Wednesday, May 13, 2009


hello friends!! (:
I am leaving for Germany tonight. (13May)
840pm flight!

Anyway, those who wanna add me in Skype, search for me using my msn email, but change the to

Email me at the email also. Wont be checking my hotmail.
Something terrible has gone wrong with my hotmail... Windows stuff are like that one!

See ya in a month's time!
coming back on 15th June.
Morning 1115 flight! (:

Au revoir!

Thanks to the seven sisters for Bon Voyage card! Nicely sewn by Stefanie! Had a fun time with you guys in Bakerzin yesterday! i will try and upload the photos soon!
I might not have internet connection in my hostel in Paris though. But hopefully I will have internet connection in my host family's house!
Oh and please organise a stayover or what after i come back! :D
Kbox, plus stayover, plus pubbing or clubbing or mahjong or whatever nots!
In the meantime, dun miss me too muchie! (:
and to my SMS buddy, you can continue messsaging me de! (:
just that i wont reply lo! HAHA!
Take care girls! (: