Sunday, October 18, 2009

so much to study, so little time.

lots to study for German Vocab test.
It sucks.
no motivation/drive to study for it.

some pictures (with dear and Asahi) to perk up this boring blog post!

I sorta liked the following photo very much!

Asahi si good. but not as good as Deutscher Bier/ Tiger. But they are different I would say.
Haven drank German beer for ages. Miss it lots!
made up my mind to go for Paulaner Brahaus Sunday Brunch! :D $33++!
saving money!

German language society Stammisch tomorrow.
Sorta looking forward to it. Though heard that response isn't that good.
Nevertheless, I have to make my 8 bucks worth it right?
and there is Tiger for the night! :D hopefully.