Tuesday, December 11, 2007

post A levels activtieSSS! summarised.

haven got the time to blog ever since A levels ended.
What an irony.

anyway, the past few days was real great!
happiness on top of happiness plus additional happiness and extra happiness again!

22nd nov! ~officially last day of A levels!
after biology MCQ, our small little minute class had a class gathering.
first we went to Bugis.
then, cause the lousy cinema in Bugis doesn't show the movie that they were watching, they decided to go Cathay.
haiz. then jiawei and i had to proceed home.
jiawei and i went all the way to Bugis to buy beard papa choc fondant.(izit correct?)
and back home.
we were in Bugis for less than 40minutes lo.
then went back home.
oh ya, i bought cheesecake ingredients on the way.
reached home.
slacked a while.
pestered dad to buy my T200 for me.
haiz. but i failed.
went to courts mega store to play with the T200.
really really love it.
my bro and i spent like 3 to 4 hours there.
played with nintendo wii.
its so cool la! fun fun fun!
i have decided to go joel's house to play with it!
but he is going army soon:(
then went to ikea too.
bought sweets.
there was these strawberry sweets that looks pretty tempting.
and it was on sale. like 90cents only.
so we bought.
and when we first opened the packet.
oh gosh!
it smells damn bad.
worse than licorice!
the taste was worse.
i felt like i am eating shit! (okie, not that i ate shit before though.)
spitted the whole thing out and threw that whole packet away!
~damn wasted!
bit the ikea ice cream is still as nice as before.
alright, and i saw that tj chem couple teacher again.
they seems to love shopping at ikea.
the previous time i went, i saw them there too.
hmm.. cant quite remember what else happened on this day.

23rd nov

woke up rather late.
in fact my bro woke me up.
he handed me 400bucks.
from dad.
to buy my T200!
damn damn happy:)
the 400bucks is only a loan.
i will pay him back went i start work.
so dad bought me all the way to AMK to get my T200!
i bought the red one.
very pretty:)
and the woman is rather chatty.
and it a potentially good sales person.
nice though.
to those who wanna buy cameras, try here
and ask for an equote.
or you can fax for immediate response, prices quoted are before GST.
then dad and i bought bak hwa from bee chiang hiang.
its some gourmet fusion thing. new flavour, with bacon in it.
taste rather oily, i prefer the sliced one.
then we bought this famous curry puff!
Tip Top curry puff. damn nice.
the interesting thing is the scandal behind the boss who tried to evade taxes.
and there is only one flavour.
but its really very yummy.
went home after that to wait for my bro.
had yuki yaki buffet!
i still love all the yaki stuff alot!
but i hate cooking.
with all that oil splashing onto me.
and the ice cream buffet was great.
ok, not really that great cause the only nice flavours were green tea and choc.
but still. it was fun to "fry" your own ice cream.
then we went to ishop at cineleisure.
it was black friday and apple was supposed to slash their prices like mad.
but i don't really see good bargains though.
and it was like damn rush la.
my bro was supposed to meet triffany at 630pm.
and i am supposed to meet dear at 630pm also.
but we ended up leaving ishop around 615pm.
i made it on time cause i was meeting at city hall, while my bro at causeway!
haha. so bad la. make a girl wait.
and oh its-so-not-my-fault that he is late lo!
oh and i finally saw an ipod touch, and i finally touched it!
but i guess it is easily spoilt. cos the one at ishop isn't doing very fine.
haha. sorta hanged.
but still. it was damn fun!
oh, but the safari browser can't view my blog properly.
yeah,so probably it sucks a bit.
then at night my brother surprised me with triffany's ndsl!!

nice color.
glossy red and black.
although there are only two games- cooking mama and sims city.

but cooking mama is like enough to keep me entertained the whole time. :)
thanks triffany!!
haha! this is like such a happy happy day la!
if only my bro bought the ipod touch, it would have been such a prefect day!

