
i feel that its quite ugly.
niff thinks that dawn wont like it too.
but when we gave it to her, she went...
"oh! so cute!" in a bit of a high pitch voice! exaggerating!
maybe she was just trying to not make us disappointed.
but in actual fact we were quite disappointed that she like it...omg!
it just turned out so so LEFT!

we went bowling in textile centre.
for like around 30minutes only.
because the alley was to be closed at 2pm for some competition.
and sadly, niff was the only one who bowl.
nothing very interesting happened during bowling, except for the fact that niff is seriously a drain washer..
his bowl skills sucks~!
haha...wait till he sees this. but i doubt he will tho..=P

then, we walked to beach road!
i love the hawker centre at beach road!
it reminds me of my kayaking times!
i love the chicken rice there also!
haiz..but i din eat it yesterday.
was too full to eat chicken rice.
we ate some belgium ice cream.
mine was specoolas, (some kinda biscuit flavour, which taste somewhat similar to venezia tartufo)
dawn's was super lemon! which really tasted very very sour, yet it refreshes at the same time.
while niff ate waffle with chocolate dip! a tiny bit of specoolas and super lemon from dawn's and mine.
this is niff's waffle, with chocolate dip.and the heart shape look alike is our ice cream!

the prices are reasonable.
1scoop $1.80.
waffle with chocolate dip $2.50
1 scoop with waffle $3.60
really worth trying out.. (altho i think ben and jerry is still the best!)

after our ice cream,
we walked aimlessly out of the hawker centre.
actually we were supposed to be walking to a bus stop.
all of us thought that someone else was leading the correct way.
but we ended "lost" somewhere.
its okie.
we weren't that lost.
reached bugis dreanched.

from bugis we took train to tampines.
shopped at Metro!
and we met Li An!!!
ahhh!! really a np gathering day!

this is me with niff's pink toshiba mp3 player.
haha. its pink! its a cute little whale.
i wanna bring it home!
so cute!

oh no..i have lots of homework yet to be done.
feeling very shagged already.
going out again later.
will try and complete as much homework as possible.
i need to study hard.

p.s. i am not demanding! yeah! (=

thanks to those who made my day happy!