Thursday, January 24, 2008

sucky thurs.

today is a bad day.
firstly, i had a damn hard time completing all my cases.
all the cases are damn difficult la.
and the frustrating thing is why didn't the editors do their job?
if every editor do their job properly,
for example, transferring all the items from the receipts,
splitting those things that we are required to split,
translating for the people doing QC.
(i think you might be thinking what the hell am i talking about..
but i have no time to explain that now.
i am too frustrated to explain anything now!)
i spent a lot of time doing editing job!
not QC job can?!
what the hell la!
i finished the five cases from yesterday,
and i got ten new cases today!
oh my god la!
i only managed to touch one of the new case.
and i mean it. TOUCH not COMPLETE!
haiz. tomorrow there will be ten more cases waiting for me.
with the ten cases from today, being reluctantly squeezed into my ever small locker.
how am i ever going complete them?!
there goes my happy and easy friday... ):

but the good thing is that miss yee zhirong praised that i am her "coder"
i am pretty good at coding (:
thank you YEE ZHI RONG!
see i am so nice. its orange for your sake! (:

secondly, on the train with zhirong,
we were on this really irritating train!
when it was stopped at a certain station,
(which i can't remember what.)
the train door kept opening and closing.
for more than ten times!
the train was like delayed for so long la.
hey, hellooo..
what the hell is wrong with the train huh?!
just close the door and go!
just because of this train the whole of the train on the green line had to be slowed down.
i was rather worried that history might repeat itself.
what happened on monday, might happen again.

another complain against smrt.
yesterday, i was on the train with zhirong also.
and we were standing near the door.
(actually very near, almost leaning against the door.)
then, suddenly, after one of the stops inside the tunnel,
we saw a flash of light "flying" past the door.
the train shook unsteady and the door seems to be on the verge of breaking open!
the exact same thing happened again at the next stop!
damn dangerous!
and speaking of danger on the train, i have another personal experience!

this day, i was again with miss zhirong,
we managed to squeeze our way into the train.
as we were the last two to enter the already-packed train,
the door practically closed on our butts!
so automatically, after the door closed completely we heaved a sigh of relief as we relaxed our muscles,
leaning our body against the door.
AND the stupid door opened again!
i almost fell out can?!
i was like leaning in the middle of the two doors,
which is also the direct opening of the door.
it was such a scary experience!
at that point in time, i was thinking,
"if i could, and if i won't get bus-sick,
i would prefer to take bus a home." ):

thirdly, it was a bus incident which made me have second thoughts about taking a bus.
i was on a double-decker bus 72.
as usual it was damn crowded.
after boarding the bus at the interchange,
i stood some distance away from the stairs.
a lady was standing next to me,
directly at the "entrance" to the stairs.
there is no way that i can move in,
and i don't have to move in also cause there still sufficient space for the few people coming up.
as the bus leaves the bus interchange,
i have decided to close my eyes and take a little nap.
but this idiotic fat indian woman woke me up abruptly from my sweet nap!
she kicked my toe(s) real hard!
i literally ouch-ed straight into her face!
and she muttered sorry without even looking at me, and continued to squeeze her way towards the stairs!
i really wanted to shout "SORRY NO CURE" into her ears!
hello, this is the most insincere sorry that i have ever heard.
this is the only time that i truly feels what it mean by sorry no cure.
i am serious!
you can never imagine how painful my toe(s) were.
the toe(s) are spelt like that cause i can't figure out how many toes were actually hurt.
my toe(s) went numb initially,
for around half a bus stop.
then the pain started spreading from my middle toe onwards.
the pain was excruciating!
the pain lasted for about two bus stops!
then after that, the toe(s) felt better but when i alighted at the third bus stop,
it felt like a muscle cramp on my sole.
it feels as though i pulled a muscle on the bottom of my feet!
for half the journey of my walk home, i endured the cramp.
and the shittiest thing is why must she kick my poor right leg.
my right leg is already damn weak!
she seems to be like a big bully, and my right leg was a miserable victim.

in conclusion, today was a sucky thurs.
lets hoe that tomorrow will be a better day.
oh ya, i suddenly remember another event that can add on to my sucky thurs.
i am lazy now,
i shall blog about that some other day.

