Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a short 3D2N vacation off to Batam! (: Holiday Inn + Harris

Thank you darling for sponsoring our trip to Batam & thank you for your utmost love and care you have given me over the past three days! (: you made me feel like I am the happiest and luckiest girl ever in the whole wide UNIVERSE! (:
while waiting for our second room!(: 

Love those HTHT nights and TCSS sessions with you. Love how we can talk about anything and everything and still have things to talk about after all these years. (Today is the fifth year and 34th day that we have known each other!!!) I hope & believe that we can continue having these endless things to talk about for the rest of our life (:
Our limited edition coffee vodka! Cafe Boheme! dear I can't never forget all those things you said when you were drunk! :P  
Thank you for your countless reassurance. Thank you for tolerating my temper & nonsense. HEHE:P I know I can get very fierce at times. Though I am so nice when I am cheerful hor? :P muacks muacks :* I am trying to better manage my temper(:
Us trying to snap a picture of our couple wear – snoopies!

Thankfully for our 3D2N vacation. We found and rekindled love. Something that I believe every couple, be it youngsters/oldsters, should do once in a while. These are always things that I can look back upon, grinning and smiling to myself (: These are the little things that brightens up a dull and tiring day at work. These are the things that I want them to be forever engraved and etched in my memory. 
Both our singing improved ya? *winks*

Once again, thank you darling for the wonderful 3D2N! I will be looking forward to our next trip and in the mean time, reminisce those lovely moments during our many tripsss(: I LOVE YOU VERY MUCHIE DARLING(: SMURF! :P   


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Winning a S$2 scratch card! (:

It was a whole day of fun with mummy and brother yesterday (:
Mummy took leave to "bring" brother and I out. Nah.. it is more of brother and I accompanying mummy!

It was an eye opener as we first went to somewhere along Selegie road, a building by the name of POMO. (Imagine that written as a grid) Went to the lottery place in there (I think that is the headquarters od Singapore Pools) and I bought the first ever scratch card in my life under the constant encouragement of my dearest brother. (: Both of us bought a S$2 scratch card each! Brother went first as he wanted to show me how it is supposed to be done. HAHAHA. he sounded experienced, as though he buys it frequently! Oh just for the record, his 4D winning stats is 100%! Not bad ah? my lucky brother! So anyway, it was simple. Hassle free, don't even need to go to the counter to buy! Just insert a S$2 note into the machine, hit the S$2 scratch card button, and your scratch card would fall out from there!

Oh, but being a "mountain tortoise" in lottery related stuff, the scratch card looks like it can't be scratched anywhere. It has a beautiful picture on the front and instructions at the back. I would have expected scratch card to have a silver foil surface whereby it can be scratched! So in actual fact, any part of the beautiful picture is actually the "silver surface". Not bad (: so I just scratch scratch scratch lo! and I saw that number 88! Heeeee (: This was it! I won S$4(: cos you will win the amount of money stated under the number 88. There are other numbers on the card too. Brother didn't get any 88. ):

Went into the counter to collect my winnings (: two S$2 notes, one a little crumpled): but anyway, I was told to keep the winnings properly in my wallet and not spend them. (: my lucky winnings! haha!

And this was how I "struck lottery"! not bad not bad (:

P.S.: I am not advocating any form of gambling here, just sharing!

Rest of the day, we went to Rochor Tau Huey! good lehhh! (: I used to not like Tau Huey or Tau Huey Sui or whatsoever tau huey-ish. eg vitasoy. But this tau huey is really smooth, not very strong imo, whatsmore, there is air conditioning seats upstairs! nice old looking place!

Went to Guan Yin Temple, first time seeing it not so crowded. Weekdays afternoon(:
Cabbed over to Resort World Sentosa next. Cabbing choice was made due to us thinking that there isn't much time left. However we realised that it was the best choice! Cos if we enter by train it will cost us S$3 each, which totals up to S$9 for the three of us! that is excluding our mrt fare from bugis! Guess how much was our cab fare?? Less than S$9! only S$8+ only! Cheap Cheap!

Shopped around RWS, Victoria Secret is bimbotically sexy. And the shop just smell so good! I need to stop myself from buying any more perfumes. I have over 600mL of perfumes at home now! I don't need that much perfume right?!

oh and a part of the casino was under renovation. Very noisy! I bet they will be driving their customers away with all that drillings and hammering.

Took the monorail out to Vivocity! Ate 611 tau sa piah and shopped around in the basement only. bought some Vitamins. Shopped around Giant to find some kinda coffee table like furniture for our living room. Everything just looks ugly! Found a taxi stand and took cab to Great World City.

Had our dinner there (: Thank god for Ladies Night heehee (:

All pictures with my brother! Might upload some other time then.
Drillings at home again. damn. ):

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

After serious considerations.. Much deliberation.. Many changes in plan.. 
I hope our Batam 3D2N is finally settled (: It is definitely coming true & its better than planned!
Batam this time is gonna be a Holiday Inn Batam + Harris getaway. YES, I am finally going to Holiday Inn! (:
Though it is just a short three days, It means a lot to me. It has been something that I was looking forward to ever since I am back in Singapore. Probably, it is the seafood? Or the SPA? Or just the chance to be exposed to Sun by the poolside/ waterfront. Maybe in conclusion, it is the opportunity to spend a solid, three, carefree days of quality time with dear ♥ We haven had the chance to spend much time together. Talking on the phone nightly was also no longer a daily routine. We have been busy, and I guess this would be the best time for us to catch up and fall deeply in love all over again. (: Romance at the right times does magic (:
Looking forward to our trip, many photos shall be taken and we shall do all that we have planned! (: (: (:
Solely the news of this trip gave me a huge motivation to study, so much so that I have the energy to wake up at 6AM in the morning just to study. OMG (: Go nerdy Joan! You can do it! (:  

I, too have learned that sometimes when things don’t work out at the beginning, don’t be discouraged. You will be surprised as to how it will turn out to be in the end (:
GTG back to studies!  
P.S. Kinda like the new Blogger layout and UI. Very user-friendly (: Gonna start reviving this space & hello to all who are still checking back on this space (: