Thursday, March 29, 2007

way back into love (with lyrics)

Way Back Into Love (full version)

this is the song i love!

music and lyrics

I love this song.
Way Back Into Love

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night

I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

(koped from Phebe's blog!=))


Ms Goh showed us this transparency with lots of cute faces on it!
She made us choose the mood that we are in.
and i choose this.
not really cause I'm confident, but nore because this face looks happy!!
i love happy faces!


Name: joan
Birth Date: 30th nov
Current Status: attached
Eye Colour: blackish brown
Hair Colour: brown
Righty or Lefty: righty

My Heritage : Chinese
My Fears : darkness, sadness, clowns.. =X
My Perfect Pizza : BBQ and CHEESE!

My Thoughts First Waking Up : oh no its a sch day agn..haiz..
My Bedtime : i wanna talk! hee..
My Most Missed Memory: NP time..haiz...

Pepsi or Coke: neither! Ribena!
McDonald's or Burger King: Mac happy meal!! grilled chicken burger!
Single or Group Dates: depends on who is going..but ok with both..
Adidas or Nike: san tiao! (three strips)
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: i prefer it dark!
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappucino?

Smoke: no way!!
Curse: not really except for shit..
Take a Shower: yes yes
Have a Crush: nono..
Think You've Been In Love: yup=))
Go To School: yes..currently..but i need a rest!
Want To Get Married: hehe..yup! (=
Believe In Yourself: I guess I do..depends..
Think Your A Health Freak: hmmz..not really..its periodical..
The verdict is: JOAN ROX!!

Drank Alcohol: no no...obviously no..i am underage you know..
Gone To The Mall : erm..stupid question..of course la!
Been On Stage: yup yup
Eaten Sushi: Yes. but dun really like it now.
Dyed Your Hair: no hair is of natural color.

Played A Stripping Game: no
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: i try not to..

To Be Married: hmmz...depends lo..

Best Eye Colour: blackish brown
Best Hair Colour: any colour
Short Hair or Long Hair: hopefully short

A Minute Ago: chatting online
Hour Ago: studying for bio=(
4.5 Hours Ago: in zzz land
1 Month Ago: cant rmbr exactly..but should be mugging..
1 Year Ago: having lots of fun! enjoying life...

I love : hee..somebody
I feel: cared for
I hate: smokers and promise-breakers
I hide: hmmz..dunno?? emotions at times?
I miss: NP days!
I need: rest...

1) anyone
2) anyone
3) anyone
4) anyone
5) anyone

(anyone named anyone can do this..)

Saturday, March 24, 2007


why are things in life so complicated?


Do we have to tell our friends every single thing that happened in my life?
Not all people are willing to.
Please respect the privacy of those who wish to keep certain things from us.
Forcing them to say things will not work.
If they are comfortable, they will tell you.
If they are not, do not probe.

Sometimes it may just be inappropriate to tell certain people certain things.
Probably because they think that it may be a burden to others.
Probably they may also think that it is irrevelant to certain people.
Probably also because there is seriously no time to share these things with.
Accept it.
Friendship isn't as simple as you think it is.

Is it really that difficult to love someone forever?
Is it true that after the so called "honey-moon" period, feelings for each other will fade?
Is relationship just the work of chemical reactions in our body?
Is there no psychological explanation to it?

Why is it that one party will be more emotionally attached?
Does it matters how people look at your relationship?
How will you know if one party has a sudden change of heart?
Is it possible for an already broken relationship to be mended again?
How many times can it be mended?
Where do you think your relationship will lead you to? Forever and ever?

Let natural take its course.
Let fate decide.
Yes, I do.

The people you live with everyday.

How many of you can really tell your family members every single thing?
What will they think of your ideology and perception towards certain things?
How will they see you?
How will they response?
Are they willing to accept?

To ask for their acceptance isn't a lot.
It is just the extra effort that they need to put in your shoes.
Seeing things in your perspective.

If you want their understanding.
Understand them first.
It is easier said than done.
Try it yourself.

Life is great??

the mind works in a complicated manner.

different people encounters different problems.
different problems requires different approaches.
different approaches lead to different consequences.

no matter what the consequences are,
You will have to face them.
It is a path that you have chosen yourself.
At times, you may feel that this is not entirely your fault.
And neither is it the fault of others.

Very often, it is easier to blame others.
Human beings are naturally egoistic.
Its hard to admit that the mistake was made yourself.

