Monday, February 27, 2012

Pre-Valentine's day!

Hello to whoever still reading this neglected blog! Suddenly felt the urge to blog & upload photos in the midst of studying for tomorrow's Korean mini-test. Shall start with a date that happened three weeks ago (: 

Valentine's day, it wasn't the most fantastic day of February for both dearling and I.
I had lessons till 10pm, sitting through classmates' presentations. While dearling had a not-so-pleasant day at work.
Fortunately for us, we had the wonderful memories on the previous Saturday to fall back on, instead of self pitying and wallowing in sorrow. (:

Dearling decided to date me out for a soccer night, in the name of a Pre-Valentine's celebration! Naturally I agreed as, firstly, the venue was Paulaner Brauhaus, AND it was showing Man U vs Liverpool that night! (Becoming more of a Man U fan recently, still not overly crazy about soccer, but I don't mind watching it with company.)

Before leaving house,
Recently, dearling kept posing for pictures like that! Showing of his LOTD! And he claims to be imitating me!
No, I don't do that! And I realized that is TPL's style! -_- 

On our way to Promenade(: I'm loving circle line loads! Air-conditioned, feels clean & fresh, & best part of it all, there are seats!

Had a late brunch at Old Town White Coffee. Just some comfort food to fill our stomachs before the drinks, & a hot cuppa drink to curb that imminent running nose.
Nanyang Si coffee, with toast & Po Luo Bao! 
Headed over to the pub after shopping around in Suntec, 
Special Menu! 
The usual
We were early though, probably 3 hours before the match started.  
Happy us! (: We found a seat inside the pub! 
Ordered a 1.0 L Dark! WAHAHAHA (: recently we have been spamming 1 litres! so that you can drink it #likeaboss (: 

Spent our time catching up in life, sipping to the huge pint of beer, playing phone games, taking some crazy instagrams & hipstamatic! We bought all the available cameras, films and flashes in hipstamatic to try their effects! Pictures didn't try out that good as lighting in the pub was on the dimmer side, & I am one who refuse to use flash! Getting lazier & lazier to bring my G12 out, this is BAD! Yet, good at the same time, cos photos on the iPhone get a better chance of being uploaded! 
Few of the artsyfartsy pictures taken:

the reason I don't like flash!!
When the match was about to start, we ordered more food! (: Wurst & fries, and another pint! (I wonder where are the pictures of the food? Might be in dearling's Phone) Finally, match ended with Man U winning (: YAY! :D Dearling wanted to catch a movie after that, but when the "handsome" singers starts to sing, I couldn't bear to leave! Also, there wasn't a movie we really wanted to catch, so we stayed behind in the bar(: till it was close to 11, when I could no longer take that leaking nose of mine, we headed for home. Had a good sleep on the train. Could it be due to circle line trains or those comfy shoulder I was lying on! heheh   Will be updating this space more often, to keep memories intact, before losing them to old age.