Tuesday, March 31, 2009

mothers' day shopping (2008)

This post was being saved in draft for such a long time!
I am not sure why it wasn't posted, but I am just going to post it today.
(: I am a random girl (:
i miss outings of this sort. Sorta miss going out with enfant! haven seen her for such a long time already! ):

met up with infant, li yong and stef for some mother day shopping trip.
but i think li yong and i ended up window shopping for ourselves instead.
really miss going out with them.

infant and i in the toilet before dinner(:
we are both in yellow and black.
i am wearing my extremely expensive snoopy shirt.
while she is wearing her extremely expensive skinny jeans.
(although i have this strong dislike against people who wears skinny jeans,
infant's jeans just doesn't make her look too muhd-ish.)

had dinner at food republic.
had this craving for xiao long bao.
but we didn't buy it in the end.
had chicken rice and toast box instead.

liyong trying really hard to cut a small piece of toast into two pieces so that she can share it with infant.

stefanie (:
one of the few pictures that i managed to take of her.

my yuan yang from toast box.
nothing special.
i chose this over the extremely sweet bandung with no milky taste.

infant's guylian chocolates!
our dessert of the night. (:
thanks infant, it was certainly heavenly!

infant with her guylian chocolates.
given to her by a colleague, who she doesn't even knows of!

after dinner, we went to the body shop.
went around body shop trying out all the different weirdo fruity body lotions.
for example, papya lotion.
it makes m,y hands stinks!
argh.. i hate artificial papaya smell! ):
after deciding that we should just stick to the "oldies" of body shop,
i went over to the shelves where the white musk are.
after applying some on my hand,
and sniffing in the overwhelming smell,
i realised that even the white musk stinks.
or probably it is just because my hands still reeked of the papaya scent.
eeks... really cant stand it.

introduced li yong and the rest to the cheap perfumes selling place in lucky plaza,
and they all wanted to go.
thus, li yong and i, having nothing to do in the body shop,
we left for the search of a toilet.
but haha, ended up in isetans to try out some perfume.
took her to anna sui counter and tried out the flight of fancy,
(heard it from yuan han that its nice.)
yup, more of the floral over fruity scent. (:
then, we walked over to the other end of the isetans in search of other nicer perfumes,
however the range of perfumes featured there is pathetic.
like only a few brands there.
don't even have Escada. ):
nevertheless, liyong fell in love with daisy, from marc jacobs.
i just find the bottle pretty.

next, we saw a perfume bottle with the L change the world symbol!
gwen stefani fragrance.

i wonder what is the L symbol doing there?
and who copied who?
or probably it was inspired by..
the one L perfume we saw was in a darker blue background.
if i remember it correctly,
it smells alcoholic. not something i fancy.

after leaving isetans and back to the body shop,
infant and stef are still shopping.
haha. so slow lo! :P
waited for them and rushed down to lucky plaza.
'cause it was quite late already.

while jay-walking form wisma to lucky plaza,
stef dropped her shoe in the middle of the road!
and she ran back to take it!
it was a scary experience.
sort of dejavu.
seems like it happened before somewhere,
but i just couldn't remember when.
jay walking is very dangerous.
i dislike jaywalking. ):

after rushing over to lucky plaza.
one of the shops were closed. ):
or rather about to close.
so we inquired about the prices and then proceeded to the other indian shop.

liyong bought her Victoria secret Strawberries and Champagne eau de toilette.
i was quite in love with it the other time i smelled it.
however it is just not my type of smell.
stayed in there looking at other perfumes until the shop was about to close.

left lucky plaza,
walking around aimlessly.
with a craving for starbucks! (:
Dulce de Leche Frappuccino.
liyong kept on harpping on how nice it really is.

went shopping around in tangs.
looking at the bags and wallets and most importantly, the perfumes!
oh and i was rather sad, cos there is no more black colour for th wallet that i'm eyeing on.
no more liao ):
never mind lo.
keep me from spending money.
i am getting poor.

at the perfume section once again!
tangs is really the best place to find perfume!
it offers a wide range of perfume products! (:
went over to the salvatore ferragamo counter!
the auntie auntie promoter, jenny started recommending us all the different promotions that they are having!
stefanie could even tell that i have incanto dream ven before i told them!
she claims that it is my smell. (:

jenny started pampering us with all the incanto series perfumes.
incanto dream.
incanto charms.
incanto shine.
lastly incanto heaven.
incanto heaven is the latest one.
and it got liyong and infant hooked on to it!
haha! liyong was totally in love with it,
she looks as though she is in heaven after smelling it!

jenny started spraying heaven on both infant and liyong.
incanto shine on stef.
with layering- body lotion plus perfume.
incanto dreams on me.

i suggested that we should get one each.
hehe. cos there are four in the incanto series,
however there is one big problem other than the monetary issue-
who should get the heaven?
infant or liyong?
walked out of tangs smelling extremely pleasant!
(not forgetting that liyong sprayed her strawberries and champagne on us before we entered tangs!)
now, here we are walking out of tangs smelling incanto-ish!
i feel so so pleasant.
there is this sense of joviality in me upon smelling the four of us. (:

hello world (:

Greetings! (:

I passed my MOE Teaching Award interview! (:
They got back to me 2 hours after my interview.
I was pretty shocked!
'Cause I stressed to them that I wanted to take applied chemistry. Not the normal Chemistry.
They were cool about it. (:

The interview went really well.
There are just certain things in life where stress does not becomes a factor.

