Tuesday, December 25, 2007

xmas party (:

had a wonderful xmas party at xiao meimei's house.

the chinese-feel merry xmas deco.

i was in my ah lian-ish purple hair and green nails.

my brother's purple hair.
i did his hair and he did mine.
its a trend for us to colour our hair every xmas!
haha. wonder what colour next year...

santa hat (:


me, mabelle, weiwei (:


auntie (xiao meimei's mom)

bought this new little snoopy at isetan tampines (:
there is a little woodstock along with it.

this is my xmas plus birthday present from xiao meimei!
its called fat snoopy!
hehe (:
i saw this snoopy in malaysia and i love it so!
and here it is!
haha!!! thank you xiao mei mei!!

the log cake.

At night,
playing with mabelle was so fun.
mabelle and marcus (:

lighting up.

mabelle! (:

notice her new boots.
from hong kong.

vain little mabelle.
i helped her put nail polish on her fingers (:
hehehe...so vain...

mabelle and i (:

squatting and stoning.

squatting and smiling.

artistic shots (according to xiao meimei)

to xiao meimei, the rest of the pictures are here.
together with those we took at central.

Monday, December 24, 2007

chipmunks (:

cutie cutie chipmunks!
(: hehehe (:

women (:

much more complicated...

loving snoopy

i don't wanna miss a thing...

i love this song lots!!

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

I don't wanna to close my eyes
I don't wanna to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if its me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God were together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

first day of training/working (:

yeah. finally i got a job.
i mean i am officially starting work.
okie, actually not really, but at least i am starting training.
my job will start officially on next wed, which is the 26th dec.

and nope, i did not accept the MOE job. and nope, i am not working with kesleen also.
and i mean not yet again, i guess with we will be working together in the near future.
yes, i may probably get sick of seeing her la.

to side track a little, kes's baby talked to me on the phone for a while just now.
it was lame.
he just wanted to ask why am i JOAN and not JOANNE!!!
hello! i hate that question, and it was the first thing you ask!
haiyo, first impression fail liao la!
miss kes still got the cheek to ask me if his voice cute anot lo!
sorry, no comments...

alright back to the topic,
training was fine. learnt those really basic fundamental concepts.
yes, it was very very dry!
i almost fell asleep la.
i drifted off for some parts, but okie, i managed to take note of those important stuffs.
"practical" or hands on sessions were a lot more interesting!
hehe (: i have always hated theories anyway.

my colleagues are very fun people!
they are of my age.
zhirong, jamie and fariha.
MJ and AJs.
haha. and i became their part time coffee maker!
we meddled with the coffee maker in the office.
the coffee maker that produces not-so-hot and fragrant-but-not-tasty coffee.
ya, but i guess the coffee did work to keep me awake all the way till the end of the day.

had early lunch at funan foodcourt.
so the place was rather empty still.
in future it won't be that empty. ):
and queues will be long long long!
the food was kinda a little pricey though.
and engkiat has kindly offered to show us another place with cheap and good food next time.

training ended early today.
around 5pm.
'cause all of us are fast learners. (:
earned $52.37 today.
don't ask me why $52.37.
i don't know also.
probably i might ask them one day.

anyway, have you all been taking the train recently?
since when did they replace the sweet lady who makes the announcements?
it was changed to this really high pitched person with a very localised singaporean accent.
hello, was it because people complained that our transport system was not singapore-ish enough?
and they wanted to develop this uniquely singapore thingy even in our transport system.
or was it to allow fellow singaporeans to feel a better sense of belonging when travelling from one part of singapore to another?
oh please, i really don't give a shit!
just give me back miss angmoh accent.
and sack miss high pitched!

the conference room.
where the boring theory was held.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

my mood today

You Are In a Good Mood

Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy.

While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective.

And it seems like things are looking up for you!
What Mood Are You In?

yeah i guess its pretty true.
keeping my fingers crossed (:

its snowing!

i saw snow! really! in singapore!

see the snow flakes?
not very beautiful.


kesleen and i got the job!
haha! okie.
80% confirm!
looking forward to working together with her!
kesleen's and my fate are like intertwined!
we are together for many things.
glad to have found such a friend.
life is quite great with her.

Monday, December 17, 2007

my surprise birthday party!

the two masterminds!
i love them!

the two co-masterminds.
love them too!

the helpers.
together with niff.

again (:

with dawn!

me, dawn, joel and juang.
juang and joel are like gays.
eh..who is missing??

yeah! farmily portrait!
(yeah, farmily, its not a typo!)

with juang!
he is also a birthday boy!
and he is damn blur la.
he didn't know that it was a surprise birthday party initially!
so so blur!

he is in NS now le!!
so sad! but no worries, he is dating us on friday!!! yeah!

not forgetting him.
the most senior of all!
i miss him la!
haven seen him for so long!
really damn touched that he can make it!

actual family portrait.

her face is so hard la!

with dad.

with my dearest irresistible brother!
he is seriously irresistible la!
junjie and dawn wants him as a brother too.
too bad! but he's mine!
and junjie stop trying to matchmake him and sheena la!

(: dear.

trying out the smile shutter!
yesh! it works!

trying to avoid the smile shutter?

avoiding again!

hehe. gotcha!

crazy blind-folded twister!

i don't want to play!!

so happy for what!!!
you are playing with me!

the evil game master!

waiting for the commencement of the game!

damn long.
i cant see anything!
and my hair is like so messy!

the post-it on the floor are numberings for the twister game.

now what?

thanks for adjusting my blindfold for me!
it was adjusted for at least 3 times!

we are like so xin ku!

sheena commanding.
so relax lo!

this looks wrong.

wrong wrong wrong...

its getting really twisty.
i need a rest.


hey, what's happening now??
may i know where is everybody?
hello. is anyone there?!

that was how they end the game.
they left mingyao and i alone in my living room,
together with my camera on video mode.
while all of them siamed to my brother's room.
desmond say he cant find a way to end the game.
yeah. this was a very interesting way.
haha. and i am not gonna post the video.
its stupid and boring! hehe (:

Camwhoring time!!

emo junjie.
jet lag.
he said he flew back from china specially for me!
yeah i am so touched!

i look so fair beside him! (:

why so different?
not synchronised!

haha. dead!

the two of them look so happy together.
i am like playing gooseberry la!


ε“€ ):

乐! (: (:



sad~~ ):

damn damn happy! (:

attitude ah!


my birthday cake.

why two big candles?
i am 18 only.

oh man. i got to share my cake with juang!
so sad!
however, it was a happy day overall!
very happy.
it will be one of my most memorable birthdays!
thanks to all who made this day possible.
all of you are great.

specially the two of them.
this is dedicated to both of them.
sorry to make you all wait for long.
everything was non-photoshopped.
all the fats and meat and unglamness was left there.
all taken with T200! (: