Friday, September 05, 2014

Snoopy in army uniform!

Wahaha! This is cute! Snoopy in army uniform! (; 
I have no idea what this snoopy & belle fashion is, but I do discover many interesting fashionable pieces on snoopy & belle on their Instagram! (: 

Friday, June 13, 2014

First time writing a cheque!

Okay, no idea why I am so excited about this, but yeah it was my first time writing a cheque, after spending almost 25 years of my life on earth! 

Then again, how many people reaching their quarter life have written cheques before right? (; 

Thanks hübz for giving me the honour to write the largest amount of cheque he has ever issued! I am your secretary, in charge of preparing the cheque, & you, my 大老闆 just have to sign! *scandalous boss-secretary relationship* wahahaha(; 
I know you appreciate my neat handwriting! :P 

Anyway, it's the World Cup season all over again! This year brother and I decided to make things more exciting by taking a gamble! My bets are in for Germany! Love you Germany! I am in support of you guys! Fight on! The first group shouldn't be a problem! Even the next wouldn't be a problem! You guys can do it! Make it four stars and I will buy the new jersey next season! *promise*

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

And so we got our house finally! (;

After a series of unfortunate events, having to deal with the bad attitude of the sellers and this particular property agent from Huttons, whom was also the seller's relative, we finally have the ownership to our house! Finally a place we can call home(;
The bunch of golden keys!
Looking back at the times we got so freaking pissed off & felt super upset about the things they had done, and how it affected our mood. From then till now, I wish to believe there must be some kinda reason behind it all. Though I have not figured the reason or I may never ever figure the reason out, does it matter? 

Hübz is right. Is it worth being angry over these matters? It is obvious they have been trying to make things difficult for us but is it worth getting upset and so worked up over it? Aren't we at the losing end having to be upset and angry as it dampens our mood & caused unnecessary arguments? 'Cause eventually on the 5th June 2014, we became the rightful owners of this house and there is no doubt about it. So yup, we have been good, we treated them well, shall just forget the matter and let it go. Revenge isn't gonna do us any good, saying hurtful things to spite them won't make us feel any better also. More importantly, we should move on from here. Putting our efforts into transforming our flat into a place we love and can call home! (;

The moment when hübz rolled our HUAT HUAT pineapple into the living room, all the way through into the kitchen, a peaceful yet happy feeling overwhelms me. it is a sign of 一路發! heheh! WE WILL HUAT AH! :D   

Thankfully for the many little things that happened along the way, which showed us and reminded us not to let tiny things ruin our relationship. Thankful that hübz has always been so patient with me. (; Let's build a nest we would be proud of and love to return to from work everyday! (;

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Hang man with the nephew and niece!

This little boy was playing hang man, guessing letters like a pro when he said it. Just that he guessed letters such as "W" and "F" and "K"?! He said "F" was his favorite letter! I asked him why and he said, "cos I like It la! 

Anyway, he saved the day by guessing the letter "P"! (; 

The story goes like this, 
Team mabelle and I were competing against team Ming Yao & Malcolm, so we gave them the category of Colours, and as purple is both Mabelle's and my favorite colour, also at the same time inspired by hübz's t-shirt, we chose it as the word for them to guess. And hübz tried super hard to guess the letters, yet kept getting them wrong. Then came Malcolm's string of unexpected letters like F & W... We had to give them another chance (another man to hang!) before Malcolm saved the day by guessing "P"! Wahahaha! His expressions were really cute! 

Love spending time with these kids & playing educational games with them. Hahah. But most of the time, the prefer playing pretend, eg. Pretend to be a doctor, pretend to be a patient etc... 

We wanna have two kids too. Hope that my little girl comes first, then a little boy! (; hehe. (: 

Sudden urge to pen down this day. Keeping memories like this etched forever. (: 

Gonna try and revive this place every now and then! :P *keyword is try*