Monday, January 07, 2008

xmas reunion dinner at desmond's house (:

this is a super duper belated post.

tknp instructors had this xmas reunion party at desmond's house!
desmond and sarah cooked for us (:
yeah, and there was seriously a lot of food la!!

there were quite few people whom i don't know.
way too senior for me :P

we did those usual activities we did during chalet.
nice game!
yeah, and i didn't make the blocks fall at all!
i am damn pro can? steady hands!
and poor danial.. tsk tsk tsk.. lousy la..
during jenga, i suddenly felt that i was shining ultra brightly.
(i was sandwiched in between danial and someone la[my very very good friend])
so paiseh la. sorry to have disturbed your bickering cum sweet talking session.

haha! funny game. it was funny how we guessed certain things.
it was a guys against girls thing. (:
okie. the guys won la. sadly..
and i think my favorite one of the night is
"what is adidas' brother?"
haha. NIKE!
nice one. but i disagree. its supposed to be adidas enemy lo!
anyway, i sorta realised my talent in taboo!
haha. not that i can play it very well,
and not that i am playing it the right way also,
but at least people can guess what i was trying to convey (:

it was a starwars monopoly game that kelvyn bought for desmond as a xmas present!
haha. i didn't really played the game la.
the more senior ones were playing monpoly while the juniors played jenga.
(of course danial is an exception!)
just saw the board thingy, and i think its quite cool.
it was the game that i wanted to get for desmond's birthday.

but we didn't get to play twister.
no space i guess?
its a nice game to watch. but not to play though. (:
Zack (desmond's dog) is quite cute.
but i think he seems pretty unfriendly.
although Sarah says that it never bites,
i don't believe.
it was barking so loudly!
there is a trend in his barking though.
this poor little doggie waqs locked in the bathroom, behind the shower screen.
so whenever someone steps into the toilet, he will sit there quietly,
staring at you innocently.
however, once you wash your hands,
getting ready to leave the toilet,
he will start barking damn loudly!
he is like afraid of loneliness, and craves very much for attention.
then, when i was in the toilet, peeing,
he turned around, raised his leg and pee-ed.
i think he pees damn slowly la...haha..
when i am done, he was still not done.
he was finally done when i was about to finish washing my hands.
he turned around, saw me leaving, and start barking very loudly again!
omg la!
i hate his barks!
bad dear dear went to scare Zack!
so bad lo.. :P
and Zack suddenly leaped.
for a few moments later, he kept pretty quiet.
hehe (:
Zack has small guts la..
he is araid of heights also la!
but how do you know if your dog is afraid of heights in the first place?
oh ya, desmond has this really beautiful xmas tree.
it was a damn mini xmas tree,
with a very mini snoopy on it!
so cute la!
he refuses to give it to me.
i just want the snoopy, you can have the xmas tree.
and the best part is he only remember the tree in the every last minute.
like when everyone else was leaving his house!
i didn't even get to take a picture of the snoopy before i leave!
and i should have taken a picture of his room also!
his room was in a huge mess?
the passage way to his bed is like a tiny winny one person walkway.
and his room is very muich like an np room.
even the smell is the same!
interesting hor?
for those who wanna have a free of his room, visit np room.
heheh... but obviously, the gadgets in his room are alot cooler than np room!
and he has the guns that dear dear wants to buy!
haha! very beautifully displayed!
so now we know why np room has always been in this state! :P

Sunday, January 06, 2008

chinatown.but raining:(

finally found the place.
it will be much more beautiful on the 19th jan.
lightings will be up! (:

look at the gloomy sky. :(
crazy weather.
it was really bright and sunny when i left house.

it started pouring heavily.
haiz. didn't get to take much pictures though.
but managed to "shop" and explore the many interesting things in Chinatown.
a pretty nice place to visit.
good food too.
feng ji is yummy!
i love gyozas!!
and sour plum juice too.
that is my favourite combination whenever i go there.
shall go for the egg dessert next time, but i am not sure where it is YET.

one of the nicer few photos that i took.
less than ten photos actually.

i will go back there again.
soon i hope.

on a bright and sunny day.
i want to go to the tooth relic temple too.
since last year i had wanted to go.
this shall be my 2008 new year resolution,
-visit the tooth relic temple.

mission was unaccomplished that day,
with last than 10pictures taken,
it was really quite saddening.

however, shopping at vivo was great.
finally bought my new year skirt.
it is green.
and damn cheap. 17bucks only.
dear didn't go home empty handed also.
pretty nike sunglasses.
although i am biased against nike,
i think its damn nice (:

my snoopy new owner :)

my little snoopy has bid farewell to me.
little snoopy was separated from woodstock, moving on to somewhere else in the west.
i believe little snoopy will be very happy there with his new owner.

as leiqi ah yi has promised,
i am giving you this "big big" snoopy.
i know it isn't very BIG but it is BIGger than the one(kyoto snoopy) on my phone right?

snoopy waiting patiently for his new owner.

little snoopy is feeling bored.
camwhored with kyoto snoopy. (:

mabelle holding snoopy happily.
but snoopy doesn't look that happy huh?

