Thursday, December 31, 2009

life is being practical

realised that life is all about being practical.
So true.
I haven been around on Earth for a long enough time to realise this stark reality of life.
Glad to have someone 7 years older to enlighten me.

Haven been blogging for several weeks.
Last entry dated 2nd Dec!
Which was the last day of my exams.

Today, 31st december, I've decided to blog. (:
Just a little round up on December events! (:

Had been traveling for a great deal in December.
First, to Vietnam.
relaxation, shopping, etc etc.. (But not eating, seriously, I don't quite enjoy Vietnamese Cuisine.)

Then, to KL.
shopping, eating, shopping, eating, shopping, & ICE SKATING! (damn fun!)

Next, an impromptu trip to JB.
rebonded hair, treatment-ed hair, did all the miscellaneous "groceries" shopping, dinner with aunts and home sweet home. (:

Lastly, Genting trip next week.
theme park, casino-ing (maybe!), Karaok-ing, (:
totally looking forward! :D and this trip was really affordable (:.
S$50 for 3nights of hotel stay, good deal right? (:
(yesh, its first world. :P )

This short little one month holiday had been fulfilling.
(: family and friends gathering.
Family gatherings always ended up with people staying over at my place.
Nephew and Cousin stayed over. (:
our extra mattress was being carried out and into the storeroom several times.

Had a Boxing day BBQ at my cousin's place.
It was a bring-your-friend day.
haha. okies, so all the friends came.
not all, my brother's one didn't but he really doesn't have a friend! :P

Had Seven sisters welcome-enfant-home-party, plus celebrate Xmas party.
Attendance was good, but everyone had to leave early, and I was there on & off to settle my Wii problems.
& we are pretty much caught up with watching the Korean show on Channel U to catch up.
Good to be seeing everyone (:
& there was a short NUS gathering in the end (as always).
experienced jiawei's driving, and had fun driving around the carpark. to avoid the carpark attendant! :D

Had Xmas gathering (or rather Boxing day) at desmond's NEW house too!
lots of people, but i was feeling rather stoned la.
tired, bloated and not feeling very well. ):
went pubbing after that at iluma. (:
Had a squeezy squishy car in a BMW.
poor dear dear. :P

Pubbing was fun with darts and pool! :D
sadly, pub closed at 1am. & we headed home.
how can a pub close so at 1 am right?
Bro & cousin was at my place, and they bet on what time I will be home.
Bro won :P

ohhh, and a long time ago, went K box with Kes, Stef and Kris to celebrate Kes's birthday.
She suggested celebrating her birthday :P
Thick skinned one! :P

pictures will/might be uploaded on Facebook. (:
stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Mr beanie snoopy!

he is waving hello!

Proud that he is a SNOOPY! :D

Imitating Superman kor kor!

i am not fat! :D

see my new reddy house! :D
with graduate snoopy!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

new addition to the family!

He is Mr beanie Snoopy! :D
supposed to come with beanie woodstock,
yeah, still no stock. my secret plan failed.

nevertheless, i believe that woodstock will have stock one day! :D

Mr beanie snoopy, 小豆豆 (:
is very VERY FAT! (looks like Puffer fish! *quoted from my brother*)
entered peanutsland on the 30nov, after receiving a count down from 10 message! :D
its my birthday gift from my brother! :D :D :D
thanks desmondsuperman!

okies, one short little post about my birthday gift.
Thanks to all who remembered and sent your wishes.
Phone calls, sms, msn, physically wishing, twitter, facebook, tagboard, emails... (:
vielen Dank!

oh, and I have not checked my facebook and I don't really intend to check facebook by tonight, (trying to resist the temptation of facebook.)
I will reply those facebook wishes after my exams tomorrow! :D
can't wait for exams to end!
I have to admit that there is no study mood, and i am just forcing myself to mug on.
Last chance to mug!
tomorrow at this time, I will be at Bukit Timah, enjoying the wonderful korean chicken!
yayness to end of exams!

I will try to upload more photos.
no promises. try only!

oh ya, german brunch at Paulaner Brauhaus rocks my socks! :D
1 litre of beer! :D lots of sausages. Pork knuckles! Bread! Movenpick ice cream! Tiramisu dessert! great company ❤
heee! (: BUT! damn EX! $45++ inflation! used to be $43!
worth it though. it will be one memorable experience etched in the heart. (: