Friday, September 25, 2009

blogging from i780

(: hello! joan qiqi is slacking again!

she has new mooncakes to enjoy too! durian flavour you know!! (:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

counting down to end of recess week.

I thought that I couldn't make it, but I am slowly gaining speed and momentum.

For the whole of recess week, the only things that I have completed:
First section of that level 3 pharmacy module
German essay that was due today

Considered very very very little.
German essay was supposed to be done in a few minutes time? I spent more than an hour doing it. 50 words, but I went on to 86 words. I re-checked my grammar many times. Let them be correct please.
Another German HAG yet to be done, i think. From tutorial. But First and foremost, I need to find out where have I written those HAG..

First section of my pharmacy module. Hope that I have done a good job in revision. Don't intend to look back at those notes again before the test. Still have several more case studies to go. Several = 5 sets of lecture notes. HAHA! bless me.

Serious mugging started only yesterday. Today, whole day of mugging except for the normal facebook distractions. and blogging now.

Much more to go. 2 Lab reports, including one killer - Hyperchem (the short report itself is 24 pages! GOSH)
Haven touched Cm2121. AT ALL! I can't give that up although I feel like it. (ihateorganicchemistry!)
Touched a little of CM2161. That's my favourite module of the Semester. Gotta do well!
More to go for PR3101. That's another of my favourite module of the Semester. Will try to do well.
German HAG.
Prelab for next Tuesday.
I think there are certainly more to add to the list... but I just could not/choose not to remember them.

The only way to complete everything, is to not sleep! (:
HAHA! I will try to sleep as little as possible. Drink chicken essence daily.

dinner with dear at botak jones yesterday! :D HUGE PORTION! but we managed to finish. (:
monday, dear treated my family to BBQ and steamboat! at my tutee's mom new place. YUMS* we agreed to go back there again, with my brother. Just the three of us. and maybe with xiaobiaojie and her JJ too, if they are interested.
last saturday, dear made me drink the awful Ginger beer, while I forced Bitter Lemon upon him. :P Went to have authentic Hainanese chicken rice at Purvis Road. Damn good!

Supposed to go into malaysia this weekend, but I think I have decided not to go. ): noTIME!
Supposed to go dye hair soon. But suddenly can't decide whether I should waste that money.
Supposed to be studying now, but I am here blogging!
They are so cute (: yup, THEY.
Love them!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the cute animation!

I grew richer today. but i cant get those money into my BANK ACCOUNT!! ):
German test tmr. wish me luck. I think i cant make it. feeling upset with myself for I dunno what reason. I wanted to do other things, but the Test is tmr. I should study that, yet, it is not productive at all. maybe if i had done other things, it might be much more productive. What happened to the interest in German. Haiz. ): watching this video really cheered me up! maybe I will be able to focus on my German for 5 more minutes...

Dinner with six sisters tomorrow. I reserved seats for seven. yeah. blur me. i miss enfant too musch that's why. ):

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


She is fantastic! Imitating many singers and even cartoon characters! :D

anyway, I survived the day! so proud of myself. (: only 4 hours of sleep! gosh. ):

Sunday, September 06, 2009

no more complaints.. ✌

Joan has learnt that she should stop complaining about her workload.
don't ask her why did she come to this sudden realisation, but she just knows that it's doing her no good to grumble and complain.
That's life.

Plus, she do enjoy what she is studying now. Frankly speaking.
Even lab reports seems so fine at times.
Even if she is gonna get thrashed by everyone in all the modules that she takes this Semester, she will have no complaints. She chose this path. This is what she wanna do.


Something worth mentioning: Had a greatest day of the month with my dearest him yesterday :D
Great food(from brunch till dinner), Great ambience, Great company. What more to ask for? Pure bliss (: loves

p.s.: xiao long bao buffet with seven sisters(but not enfant) this friday! :D please.. i hope that everyone can make it! haven had a full gathering for such a long time!

oh people and I finally uploaded most of the pictures into my computer! Will start uploading pictures soon! :D erm.. i try to promise!

on a totally random note.. my brother praised that my nail polish is nice! (black, purpish, pinkish flash.) :D hee (: mama also like those nail polishes! :D OPI does miracles i suppose!! :D