yeah, that's better (:

she really dotes on snoopy,

always sharing her favourite fan with snoopy. (:

even holding her favourite fan just for snoopy.
(you may be thinking what's so great about that fan right?
the weather is damn hot and there is no electricity at my ah ma house.
and this fan is our only source of wind.
yet mabelle only shares it with little snoopy!
how nice..)

look snoopy is so HAPPY!!!
(i love this picture to the MAX!!!)


when you try to snatch snoopy from her...
hey you! ANGRY!

but when you return snoopy,

smile mabelle (:
(mabelle with yvonne and raymond.)

hiding from the camera.
camera shy?

that's better (:

i simply love her lots. (:
may you love snoopy lots too. (:

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

updates (:

have been pretty busy lately.
and probably also pretty lazy. haha.

had a seven sisters gathering at kesleen's house.
i will TRY my best to upload those pictures here.
but for the time being, the pictures are already uploaded here.
it was darn funny.
it was a gossiping session.
it was the everything-is-to-be-kept in this room night.
it was who-is-the-drunkard session.
it was a little unglam camwhore session.
it was an unforgettable night.
it was the night i can't bear to leave kes's house.
it was the chase-after-the-last train night.
it was that very night that we made our pact.
every last friday of the month.
not for boyfriend,
not for baby,
not for dear,
not for mary jane,
not for family,
not for darlings,
not for any other business,
not for anyone else,
and just for the one and only seven sisters.
may all of us keep to this pact (:
kudos to our friendship.
looking forward to the first on 18jan. (:

sheena's birthday!
but didn't get to celebrate for her.
she was already reserved by her friends.
instead, dawn, niff and i went for a mini dinner.
at breeks. (lousy service. i think i can serve myself better.)
fickle minded niff.
he was weird.
he wasn't himself.
or probably there are just certain things on his mind.
it feels really good when you know that your friend trusts you and confides in you.
it feels even better to know that there is always someone around no matter what happens.
things bound to happen this way.
two sides of the story, by two different parties.
whose side are you on?
even though i standing on my friend's side,
but at times i would rather not take sides.
it hurts when you see that the lovely impression you have of somebody was destroyed completely.
it sucks.
i don't know what will happen next.
and my stand remains.
let go or get her back.
easier said than done.
and can you believe that there are actually people who do not like the ambience in esplanade?
i swear i am not trying to sound too sarcastic here,
i am just stating a fact!

and!! i bought my little self winding music box at esplanade.
can't help falling in love. (:
i know what is my new year resolution for 2008.
collect all the four different tunes.
and niff, i will remember that you owe me one (:
hehe (:

dinner at bedok botak jones with dear (:
long long queue with a damn chit-chatty waiter.

yummy chicken cajun with cheese fries!
the portion was damn BIG!!!
(this picture was not taken on the day itself.)
and i really cant finish.
although i don't quite like those fat fries,
but i like the cheese on those fat fries.
those cheese that is damn fattening. :(
jogging session soon.
the walk to the bus stop isn't enough to digest all that goody food building up inside me.
and you know what?
i didn't take lunch that afternoon.
imagine if i had taken lunch?!
i can even forgo breakfast, lunch and dinner the next day!
no no, i cant forgo lunch.
it is an important lunch. (:

the important lunch that i am so looking forward to.
anticipation versus anxiousness.
i hope i did well.
i hope i left a good impression.
i hope the "examiner" likes me.
and i hope the "invigilator" loves me forever.
and thank you every much "invigilator",
for saying that i don't like veggies.
i like most veggies ok. you got it wrong!
overall, everything was ok.
rather good actually.
joan is happy! hehe (:
national treasure with my dearest "invigilator".
the show was damn exciting!
all the gadgets are cool.
i like it alot alot. (:
i am gonna watch national treasure 1 also!
esplanade at night.
roof terrace was closed again!
like everytime i go its close lo! hmph!
and i went to visit my music box again.
i still think that its damn beautiful.
but new melodies aren't here yet.
i shall be waiting patiently for them.

spring cleaning day!
boring and tiring man.
but now my room looks cleaner externally!
i stressed that its externally.
at night it was a clique gathering at botak jones again.
this time the serving was smaller.
and i had cajun chicken burger. (:

yummy right?
spicy fries weren't very nice.
cheese fries are a lot nicer!
hehe (:
and david gave me a shock!
his stupid ah beng golden hair is like so so ugly la!
i eeeeekkkkk-ed!
oh man.
and it feels like a soft toy?
weird feeling...
but too bad he has to shave it away soon.
too bad. haha.

that's all for my happy week. pictures will be up soon i hope.
i am lazy.
really lazy.