Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Our travel plans w the girls (:

Me super lazy to blog! But I h e tweeter about it! So screenshot the tweet and consider that blogging (: haha!
Lazy me, Ikr… :P

Monday, March 12, 2012

another beautiful Sunday to end the perfect week (:

It was another Sunday. A typical Sunday which now known as is brother's book in day. 

This Sunday was made better with the kids coming over to my place for dinner! (: 
Cutie boy dirtied his shirt and his mummy did not bring extra set of clothes, thus the quirky looking outfit!  HAHA. He tried out brother's white singlet top too, and he looks angelic in it! No pictures of that though!      
in my shirt
with a matching carrot! bright light source emanating the warmness of the flash from dearling's D5100.
As that red t-shirt is a "no fear" shirt, he kept saying, "Angry eyes!" with the Grrrr look, and hands on his hips! CUTE MAX (: 

I have this picture collages "wall" in my room with all the different people in my life, and Malcolm went over looking at all the pictures, pointing out people that he knew, and he asked, "Malcolm leh?" Ooops! *guilty* haven't had the time to compile up his photos! I think it is time I do so! (only after writing my thesis!)

Yesterday, he was in the photo taking mood! Posing for many pictures and checking himself out in those pictures. 

Another photos are with dearling in his new camera, the Nikon D5100!(: Okies, just to side track a little, I am really not a Nikon advocate. I feel that Nikon's interface is not very user friendly, and hard to manipulate with. (Disclaimer: I have always been a Sony and Canon user. So I guess I am more used to Sony and Canon's interfaces. Just like how I am not used to Windows, cos I have been using mostly Mac the past 4 years.) However, after playing with his D5100 yesterday, I feel that his Nikon camera is indeed a good buy! All that useful, and more importantly PRETTY MAX free gifts! totally love it! & I am secretly smirking when he told me the genuine reason why he want to purchase a new camera. In my, GRINS BIG BIG! heheh. looking forward to our photo dates in future! (: This is indeed the perfect timing as my Sony A33's eye cap is back in place too! (: I love how things things fall into place nicely, with perfect timings & I whisper my little prayers of gratitude. Thank you the universe for making all the wonderful things happen. 
*end of side tracking* (kinda long I know :P)    

For dinner, Mummy and cousin also whipped up a great feast! Japanese Mutton curry, baked fish with the fake happycall, Muar otah, egg & winter melon soup! The thought of all these yummylicious food is making me hungry now! Initially, I planned to eat less of the mutton curry so that I can save some for lunch today, but it is too hard to resist eating it non-stop! gosh! If only I can have dinner cooked by mummy daily!!

In future, I am gonna make it a point to cook more! & dearling wants to cook with me too! But let me be the head chef, while you be the junior chef eh? :P  

Monday, February 27, 2012

Pre-Valentine's day!

Hello to whoever still reading this neglected blog! Suddenly felt the urge to blog & upload photos in the midst of studying for tomorrow's Korean mini-test. Shall start with a date that happened three weeks ago (: 

Valentine's day, it wasn't the most fantastic day of February for both dearling and I.
I had lessons till 10pm, sitting through classmates' presentations. While dearling had a not-so-pleasant day at work.
Fortunately for us, we had the wonderful memories on the previous Saturday to fall back on, instead of self pitying and wallowing in sorrow. (:

Dearling decided to date me out for a soccer night, in the name of a Pre-Valentine's celebration! Naturally I agreed as, firstly, the venue was Paulaner Brauhaus, AND it was showing Man U vs Liverpool that night! (Becoming more of a Man U fan recently, still not overly crazy about soccer, but I don't mind watching it with company.)

Before leaving house,
Recently, dearling kept posing for pictures like that! Showing of his LOTD! And he claims to be imitating me!
No, I don't do that! And I realized that is TPL's style! -_- 

On our way to Promenade(: I'm loving circle line loads! Air-conditioned, feels clean & fresh, & best part of it all, there are seats!

Had a late brunch at Old Town White Coffee. Just some comfort food to fill our stomachs before the drinks, & a hot cuppa drink to curb that imminent running nose.
Nanyang Si coffee, with toast & Po Luo Bao! 
Headed over to the pub after shopping around in Suntec, 
Special Menu! 
The usual
We were early though, probably 3 hours before the match started.  
Happy us! (: We found a seat inside the pub! 
Ordered a 1.0 L Dark! WAHAHAHA (: recently we have been spamming 1 litres! so that you can drink it #likeaboss (: 

Spent our time catching up in life, sipping to the huge pint of beer, playing phone games, taking some crazy instagrams & hipstamatic! We bought all the available cameras, films and flashes in hipstamatic to try their effects! Pictures didn't try out that good as lighting in the pub was on the dimmer side, & I am one who refuse to use flash! Getting lazier & lazier to bring my G12 out, this is BAD! Yet, good at the same time, cos photos on the iPhone get a better chance of being uploaded! 
Few of the artsyfartsy pictures taken:

the reason I don't like flash!!
When the match was about to start, we ordered more food! (: Wurst & fries, and another pint! (I wonder where are the pictures of the food? Might be in dearling's Phone) Finally, match ended with Man U winning (: YAY! :D Dearling wanted to catch a movie after that, but when the "handsome" singers starts to sing, I couldn't bear to leave! Also, there wasn't a movie we really wanted to catch, so we stayed behind in the bar(: till it was close to 11, when I could no longer take that leaking nose of mine, we headed for home. Had a good sleep on the train. Could it be due to circle line trains or those comfy shoulder I was lying on! heheh   Will be updating this space more often, to keep memories intact, before losing them to old age.