24th nov
i was forced to wake up at 8am!
dear morning-called me.
dear wants to meet at 10 la!
and we are going parkway.
i don't get what so nice about parkway.
what a boring place.
still have to meet so early.
so i sleepily met dear and we went to parkway.
parkway changed a lot.
it looks different.
there is a new borders.
the display are quite organised.
roamed around parkway.
then dear got a call.
from his "user".
and dear says he needs to work, yeah.
so he said he want to send me home first.
i refused to go home.
cause i don't mind staying and waiting for him.
but he forced me to go home. was rather upset.
i still don't understand why should i go home.
tried to find many excuses to not go home.
but finally he persuaded me to.
and i reluctantly went home.
upon reaching my house. i stared in through my opened gate,
and i saw some balloons hanging from my living room wall.
with "Happy Birthday" written on them.
and there is this familiar face sitting on my sofa.
oh man! its sir desmond!
for a moment i didn't realise what happened.
it didn't occurred to me that they were having this surprise birthday party for me.
i mean my birthday was like still quite long later right.
it was only until i stepped into the house, staring blankly at everyone in the house.
everyone= dawn, sheena, juang, joel, my bro and sir desmond sitting on the sofa.
and i was told to get out of the house and come in again.
cos they were caught "off guard".
haha. so i got out of the house first. met dear.
and entered my house together again.
this time round, i pressed the door bell. and they "surprised" me!
really thank you my dear friends.
for the food the fun and games(stupid blindfolded twister), the presents.
i love you guys to the max.
and thanks for cleaning up for me too:)
oh ya, and niff and junjie came too.
thank you junjie, for flying back.
thank you dawn's mom for cooking the really spicy and hot curry!
it was delicious!
now i finally understand why i am supposed to wake up so early and how the whole thing worked out in this way.
the so called "user" was in fact dawn.
it was really a very very memorable day! :)

25th & 26th nov
it was bbq at km's house!
very fun!
kesleen and i cam whored with qixiang, and pak!
sand also km for a while.
so unbelievable la.
i cant believe the guys can camwhore too:)
and we drank. yes. unofficial drinking for kes n i.
we weren't drank.
and neither were we sleepy.
camwhored throughout the night.
talked about a lot of things.
i think sagittarius really can click.
and we were freaked out by the cockroaches, huge moths, and lizards that are found loitering around.
there was this really huge cockroach on the sofa that Mr Tan was sleeping on la.
watched a really idiotic and stupid show.
called idiocracy i think.
and another show disturbia.
not bad la. quite nice.
certain scenes were quite horrifying.
but i am glad that there were no ghostly scenes. :)
then we continued to camwhore until like early in the morning.
played a little of psp in the games room aka study room.
played metal slug with kes, and i think we suck at that.
watched a bit of saw 3.
and then, kes n i left.
we are like the earliest to leave la.
i went back to tk to collect my uniform. and kes accompanied me.
yeah, and again we talked about a lot of things.
was it fate or we really do agree on many things?
really nice to have such a friend:)
we parted and left for home.
i slept all the way till late afternoon and met dear for dinner.

27th nov
went for interview at Department of statistics.
was rather nervous initially.
everything was like so formal.
oh ya. and Engkiat recommended me the job.
met him before the interview and he reassured that everything would be fine.
upon stepping into the interview room, things run smoothly.
the environment wasn't as tensed up as i thought it would be.
i was more of a job briefing rather than an interview.
yeah. i was glad everything turned out fine.
and the job scope was a lot more interesting than i thought it would be.
oh ya. and i got the job already. though the person has not contacted me yet.
after the interview, i was supposed to meet my bro at funan.
which was beside the Treasury building, where department of statistics was.
i walked around the watsons for more than half an hour and my bro is still not here yet.
then, he told me that he was shopping with triffany at city hall.
they were shopping for my present.
so i randomly suggested to shop with them so that i can choose my present.
haha. yup.
and they agreed. :)
haha. but i feel like a little bright though.
and triffany is really nice. :)
i seriously thinks that he looks taller than my bro!
haha! okie, but my bro is really taller.
so we shopped around.
and my bro tried to persuade me to buy certain weird weird stuffs.
i finally settled for my perlini silver earrings.

and guess what. my bro is really damn poor.
i paid for the present.
i paid for MY own present.
he borrowed money from me and said that he would return me soon.
so i sorta bought my own present.
and i still need to pretend that i didn't know that he bought that present for me.
and he is only giving it to me on my birthday itself.
and he forget to give it to me on my birthday until i asked!
so insincere lo.

