Monday, January 07, 2008

xmas reunion dinner at desmond's house (:

this is a super duper belated post.

tknp instructors had this xmas reunion party at desmond's house!
desmond and sarah cooked for us (:
yeah, and there was seriously a lot of food la!!

there were quite few people whom i don't know.
way too senior for me :P

we did those usual activities we did during chalet.
nice game!
yeah, and i didn't make the blocks fall at all!
i am damn pro can? steady hands!
and poor danial.. tsk tsk tsk.. lousy la..
during jenga, i suddenly felt that i was shining ultra brightly.
(i was sandwiched in between danial and someone la[my very very good friend])
so paiseh la. sorry to have disturbed your bickering cum sweet talking session.

haha! funny game. it was funny how we guessed certain things.
it was a guys against girls thing. (:
okie. the guys won la. sadly..
and i think my favorite one of the night is
"what is adidas' brother?"
haha. NIKE!
nice one. but i disagree. its supposed to be adidas enemy lo!
anyway, i sorta realised my talent in taboo!
haha. not that i can play it very well,
and not that i am playing it the right way also,
but at least people can guess what i was trying to convey (:

it was a starwars monopoly game that kelvyn bought for desmond as a xmas present!
haha. i didn't really played the game la.
the more senior ones were playing monpoly while the juniors played jenga.
(of course danial is an exception!)
just saw the board thingy, and i think its quite cool.
it was the game that i wanted to get for desmond's birthday.

but we didn't get to play twister.
no space i guess?
its a nice game to watch. but not to play though. (:
Zack (desmond's dog) is quite cute.
but i think he seems pretty unfriendly.
although Sarah says that it never bites,
i don't believe.
it was barking so loudly!
there is a trend in his barking though.
this poor little doggie waqs locked in the bathroom, behind the shower screen.
so whenever someone steps into the toilet, he will sit there quietly,
staring at you innocently.
however, once you wash your hands,
getting ready to leave the toilet,
he will start barking damn loudly!
he is like afraid of loneliness, and craves very much for attention.
then, when i was in the toilet, peeing,
he turned around, raised his leg and pee-ed.
i think he pees damn slowly la...haha..
when i am done, he was still not done.
he was finally done when i was about to finish washing my hands.
he turned around, saw me leaving, and start barking very loudly again!
omg la!
i hate his barks!
bad dear dear went to scare Zack!
so bad lo.. :P
and Zack suddenly leaped.
for a few moments later, he kept pretty quiet.
hehe (:
Zack has small guts la..
he is araid of heights also la!
but how do you know if your dog is afraid of heights in the first place?
oh ya, desmond has this really beautiful xmas tree.
it was a damn mini xmas tree,
with a very mini snoopy on it!
so cute la!
he refuses to give it to me.
i just want the snoopy, you can have the xmas tree.
and the best part is he only remember the tree in the every last minute.
like when everyone else was leaving his house!
i didn't even get to take a picture of the snoopy before i leave!
and i should have taken a picture of his room also!
his room was in a huge mess?
the passage way to his bed is like a tiny winny one person walkway.
and his room is very muich like an np room.
even the smell is the same!
interesting hor?
for those who wanna have a free of his room, visit np room.
heheh... but obviously, the gadgets in his room are alot cooler than np room!
and he has the guns that dear dear wants to buy!
haha! very beautifully displayed!
so now we know why np room has always been in this state! :P