Thursday, March 01, 2007

mOre phOtos frOm chInesE nEw yEar!

Yvonne(my cousin), Mabelle(my niece) and I!!
it looks like we are squeezing mabelle..but nono... its just because we are close!
i like this picture too! very sweet =)

this picture was supposed to have only Yvonne and Mabelle in it...
but...suddenly someone when into the picture.
don't you think that the picture becomes a lot more prefect after the addition of someone?

(took quite a few photos with mabelle and Yvonne.
I think Mabelle will become like us one day! ZI LIAN!!!)

this is a photo taken by Mabelle!
seriously, she took the photo herself!
the only thing i did was to teach her how to press the button.
hee.. talented!