It is even harder to accept something that people said.
This is especially so when they are right about this something.

Facing problems is part and parcel of life.
Choose your own way to face these problems and obstacles in life.
It isn't worth it to be hindered by these obstacles.
Stopping you from achieving the success awaiting at the other end.

Don't give up.
Life is worth having you in it.
You make the difference in your own life.

Phebe's and Kristen's bdae

21st March 2007
After being pestered by Phebe Bay Chun Hui for about one month or so, its finally her special day!

Photos taken on her bdae!

this is the bdae cake that stef made for her. =)
yummy cake!
really delicious and full!
greedy Kesleen took TWO pieces!
tsk tsk tsk..that ah zhou ah... so unhealthy!!

Later at night
dinner at Hans!! (haiz..yes Hans again..but very very nice!)

this are pictures at Hans:

when Kristen receives her present.
the white cap.
with added accessories.
designed and made by stef and LY!!
(on de day that phebe called stef)

we have completed one cycle of our bdaes!
everyone of us have our special bdae gifts from the seven sisters.
so wads next?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

my infant's bdae.

i have to say this no matter what!
my infant is really gettting on my nerves.
her continuous and never ending questions about her birthday.
and my patient and witty replies.
and i think infant is truely enjoying herself while she inquires about her present.
but i what i said was really true.
i am seriously not very involved in infant's present.
yesterday night.. haha.. while i had fun try to decorate infaant's cookbook!
it is so so so so interesting!! haha.. i hope infant will be happy after reading it!
infant is at economics lecture now.
i am secretly hoping that infant is reading the cookbook now.
but i doubt so as her lecturer will ask questions.
And being the luckily little infant birthday girl,
she might kena a question by the lecturer.
my point is, infant will need to take quite long to finish reading the whole cookbook.
as in not the recipe part, but those add-ons!
i contributed to fifteen pages of add-ons in the cookbook!
haha! hehe!!i guess i broke the record! =P
cos i have the whole evening to do the add-ons.
and i have a strong feeling that infant will like the last few pages of the cookbook alot!

anyway, i wanna apologise to infant for de a bit lousy wrapping skills.
but you can consider yourself lucky.
cos very often, i do not wrap people's present.
you aren't the first that i wrapped.
but you are one of the very few that i wrapped!

gotta go.. the bell rang..

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Natasha Bedingfield - I Wanna Have Your Babies

came upon this video while reading my friend's blog. and yes, i am hooked to this video also. but i dunno for what reason though.
pretty cute.

waste of time

it was indeed a complete waste of my time.
40 min to the destination.
and another 40 min back home.
just for a short 15 min talk.
super duper long traveling time.
the conclusion of the talk was already pretty obvious.
there is no point in this talk.

sorry, but i just do not like that person that i talked to.
maybe I am biased towards her.
do I not deserve some praising?
I think i did improve?

i do not like the way she put her words across.
she should go for some psychological course.

why isn't she leaving instead of him?
How I wished that its her.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


something very interesting happened yesterday morning.
It seems so much so that everything that happened was destined to occur.
The series of events left me with no other explanation except that its all fated.
And yes, i truly believe that its fate.

regarding my previous post

erm... i am feeling a little sorry about blogging in such a negative light about my parents previously. I was just trying to vent my anger. I guess they are also stressed and have a lot of problems and troubles on their mind. Neither do I want to add on to their troubles. At times, I just need someone to listen to me. And that's why I am luckily to have my brother around.
Haiz.. Life isn't that great recently.. Although its now hols, i won't be blogging very much though..

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

sudden urge to blog about this..

They are the closest people related by blood ties and yet they don't seem to understand you.
They may think what they are doing for you is the best.
what they reprimand you for is all for your own good.
Everything that they did and planned for you is for your own good.

All the parents in this world wide world are somewhat similar.
All of them have a common parental instinct,
guiding their every action.
All the constant scoldings, naggingS and even beatings since young,
it alll originated due to this parental instinct.
Which is their CARE for their children.

Nevertheless, my parents are also like that.
At times, i think they are too unreasonable.
Too over-protective.
Not giving me enough freedom.
In their eyes, i have never ever grown up.

i don't know why.
But i don't seem to get them to put trust in me.
They never seem to understand that I do know how to differentiate the right from the wrong.
I do know my limits.
And integrity guides my every actions.
I believe that my parents have brought me up well.
An this good up-bringing will follow me through life.