28th nov
went back to sch.
in home clothes!!
haha. initially we thought that the security guard won't allow.
but we followed behind the group of malay guys wearing home clothes and went into school successfully.
collected our very unreal and untrue testimonials and our certificates.
it was like reading a passage of lies.
haha. but who cares.
then we had a "class" outing.
went to city hall.
and the queue at donut factory was short!
and we bought donuts and ate them in mos burger.
it was so so unglam la.
the double choc was flowing all over the place.
so disgusting.
kes was the ultimate unglam one.
tsk tsk tsk...
after lunch we went over to marina square.
went shopping for their prom stuff.
gauri tried on some really nice dresses.
but still couldn't decide on one.
and gauri really has substance!
and km was looking around for shirts also.
couldn't seems to find one that fits him.
haha. jiawei came to join us after she flew back from tawain.
she looks really sleepy la.

this was the only picture we took.haha.
what's with kes la. and i think phebe looks quite cute. :)
so in the evening we left first. and we went to queue for donuts again.
damn fattening la.
all my bro's fault. he said he want donuts.
so i bought another 12 donuts.
when i reach home.
my leg was really like aching damn badly liao la.

29th nov
went out with eeping and mabelle to watch Barney show at marina square.

this is the consecutively third day i am going to marina square liao.
Barney show was quite interesting.
and barney isn't that gay afterall.
i think baby bop is cute.
and i think the BJ's voice is weird la.

haha. i couldn't make out some of the words he is saying.
after the barney show, my bro joined us for lunch at thai express.
they celebrated my birthday for me.
it was really nice :)
the green curry and that chicken wing thing was nice too :)
and mabelle is as cute as ever!

she is so so sweet la.

then after my really late lunch, i went to meet dawn and sheena.
i am really very very sorry dawn.
hee. i didn't hear my phone ring.
hehe. was having fun with mabelle la.
then we ate at cafe cartel.
they ate while i drank.

i was still feeling full from lunch.
then, sheena bought this big box along with her.
i already guessed what is inside lo.
haha. its a cake!

it looks like a layer of tissue paper on top though.
thank you dawn and sheena!!

they are like my really best friends la.
and the cake taste nice :) i am serious!
so we talked about a lot of things.
i think we really need more time to catch up!!
hope to see you all soon!

30th nov [the most impt day throughout the year]
and i am finally officially 18!!!
my whole day was for dear:)
he bought me to this harbour front tower place for dinner.

in the lift, on our way up.
ya la...my finger blocked. :P

nice scenery. :)

salmon spaghetti.
very nicely grilled.


dear messaging discreetly.
he said it was his colleague.

damn nice and chocate-ty,
with a tinge of rum taste. :)
yup. i enjoyed the dinner. :)

then, we walked to the outside of vivo.
and there were policemen and various area were out of bounds.
then people started counting down..

really nice ones. not those typical few poppings here and there.
and i gave up trying to take pictures of them.
till now, i still dunno why there was such nice fireworks.
i choose to be believe that the fireworks are for me! hee:)
and back home :(

my birthday was going to be over soon and there came another surprise!
as i reached home, entered my room, i saw this damn cute thing lying on my bed!

my birthday present from dear dear :)
i really really like it a lot!

the snoopy was very huggable!
i love hugging it to sleep.

and i separated woodstock and snoopy.
so cruel right?
so now they are like that

and woodstock is damn cute.
even my bro keeps on saying that it is damn cute:)

thank you dear dear!
and i think my bro and dear are like happy partners lo.

haha. see?
i love my 18 birthday!
thank you snoopy:)

1st dec
busying doing last minute packing for my trip.
haiz. flying off to japan le.
won't be able to hug snoopy to bed for 1 whole week.
but the small woodstock and xiao xiao snoopy is going with me.
i packed them into my luggage :)

then off i went :)

details and pictures of my trip will be uploaded next time.
and also pictures of my surprise birthday party.
for bbq pictures, please look out for them in kesleen's non-private blog.
haha. ok.i shall upload them too when i am free. :)
off for camp tomorrow. :(
i will miss da snoopy.
can i bring it along with me?