Mummy was really delighted to hear about it!
HAHA! She called me straight away to ask where I wanna have dinner for the night.
Many things had been smooth sailing.
Lucky me.
People should count their daily little joys.
Accumulate them and you will be a happy one! :D

Blessings from above gave me the strength to believe, once again, in The Ability to Succeed.
Those sacred four words.

Beginning to slow down my pace.
Though there are lots of upcoming deadlines.
I will be having a test every week from now till recess week.
Slowly adjusting back to my beloved sleeping time.
Recently, sleeping pattern has returned normal.
No more waking up in the middle of the nightsss.
I guess there is a huge burden off my shoulders finally.
No, I am not referring to the MOE Teaching Award.
Something else used to bother me much more.
But now I am glad its over. At least for the time being it is.

Time to start revision.
Less than one month from my first paper.
This time round exams will stretch for one week only.
Starting on the 25th April, ending on the 2nd May.
Thereafter, leaving Singapore from Paris on the 6th May.
Wanna come and send me off?? :D
alrights, I shall be heading to school soon.
Tuesday has officially become a no-school-day for Miss Blur Kesleen.
I have got 2 tutorials.
One hour each. 1pm to 2pm & 6pm to 7pm.
There will be oral test during the latter tutorial.
Viele Glück!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

loving it

Sitting here alone with my memories
Staring at a picture of you and me
They say I look fine but if walls could talk
They'd tell you all about how much I break apart
I think we were right but we did it wrong
Ever since you left me I just can't go on
No, I can’t even read the news today
'Cause everything reminds me of yesterday

Empty room
Empty heart
Since you've been gone
I must move on
Empty room

I never realised it could make me cry
To hear the children laugh and play outside
A walk in the park shouldn't be that bad
But everything without you seems to make me sad
I thought we were good, we were meant to be
The way it turned out is still a mystery
No, I can't even read the news today
Reminds me of yesterday

Empty room
Empty heart
Since you've been gone
I must move on
Empty space
Lonely days
My life goes on
Just like the moon

And to sail across the sky alone
Forever trying to find its home
I can't believe I have to say
I don't know where you are today

Empty room
Empty heart
Since you've been gone
I must move on
Empty space
Lonely days
My life goes on
Just like the moon
Empty room
Empty room

if you had noticed, this is the english version of the Theme song for Perfect Cut 2!
nice show. i know that it was a happy ending for everyone.
though i haven finish watching all episodes!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

racing against time

When the whole world is against it.
You either choose to do well and survive.
Or do badly and get humiliated.
which is for you?

it isn't easy.
nobody says that its gonna be easy.

I got my immersion to Germany.
going over to University of Stuttgart for 3 weeks for intensive German lessons.
from 18 May till 15 June.
Pretty sure that I got the choice that I want.
maybe i am gonna travel a bit too. (:
planning all that stuff isn't easy.
Air tickets, accommodation, train tickets, etc etc.
Haven done much of the planning, and i am not really sure what i really want.
So much things to be done, so little time to accomplish.
Procrastination no more. Though it always end up as more procrastination.

Everyone wants to do well. who doesn't?
If everyone else puts in double the effort that you put in, do you think you will be able to do better then them?

Time really flies.
Every minute, every second, every nanosecond counts.
I know it very well for myself.
Many things to do. Efficiency is the key.
Efficient without compromising quality, possible?

there are moments that i miss.
things that will never happen again.
I know that i should be looking forward.
so why am i looking back?

Life is complicated.
yet, life still has to go on.
Why are so many people committing suicide or thinking of doing so?
Why do people choose to end it all when life is supposed to go on?
Those who use death as an excuse to escape life are real cowards.

Friday, March 13, 2009

NEW ipod shuffle!

I have always looked down on an ipod shuffle. However, with this new shuffle, which actually TALKS to you! yes, It Talks! hmm. maybe I should stop looking down on it.

oh! but i still have one little problem with it. It looks like a lighter. Those lighters for cool and rich smokers, who smokes cigar instead of smelly things. Not that i am against lighters or anything along those lines, i just feel that there is some similarities between the two.

Apple has seriously decided to go buttons free once again! as you can see, there are no buttons on the shuffle itself. Nothing to press, replaced by something to slide(on top). Sleek move!

Read more about it here. Do watch the guiided tour too! (:
* one thing to note. I assume it that works only with the Apple earphones that are included. No chance of plugging in your favourite Sennheiser ): (Watch the guided tour to learn why.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Elmo Prank 3

Elmo cant find his eyes!!! ):

Saturday, March 07, 2009

The difference between MEN and WOMEN

A woman knows all about her children.
She knows about
dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret
fears and hopes and dreams.

A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.

how apt. man.. tsk tsk tsk.