It hurts when you know that your parents do not trust you.
It hurts even more when you let them know certain things
And they become very worked up and very against it.
Without even giving you a chance of trying it out,
Or not to say even a chance to defense yourself.
They tend to generalise things (yes, i admit that i am generalising parents too.)
And stay on the darker side of life.
They seem to think highly of their experience towards certain issues.
And make false assumptions that things all happen that way.
Can't they see that the world around them is changing.
And things are no longer the same.

Sometimes i do wonder..
Why can't all parents be equally open-minded?
Why can't they share their experiences with us such thst we know what to expect when time comes.
Why can't they accept certain facts?
And most importantly, why can't they put more trust in their daughter?

please, your daughter is 17 going 18.
She has brains.
which contain well developed brain cells,
that are mature enough to differentiate what's right and what's wrong.
She is not as stupid as you all think she is.
And she will not get cheated for goodness sake!
Please give her some more trust.
And reassure her that you all do trust her.
it is seriously very stressful at times to figure out what my parents want.
It seems that I'm not as close to them as before.
I don't feel like telling them things.
They do not seem to be interested.
The trust is betrayed.
I seriously see no point in telling them things.
yes, its sad, but sorry..

Saturday, March 03, 2007

infant is once again obedient!

mummy is loving infant for this! (=

to my mummy

sorry mummmy,
i broke your heart,
by saying that you suck.
but im still young and innocent,
and i dont mean to act like a militant!
i am shy,
and i do not lie,
i must admit u 've been really good to me,
especially when u changed my diapers, without a fee.
all i wanna say,
please do stay,
and do forgive this little infant of yours,
cos shes your happiness, only source! (opps i forgot abt daddy)


and sorry mummy is not linguistically strong enough to write infant a poem.

my infant is bad =(

told you infant is bad! here is the evidence!!

this is what she wrote:
"facts abt me, i have a mummy whos quite bad to me most of the time"
what a bad infant!

my infant =(

Please ensure that you are not sensitive

towards pictures that aren't are very cute.

cause the following pictures that you will see is my noisy infant.


this is my infant.
it she is Phebe Bay.
she is a noisy infant who wants a bucket of hor fan for her bdae.
she takes weird pictures.
she is weird.
she is a lucky infant.
cos mummy and daddy dotes on her.
but her mummy and daddy are unlucky.
due to her,
her daddy needs to work very very hard so that she can eat crabs!
& her mummy needs to bring her to smelly mandai to visit her rich bf.
her daddy needs to work very very hard to pay for her visits to mandai.
& her mummy needs to tolerate her noisiness in mandai.

at times, infant can be a very nice and obedient infant.
how mummy wish that she can be nice and obedient everytime.
lastly, mummy just wanna tell infant that mummy loves her.

a meaningful song =)

If You're Not the One
I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
And I know my heart is by your side
(extracted only certain parts of the lyrics that i find very very meaningful)

and here is Ron and Hermione's version of If You're Not the One.
cleverly infused into the song.

a happy song

i like this song! 卓文萱-幸福调味
a lot a lot!
it makes me happy! really happy! =))

from go green day

this was like so so so long ago already.
yes, i did have fun.

Friday, March 02, 2007

my chinese is good!

my chinese is good!!!
its proven by my chinese results!
mind you its my chinese O level results + my chinese A level results also!!
2 years ago, O level chinese, A1, oral distinction.
Now, A level, A, oral distinction.

yeah yeah!!
i am so happy! haha..

and please, i am not being ego here! I just wanna show that my chinese is good. please stop saying that its lousy. i couldn't have tyco-ed twice right?!!


dawn is jealous!!

dawn is jealous!!
i dunno why but i smell vinegar in her words!
very strong vinegar smell...
oh my god!!
the smell is really overwhelming!!
i cant take it anymore!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

mOre phOtos frOm chInesE nEw yEar!

Yvonne(my cousin), Mabelle(my niece) and I!!
it looks like we are squeezing mabelle..but nono... its just because we are close!
i like this picture too! very sweet =)

this picture was supposed to have only Yvonne and Mabelle in it...
but...suddenly someone when into the picture.
don't you think that the picture becomes a lot more prefect after the addition of someone?

(took quite a few photos with mabelle and Yvonne.
I think Mabelle will become like us one day! ZI LIAN!!!)

this is a photo taken by Mabelle!
seriously, she took the photo herself!
the only thing i did was to teach her how to press the button.
hee.. talented!